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L’Oracle des mantras梵咒神諭卡 牌組翻譯02:AADAYS TISAY AADAYS


La sagesse de l'humilité 謙卑的智慧

  • 咒語:Aadays tisai aadays, aad aneel anaad anaahat, jug jug ayko vays
  • 翻譯:「我向你致敬。你,無限, 我一次又一次向你們致敬。你是原始而完美的。你既不知道開始,也不知道結束。歷經歲月,你始終如一,未曾改變。 」

我們非常擅長編寫腳本並消極地預測未來。我們關注的問題有時看起來太大了,似乎無法解決。透過我們肚臍這個獨特的稜鏡來看現實,我們就成為了幻想的囚犯。來自名為 Japji 的神聖文本的咒語為我們提供了另一條道路: 那就是謙卑和智慧。




  • 練習:念誦此咒語建議持續時間 11 分鐘,同時將雙臂伸至身前,手掌面向地面,與肩膀成一直線。在 Aadays 聲音中,將伸出的手臂向天空傾斜 60 度,在 Tisay 聲音中恢復水平,然後在 Aadays 聲音中向天空舉起......閉上眼睛,在整個歌曲中如此交替。這種身體上的參與運動可以激發謙遜。
  • 建議音樂版本:Aadays Tisay Aadays de Snatam Kaur



The wisdom of humility

The complete mantra: You are going to go, you are going to be there, you are going to go and go.

Translation: Hail, you, the infinite. I salute you again and again. You are primordial and immaculate. You know neither beginning nor end. You remain one and unchanged throughout the ages.

We are so good at scripting and negatively anticipating the future. The problems we focus on sometimes seem so big that no solution seems possible. By looking at reality through the unique prism of our navel, we become prisoners of our illusions.

This mantra from the sacred text called Japji offers us another path. That of humility and wisdom. What if we forgot for a moment everything we think we know about ourselves and our life on earth to align ourselves with the infinitely great? There is no need to be a believer or practice any religion to remember that when you read these lines, the universe, whose contours cannot be defined, continues its expansion. The Milky Way is just one island among countless galaxies. Saluting the existence of the infinite is the shortest way to distance ourselves from the Hollywood films that we pro-throw on the screens of our lives.

This mantra invites us to bow before the source of all that is, before the infinite expanding creation. It is said that its vibrational frequency is that of absolute wisdom and that by singing it, fears and “little stories” dissolve into the immensity of what has neither beginning nor end. It makes you humble while giving you access to knowledge no book can contain.

This is the mantra of humble and conscious leaders, those who open the way without ever abusing their power since they know that it flows from the Source.

Practice: chant this mantra for a recommended duration of 11 minutes while extending your arms in front of you, palms facing the ground, in line with the shoulders. On the Aadays sound, raise your outstretched arms 60 degrees towards the sky, return to horizontal on the Tisay sound, then raise towards the sky on Aadays...

Alternate like this throughout the song with your eyes closed. This physically engaging movement activates humility.

Suggested song : Aadays Tisay Aadays de Snatam Kaur.

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