【親子共讀】Bird Daisy-繪本合輯

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  • 整體 評 分:★★★☆☆
  • 實用性評分:★★★☆☆
  • 回看率評分:★★★☆☆
  • 成人講解等級:★★★☆☆
  • 適讀年齡:
    1.Whose Poo:3 ~ 7 years
    2.Pigology: The Ultimate Encyclopedia:6 ~ 10 years
    3.The Big Bang and Other Farts:4 ~ 8 years
  • 語言:英文
  • 注音:是○ 否●
Bird Daisy-繪本合輯

Bird Daisy-繪本合輯


  • 作者(Author):
    1.Bird Daisy
    2.Camilla Pintonato
  • 繪者(Illustrator):Marianna Coppo
  • 出版日期:
    1.Whose Poo:2021/05/04(外文)
    2.Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia:2021/11/02(外文)
    3.The Big Bang and Other Farts:2023/08/22(外文)
  • 商品規格:
    1.Whose Poo
    外文:48頁 / 8.69 x 0.43 x 10.27 inches / 出版社:Tundra Books
    2.Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia
    外文:76頁 / 8.6 x 0.6 x 11.5 inches / 出版社:Princeton Architectural Press
    3.The Big Bang and Other Farts
    外文:48頁 / 8.75 x 0.43 x 10.31 inches / 出版社:Tundra Books
  • ISBN
    1.Whose Poo:9780735267992(外文)
    2.Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia:9781616899899(外文)
    3.The Big Bang and Other Farts:9780735268012(外文)
  • 出版者:Tundra Books、Princeton Architectural Press


  1. Whose Poo
  2. Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)
  3. The Big Bang and Other Farts



1.Bird Daisy

DAISY BIRD is the pseudonym for Jacky Colliss Harvey, the New York Times bestselling author of Red: A History of the Redhead, My Life As A Redhead: A Journal, The Animal’s Companion and Walking Pepys’s London. She studied English at Cambridge University and art history at the Courtauld Institute. She has worked in museum publishing and is a commentator and reviewer who speaks on the arts and their relation to popular culture. She divides her time between London and New York.

  • 書籍繪本:Whose Poo;Pigology(The Ultimate Encyclopedia);The Big Bang and Other Farts

2.Camilla Pintonato

Camilla Pintonato is an author, illustrator, and graphic designer based in Venice, Italy. She studied illustration at Mimaster in Milan and completed her master's degree in editorial design at ISIA in Urbino. Some of her favorite things in no particular order are books, her cat Rosmarino, and making footprints in the snow. Pintonato is the illustrator of Chickenology and the forthcoming Pigology.


Marianna Coppo

MARIANNA COPPO is an author and illustrator who studied editorial illustration at MiMaster in Milan and now focuses on freelance illustration. Her debut picture book, Petra, received starred reviews from KirkusPublishers Weekly and Booklist, and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal. She is also the creator of RayA Very Late Story, Such a Good Boy and, with author Daisy Bird, Whose Poo?. Her most recent book is Thingamabob.

  • 書籍繪本:Whose Poo;The Big Bang and Other Farts


1.Whose Poo

Bird Daisy-Whose Poo

Bird Daisy-Whose Poo






For fans of Everyone Poops, a hilariously fresh take on POO! A trip to the zoo turns into a very silly discussion about poo, as two siblings wonder what sort of poo each and every creature would do.

One day, Daddy Rat announces to his baby rats that he'll be taking them to the zoo . . . but only if they're good, which means no talking about poo! And yet, before the family can even leave the house, the two rascally siblings can't help but wonder . . . what sort of poo would an astronaut do?

Shiny, silver, space-age poo! Rocket-powered, weightless poo, and it spins round and round like a planet does, too!Head chefs, balloon sellers, blue whales . . . everyone and everything must have a unique poo, and the siblings simply have to stop and imagine each and every one (much to the chagrin of Daddy Rat, who is getting increasingly irritated with all the poo talk).

Once the rats finally reach the zoo, things escalate, because of course each and every animal in the zoo must do a special kind of poo! Finally, Daddy Rat has simply had enough, and is forced to sit down and explain the facts to his curious kids. And when he thinks he may have gotten through to his youngsters, he encounters a surprising (and smelly) twist

2.Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)

Bird Daisy-Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)

Bird Daisy-Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)


Welcome to the wonderful world of pigs! Pigology is filled with incredible pig facts told in a playful tone by Daisy Bird, with irresistibly charming illustrations by rising star Camilla Pintonato.

Pigs are full of unexpected surprises. Did you know that when a pig is happy, it will uncoil its curly tail and wag it just like a dog? Or that feral hogs can detect odors from seven miles away? Pigology/i> delves into the history of pigs, pig breeds around the world, famous pigs, pigs in culture, and so much more, with engaging scenes from illustrator Camilla Pintonato. This lively visual encyclopedia, a follow-up to Chickenology, offers something to discover for everyone young and old: nature- and animal-loving young readers, pig enthusiasts, pig farmers, and pet pig owners alike!

3.The Big Bang and Other Farts

Bird Daisy-The Big Bang and Other Farts

Bird Daisy-The Big Bang and Other Farts



For fans of No One Likes a Fart, a hilariously fresh take on gas! A serious documentary turns into a very silly exploration of why important historical events happened the way they did . . . and the answer is always a fart!

