更新於 2023/07/14閱讀時間約 3 分鐘

脫勾 vs. 去風險

    【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
    Decoupling could be a long-term strategic goal, as well as a sentiment of re-bouncing due to being subject to extortion by the rivals.
    However, not wanting to be extorted does not necessarily be decoupling only.
    Choosing important, not all, elements to decouple is equivalent to de-risking, which is a reasonable and feasible approach (means).
    Therefore, de-risking and decoupling share the same direction.
    However, the extent and severity of action differ.  De-risking can be seen as a medium-term action to be free from extortion.
    If one believes that de-risking is not the right approach, then it is necessary to answer the following questions:
    • Is being subject to extortion by systematic rivals acceptable?
    • What should be done when facing extortion?
    In the United States, the concept is referred to as "supply chain," encompassing the descriptions and practices such as resilience, cleanliness, strength, and reorganization.

    • 受到系統性競爭對手的勒索是否可以接受?
    • 面對勒索時應該怎麼做?

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