2023-05-01|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘

中國新任駐日鷹大使 上任首場記者會警告日本 日本記者俱樂部 20230428

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Wu Jiang-hao, the new Chinese Ambassador to Japan, warned Japan in his first press conference at the Japan National Press Club, saying that if Japan is tied to the chariot that divides China, the Japanese people will be led to the fire pit. He also stated that "the Taiwan issue is at the core of China's core interests, concerns the foundation of Sino-Japanese relations, and is an insurmountable red line." He added that "the idea that something happening in Taiwan means something in Japan is absurd and dangerous," and warned that "the evidence of Japanese citizens suspected of spying in China tends to be conclusive, and China will deal with it seriously."
These hawkish statements, which could potentially harm the long-standing friendship between China and Japan, should not be coming from the mouth of a diplomat. Considering that this is the third time Chinese diplomats have made such provocative statements in a short period of time we have reason to believe that they were instructed to do so by the top Chinese leadership, and we may see more of these statements in the near future. What is concerning is what these repeated moves signify.
日本防台灣有事 中國外交官稱說法荒謬危險 中央社 20230429
另據日媒報導,這名50多歲男子是日本安斯泰來製藥(Astellas Pharma)在中國分公司的幹部。日前在結束外派準備返國前被捕。
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