One day, Daddy Rat sits his baby rats down to watch a very serious documentary about some of the most important moments in history. Sounds boring, right? However, the babies are delighted and surprised when the documentary shows that the reason for life in the universe isn’t the Big Bang but . . . the Big Fart! It turns out, every single major historical event was caused by, you guessed it — a fart! The extinction of the dinosaurs, the end of the Ice Age . . . even the secret behind the Mona Lisa’s smile can all be traced to the passing of gas. For Daddy Rat, these smelly revelations are simply too much. But for the baby rats (and for young readers everywhere), this is the best show ever!


Bird Daisy繪製一本有關於排泄物(大便)的風趣繪本,"Whose Poo"故事內容是老鼠將大便的想像力發揮發揮到極致,像是看到穿著粉紅蝴蝶結的女士,想像一個粉紅大便加上蝴蝶結的樣貌,如果餐廳要出餐大便,那大便裝盤的樣式要如何呈現,如果大便可以變裝,動物們變成大便的樣式是要該如何呈現(EX:刺蝟形式的大便=全身是刺的大便;豹形式的大便=豹紋的大便),讓繪本看了可以會心一笑的放鬆觀看

而"The Big Bang and Other Farts"是"Whose Poo"的延伸繪本,但主體內容變更為"放屁",書本主角的腳色一樣是老鼠,藉由觀看一部紀錄片(講述歷史上最重要的時刻),將每個最重要的時刻貼上"放屁"的標籤,讓原本要講解的內容與畫面,通通都被放屁走偏話題,如果說恐龍滅絕,冰河時期結束還可以免強通過,但是蒙娜麗莎微笑背後的秘密和牛頓的蘋果萬有引力也貼上,讓內容爆笑的程度更往上一層

"Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)"此繪本就不是上面兩本繪本延伸,是一本專門對於豬有詳細介紹的繪本,像是豬的品種、毛髮顏色、體型大小、照顧養護、氣味分辨、體內體外器官、風俗民情(中國12生肖),世界各地可以做成的料理(每一個國家的香腸都不一樣),可以做成的商品(鞋子、刷子、膠片..),內容是非常相當豐富,堪稱豬的百科全書也不為過



  • Tundra Books
  • Princeton Architectural Press


  1. Whose Poo?
  2. Pigology:The Ultimate Encyclopedia (The Farm Animal Series)
    外文網址:AmazonPrinceton Architectural Press
  3. The Big Bang and Other Farts
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童書,小魯文化、白泉社、偕成社,適合3~8歲以上,是岩井俊雄的一百層樓系列與指尖遊歷繪本,整體評分:★★★★☆ 1.跟著小指尖去遊歷;2.天空100層樓的家;3.100層樓的家;4.地下100層樓的家;5.海底100層樓的家; 6.森林100層樓的家;7.沼澤100層樓的家
童書,禾流文創、幼福,適合3~8歲以上,是七色王國的益智遊戲書繪本系列,整體評分:★★★☆☆ 1.團圓禮物;2.人體知識立體書(免疫軍團大作戰);3.新傳說十二生肖;4.歡樂過新年;5.我們的二十四節氣【春耘、夏耘、秋收、冬藏】
童書,小文房,適合0~3歲以上,是姜子安的小狐狸繪本系列,整體評分:★★★☆☆ 1小狐狸逛雜貨店;2.小狐狸出門去;3.小狐狸的龍眼乾
童書,采實文化,適合3~6歲以上,是亞當‧路賓(Adam Rubin)的美食風趣繪本系列,整體評分:★★★☆☆ 1.噴火龍來了;2.噴火龍來了2(夾餅救援小隊,出動);3.Dragon's First Taco;4.Secret Pizza Party;5.Robo-Sauce
童書,小天下、青林、藝術家,適合5~8歲以上,是陳麗雅的繪本系列,整體評分:★★★☆☆ 1.曾文溪的故事;2.從我家到學校的花草日記;3.到紅樹林去玩;4.荷花池;5.到阿蜜家玩;6.我家附近的野花;7.長的圓的,一起來蒐集;8.紅樹林真好玩
童書,小魯文化、白泉社、偕成社,適合3~8歲以上,是岩井俊雄的一百層樓系列與指尖遊歷繪本,整體評分:★★★★☆ 1.跟著小指尖去遊歷;2.天空100層樓的家;3.100層樓的家;4.地下100層樓的家;5.海底100層樓的家; 6.森林100層樓的家;7.沼澤100層樓的家
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書名:第一家族[星際] 作者:漁小乖乖 版區:耽美小說 世界背景【自分類】:星際 主題分類【自分類】: 關鍵字【自分類】:位面交換器、科技、魔法、基因、溫馨、輕鬆 評分【滿分5顆星】:3.5顆星 心得: 此文文筆流暢,只是太多刮弧做為解釋或表達另一層意思,有些讀者不太習慣這樣的刮弧,
#試讀心得 #殷熙耕 #鳥的禮物 #漫遊者文化出版
三歲孩童,撒尿拉屎,無法自理,萌生喜樂,自然探險。 四歲孩童,認字繪畫,貴在隨性,自在玩樂,學習合群。 五歲孩童,跑跳笑叫,道德萌芽,似懂非懂,團結一心。 六歲孩童,教育嗔恚,內在的愛,重生不易,絕非明智。 一直想篇寫道德教育,總覺得還能挖取,這次試下以詩進行。
這是一套英國老牌Ladybird出版社出版的分級讀本,書中精心設計,每本介紹10個常見字,可幫助孩子掌握sight words,逐漸邁向獨立閱讀之路。透過自然閱讀,學會理解及發音,培養閱讀習慣並愛上閱讀,讓書本成為小讀者的終身朋友。