It is all about the process

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The best part of looking for something that I have always wanted, at least to me, is not the moment of having that piece object in my hand finally, but the process of pursuing.
Starting like 6 or 7 years ago, I had my mind on getting a JLC Master Compressor Memovox watch, especially a one with the steel bracelet. JLC is known for its Memovox line and having it with the Master Compressor crowns and probably one the bests steel bracelet within all the watch brands was the thing for me. I searched high and low and finally found one on Chrono24 with a pretty reasonable price. On top of that, the seller is located in Fuji, Japan, a city which I had never been to. Before the pandemic, I had to be in Tokyo every 6-8 weeks for business, so I thought this would be a good buy since I could pick up the watch myself to save postage and import taxes. After exchanging messages, which was kind tough to do since the guy was not very good with English, with the store owner for a few days, we finally figured things out for the deal.
Fuji was pretty far from Tokyo, it was like a two hour bullet train ride for as long as I can remember. Because I could not speak Japanese at all, in order for the transaction to happen smoothly, I had to bring my Japaense speaking staff on the trip with me. Two bullet train tickects aren't cheap, but that was the price I had to pay and I could not care less since I knew I was so close to a piece of nice what that I was looking for.
It was cold yet sunny day in early Spring. I remember I was very excitied and talked none-stop to my staff on how I liked the watch very much and why I liked it. Now thinking back, I am pretty sure my staff probably was very bored and was replying to me nicely since he was just trying to be polite.
We arrived at the Fuji station around noon and when I walked out, it was like in the middle of nowhere. Don't get my wrong, the station itself was very beautiful and spacious, but I could see they just built the station over in that location probably becasue the masssive open and cheap land. We walked out, hopped on a taxi and asked the driver to take us to the watch shop. On the way there, the sceneries I saw from the taxi window were completely different than the ones I saw in Tokyo. Tokyo is city, if you don't know already, where has tons of people walking on the streets constantly with all these high rise buidlings and shops. Fuji is more like a midwestern US town that I am very familiar to, massive of flat land and most of the constuctions are only like 2 or 3 storeis high.
After like 15 minutes tax ride, we finally got there. To my surprise, the shop was in the middle of a residencial area and it was not a watch shop, but a very old antique store fully of different things, China, old stamps and different status. We walked into the place and my staff starting to told the store owner, who probably was in his 40s, we were there to buy the watch. The owner then turned his back to this huge safe, probably as tall as I am, and pulled out a old JLC box. He opened the box, took the watch out and handed it to me. The was the first time I saw the Master Compressor Memovox in person and I was just speeachless. By the time I had it in my hand, the watch had been out of production for I don't know how many years but the piece was in very good condition for its age. There was no scraches and dins fro the naked eyes and the famous JLC steel bracelet was just so beautiful. The only issue was, when I tried it on, the bracelet was too short to fit my wrist. I wiggled with it for a few seconds and figured out the way to extend the diver extenions on the bracelet. I now could wear it. I tried to negociate the price with the own and even asked for a tax refund, but the owner shut down my request with a polite smile. I was like "fine, I came this far for the piece and I am not going back to Tokyo empty handed". I paid with my creidt card and the watch is mine now.
Before we left the store, I asked my staff to ask the owner to see if there was a bus we could take back to the Fuji station since the taxi ride over was kind expensive. The owner gave my staff the direction and we walked thru the back alley of that area and found our way to the bus station. The station looks like it comes out of a movie or some sort of TV drama from the 70s. It was very small and old. We got to the bus station at the right time and was able to catch the ride back to the station right away for a small price.
Once we were back in the station, we still had about 90 minutes wait until our return bullet train to Tokyo. I and my staff went into this little cafe in the station for a quick bite and killed times. Of course, I took my watch out for the box and started to tell my staff again all the histor behind the JLC brand and also the Memovox line. I was so excited having the watch finally with me and I am sure my staff only nodding his head and replying to me again because he just wanted to be polite.
For the next few days in Tokyo, I did not wear the watch at all, but I took it out the box and looked and played with it over and over in my hotel room whenever I had time. I was so overjoyed for a chance to own a watch that I have always wanted, yet the whole process of finding and getting it was so unqiue and memorable. Even with this many years later, I still remember the whole process of how I got it and all the little details in between. The watch itself, for most of the people, especially the Master Compressor line, is a funky one that no one would care. However, for me, even after owning some pieces that are considered by manys to be the "valuable" ones, it is the still one of my favorite, if not the favorite, ones that I would keep it forever.
It is all about the process. Ain't?
