2023-07-06|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 12 分鐘


例如:當華人閱讀附圖中截取於美國https://www.bloomberg.com/economics《彭博社》網站,有關美國聯準會(US Federal Reserve)是否升息抑制通膨的新聞英文時,中(高)階英文自學者可以試著做以下時事生字學習筆記,強化自己高階英文閱讀理解及歐美高等教育學術寫作的表達力。
文章出處:Bloomberg Newletter 網站
文章出處:Bloomberg Newletter 網站
① US Federal Reserve System (美國聯邦準備系統,英文縮寫為FRS,簡稱為(美國)聯準會或Fed)
Just like the Bank of England in the United Kingdom and the Bank of Japan in Japan, the US Federal Reserve is responsible for managing the nation's monetary policy and safeguarding the stability of the economy. (如同英國的英格蘭銀行及日本的日本央行,美國聯準會負責管理國家貨幣政策及捍衛經濟穩定面。)
② strike struck stricken v. 達成,制定(協議)
After long negotiations, the proprietor and the buyer were finally able to strike an agreement that satisfied their interests. (在經過長時間的談判後,業者與買家終於成功達成一項協議,滿足雙方的利益。)
③ commit committed committed v. 表態;決定;承諾,保證;(使)忠於;(使)致力於;投入(時間或金錢)
Once the proprietor has committed to the course of legal action, there is no going back. (一旦業者決定採取法律行徑,就沒有回頭路。)
④ hike hiked hiked v.【美】【口】(急劇地)提高(銀行利息)
hike n. 【美】【口】(物價、利息)上漲
Since the Ukraine-Russia war broke out, the distributors have hiked prices of daily commodities. (自從烏俄戰爭爆發,零售商提高日常物品的價格們。)
The central bank announced a hike in the interest rates. (央行宣布調漲銀行利息。)
⑤ stubborn adj. 難改變的;難處理的,難對付的
You may try a small amount of detergent to remove stubborn stains. (你可以試著用少量清潔劑,去除頑強的污漬。)
Addressing a stubborn international issue requires a collaborative approach and a willingness to adopt alternative perspectives and solutions. (解決難處理的國際問題需要採取合作的方式,並且願意採納另類的觀點和替代解決方案。)
⑥ the minutes n.議事錄,會議紀錄
The administrative assistant is in charge of taking the minutes. (行政助理負責做會議紀錄。)
The minutes of the meeting comprise all the discussions and decisions during the session, providing a written record for future reference. (會議記錄包括會議期間的所有討論和決策行動,為日後查閱提供一份書面的記錄。)
⑦ deem deemed deemed v.認為,視為;覺得
An altruist offers a helping hand whenever he or she deems it appropriate. (只要利他主義者認為合適,無論何時他(她)會伸出援手。)
⑧ appropriate adj.適當的,恰當的;合適的
Whenever I go hiking, I always wear appropriate footwear. 每當我去健行時,我總是穿合適的鞋。
⑨ given (the fact) that conj.考慮到,鑒於
Given (the fact) that the weather forecasts a downpour, you had better bring a durable umbrella with you. (鑒於天氣預報傾盆大雨,你最好帶一把耐用的雨傘。)
⑩ unanimous adj.(聯準會)意見一致的;(董事會決定)一致通過的,獲得全體(最高法院大法官們)支援的
All the trustees reached a unanimous decision; namely, the members of the board agreed wholeheartedly on the proposed course of action. (所有校董事們達成一致的決議;換言之,理事會所有理事們完全同意提議的行動方案。)
⑪ divergence n.分歧;背離;分離;相異
There is a divergence of perspectives when it comes to abolishing the death sentence. (一談到廢除死刑,就有各式各樣截然不同的觀點們。)
⑫ reluctance n.不情願;勉強
Despite his initial reluctance, the chief executive officer finally assented to merge with our corporation, recognizing the potential for expanding the international market share. (儘管一開始不情願,首席執行長最終同意與我們合併,當他意識到擴大國際市佔率的潛力。)
⑬ cite v.舉例,引證;引用,引述
The researcher cited a 20 percent decline in newborn babies as evidence that the overall population is aging. (研究人員舉出新生兒減少20%這一事實,以此來證明總人口在老化中。)
⑭ core inflation n.phr.核心通貨膨脹
Since core inflation excludes such volatile factors as food and energy prices, it provides the central bank an insight into the trend of price changes in the economy. (因為核心通貨膨脹排除像食品和能源價格波動因素們,核心通貨膨脹提供中央銀行洞察經濟中價格變動的趨勢。)
⑮ bulge v. & n.(暫時的)激增;(突然)上漲
The demand for the electric vehicles has bulged since it received positive reviews and widespread news coverage. (自從獲得正面評價和廣泛新聞報導,電動汽車的需求激增。)
⑯ takeway n.從…中了解到的主要資訊
At the end of the presentation, the sales representative gave us the takeaway points. (在報告結束時,業務人員給我們總結要點。)
The takeaway from the press conference was that the defendant pleaded not guilty to domestic violence.(這場記者會的主要資訊是被告不承認家暴。)
美國聯準會官員在六月似乎達成了一項無說服力的協議,暫停升息,但卻幾乎肯定將在七月份晚些時候再度提升利率,以應對棘手的通貨膨脹問題。聯邦儲備系統六月13日至14日會議的紀錄顯示,幾乎所有官員認為六月份保持銀行利息不變是“適當或可接受的”,但其中某些人本來支持四分之一百分點的加息。Stifel Nicolaus & Co.的首席經濟學家林賽·皮格薩表示:「鑑於聯邦儲備系統官員將決定描述為一致意見,這有點令人意外。」皮格薩表示:「官員之間意見存在分歧,有些官員明顯表示對於暫停一個月持有一些不情願。」根據紀錄,支持六月加息的官員指出繃緊的勞動市場,以及通膨未明顯減緩達成他們原本預定百分之二的目標。有些決策者表達擔憂,在過去六個月內核心通膨幾乎沒有太大變化。儘管聯邦儲備系統官員意見分歧,但可以肯定的是更多加息將到來。以下是市場總結。
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