2023-08-20|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 0 分鐘






    1. 如果拿的都是調和威士忌,禮炮、走路,那是比較商務應酬型的場合,如果沒打算搶風頭,帶隻藍牌夠了。

    2. 如果是百富16/21,麥18的場合,認真喝威士忌的時間不長,但對威士忌有一定的興趣喜好,可以帶支哥尼25或者多納21,應該能搭上話題。

    3. 如果看到了拉加12/16,或者Ardbeg ten,這團已經有點認真在欣賞威士忌了,找支早期的阿貝烏嘎爹,應該能喚起共鳴,也不會太出格。

    4. 遇到百富30/40,麥卡倫30怎麼辦? 搞隻百富1401/1858來對付,太貴? 那就兩手空空,默默的喝,不時發出驚嘆的讚美。有錢的主期待的是別人的欣賞,不是想喝什麼,也是個方法。


    明天要帶隻25年的Caol ila 單桶去聚餐,Serge 90,9000元上下,猜猜堂主會遇到什麼有趣的對手?

    Caol Ila 25 yo 1997/2022 (60.5%, Cordon & MacPhail, Connoisseurs Choice, LMDW, Antipodes, first fill sherry butt, cask #12498, 529 bottles) 
    Let's say that we expect a certain power here, even though the colour is quite light for a first-fill sherry. Let's see... Colour: pale gold. Nose: it's not the sherry that dominates first, it's rather small minty herbs that then lead to green walnuts, which in turn lead to superb medicinal touches, cough syrup, camphor, eucalyptus, essential oils for inhalations... With water: oh yes, you could do inhalations with this baby. It's already an old Caol Ila, in the best sense of the term, but it hasn't given up an inch in terms of freshness. Some notes of bresaola and minty English sauce. Palate (neat): masterful, already evolved indeed (in the right sense), with lots of candied citron, small aromatic herbs, green bananas, and grapefruit. The peat remains powerful and the walnuts accompany it all. With water: fantastic citrus of all kinds, accompanied by fresh mint, seawater, oysters, and green walnuts. Finish: salt arrives majestically, reminding us that Caol Ila is a coastal distillery. The greatest one, isn't it? Smoked almonds and lapsang souchong in the aftertaste. Comments: there's not much to add, except that one wonders if 1997 wasn't a magical vintage throughout the Isle of Islay, what do you think? Nothing to do with those big, slightly suffocating first-fill sherries.
    SGP: 656 - 90 points.

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