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/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
我決定要買琴了,這個決定比我預期早了許多一年。 其實報名時我並沒有想太多,心態輕鬆到有點像「晚上吃麥當勞好了」卻完全沒想要點什麼餐,只是個空泛且有點且戰且走的決定。 直到繳費當下才開始冒出「我沒有三味線」、「這東西去哪裡買」之類問題。 「三味線級距差有點多……有人會先買一把入門琴,但也有人會先
今天去LaLaport逛,看上一款包,需要的價錢大約新台幣七千八,全程日本製造,這個價錢,應該對得起這個品牌,話說稱之日本背包之王:Master-Piece (簡稱MSPC) 然後問我有沒有馬上買?答案是沒有。畢竟價錢不可愛,也不急著想要入手,所以先暫時放在購買清單內,也許年底會購入當個獎賞自己的
某天突然覺得要戴手錶時要打開它們的紙盒拿很麻煩。尤其我特別偏好某個品牌的手錶,所以盒子外觀都長一樣,放在抽屣裡,我還真猜不出誰是誰? 然後,我就找到了這個! 收到時著實讓我驚艷,不論是木盒本身,還是裡面的絨布隔層,甚至是五金,都讓我覺得它值得這個價!太值了! 開心到讓我立刻拿去某人面前獻寶,結果他
懷着對日本對美好想像,終於去了日本。總體來說是不錯,有好有不好。 初到日本,剛下機的第一晚就開始了對我耐心的考驗⋯⋯因為飛機晚點抵達成田機場,到達時已經八點多。當時工作人員估計有不少已經下班,所以等待入境的時間十分長,我們至少用了一個小時才排到辦理手續。倒是省了等行李的時間,因為入境之後,轉盤上就
07/31/2014 戴了好多年的登山錶 想買隻一般休閒用的手錶 不想隨便買,至少要實用些。 老婆也幫忙上網找了好幾天。 喜歡的價格太高。 低價的又看不上眼。   最後,我總算在家網路錶店找到一隻外型價格都可接受的手錶。 利用週末帶孩子上作文的機會,花了5600買了這隻錶。 老閱
手錶作為身份的象徵,如今仍是人們取得自豪感的方式之一。無論是傳統的機械錶還是數位手錶,都能帶給人們自豪感。此外,外觀設計也成為截取自豪感的一個重要途徑,大錶面和複雜的設計成為時尚潮流。有些事物能夠帶動潮流,例如Casio F-91W就是因為一張照片而席捲了數月的風潮。
/ 大家現在出門買東西還會帶錢包嗎 鴨鴨發現自己好像快一個禮拜沒帶錢包出門 還是可以天天買滿買好回家(? 因此為了記錄手機消費跟各種紅利優惠 鴨鴨都會特別注意銀行的App好不好用! 像是介面設計就是會很在意的地方 很多銀行通常會為了要滿足不同客群 會推出很多App讓使用者下載 每次
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
我決定要買琴了,這個決定比我預期早了許多一年。 其實報名時我並沒有想太多,心態輕鬆到有點像「晚上吃麥當勞好了」卻完全沒想要點什麼餐,只是個空泛且有點且戰且走的決定。 直到繳費當下才開始冒出「我沒有三味線」、「這東西去哪裡買」之類問題。 「三味線級距差有點多……有人會先買一把入門琴,但也有人會先
今天去LaLaport逛,看上一款包,需要的價錢大約新台幣七千八,全程日本製造,這個價錢,應該對得起這個品牌,話說稱之日本背包之王:Master-Piece (簡稱MSPC) 然後問我有沒有馬上買?答案是沒有。畢竟價錢不可愛,也不急著想要入手,所以先暫時放在購買清單內,也許年底會購入當個獎賞自己的
某天突然覺得要戴手錶時要打開它們的紙盒拿很麻煩。尤其我特別偏好某個品牌的手錶,所以盒子外觀都長一樣,放在抽屣裡,我還真猜不出誰是誰? 然後,我就找到了這個! 收到時著實讓我驚艷,不論是木盒本身,還是裡面的絨布隔層,甚至是五金,都讓我覺得它值得這個價!太值了! 開心到讓我立刻拿去某人面前獻寶,結果他
懷着對日本對美好想像,終於去了日本。總體來說是不錯,有好有不好。 初到日本,剛下機的第一晚就開始了對我耐心的考驗⋯⋯因為飛機晚點抵達成田機場,到達時已經八點多。當時工作人員估計有不少已經下班,所以等待入境的時間十分長,我們至少用了一個小時才排到辦理手續。倒是省了等行李的時間,因為入境之後,轉盤上就
07/31/2014 戴了好多年的登山錶 想買隻一般休閒用的手錶 不想隨便買,至少要實用些。 老婆也幫忙上網找了好幾天。 喜歡的價格太高。 低價的又看不上眼。   最後,我總算在家網路錶店找到一隻外型價格都可接受的手錶。 利用週末帶孩子上作文的機會,花了5600買了這隻錶。 老閱
手錶作為身份的象徵,如今仍是人們取得自豪感的方式之一。無論是傳統的機械錶還是數位手錶,都能帶給人們自豪感。此外,外觀設計也成為截取自豪感的一個重要途徑,大錶面和複雜的設計成為時尚潮流。有些事物能夠帶動潮流,例如Casio F-91W就是因為一張照片而席捲了數月的風潮。