2023-01-24|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 6 分鐘


    2011/8/19 Wheelers Meeting Note - the 500th meeting
    Dear Wheelers fellow members and guests,
    Tonight, we have accomplished a great mile stone in Wheelers. The 500th meeting, a astonished achievement take more than 20 years.
    If you are there tonight, you will be amazing how officers team came out with such a interesting and surprised ideas. Therefore, I specially thank for our club consultant Cory to give us good idea to cerebrate the 500th meetings. Of course, the officers team holds 4 meetings in just two weeks to prepare it. Everyone are willing to contribute his and her best effort.
    EVP Ting ting suggest us to think " Out of Box", try to transform it into a whole new meeting content.
    PRVP Yuying - What a smart idea from a word master!! A simple spelling competition divide members and guests into group and even stick it to a team prepared speeches which we never seem before.
    MVP Tzong - No doubt, your brilliant performance bring us not only a smooth meeting but also a truly international
    and high tech combination.
    Ausra - see...now you know how much we love you and miss you. Thanks for your on line Table Topic Master. You did a wonderful job.
    David and Andy, we appreciate for your attending preparatory meeting. Your ideas have came true, what a pity that you can't come today.
    If you guys love today's cocktail, fruits and cookies . Please give our Treasure Marvin a big applause.
    Solomon & Jonny, we know you are busy and not able to join us in time, but we thanks for your dumplings and cheese cake. They are really testy.
    Michael, thanks for your bring us such good atmosphere music. Vitinna, thanks for your support and interesting warm up. A-Yo, the No.1 photographer in toastmasters club for sure.
    Another thanks to our long time no see friends - Fiona / Vence / Yo-lin / Olive. Area Governor - Emma / District Governor - Philip (although you are very late here). Other club president - TATC Game / AUTC Ivy. VIP Guests - Sharon / Bruce / Gall / Andy / Benson / Elyse .
    Beyond the 500th meeting, what we look forward?
    Tonight, it's not only a memorial date to celebrate 500th. More over we had a demonstrational and experimental meeting. We research the edge of Wheelers, we learn how team work can help our club move forward.
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