"跨年"Bring/Ring in the New Year:英文其實沒有"跨年"的詞語,通常相似情境下會用的語詞是Bring in the New Year"迎接新年",或Ring in the New Year"(用鐘聲來)迎接新年"請不要自創中翻英的詞彙直譯成"cross the year"(感覺像在過馬路cross the road),或"welcome the New Year"(只能歡迎welcome人,不能welcome年)喔~
How do you plan to bring in the New Year?(你計畫如何迎接新年?)
How will you ring in the New Year?(你打算如何迎接新年?)
之所以會有Ring in the New Year的用法由來是,從整整100年前(1923-2023年)開始,即便碰上二次世界大戰,每年英國的大笨鐘都會在跨年時刻用"敲鐘(ring the bell)"來告知大家新年的到來。結果,用鐘聲來"迎接新年"(ring in the New Year),就變成是跨年的英文慣用語了。
For 100 years, Big Ben’s iconic bongs have helped Britons, and the world, ring in the New Year. (100年來,大笨鐘標誌性的噹噹聲,幫助英國人和全世界敲響新年的鐘聲。)
ring的名詞可做戒指、或鈴聲,但ring in the New Year的ring是動詞,敲鐘的意思,跟"戒指"可沒關係😁
另外,ring the bell,除了"敲鐘"外,還有"按門鈴"的意思,還有個易混淆的ring a bell,把the替換成a,是"想起/回憶起..."的意思。
ring in the New Year 跟戒指沒關係!
Where to watch the New Year's Eve fireworks and countdown for 2024 (on TV and streaming services)?(在電視或串流服務,)哪裡可以看到2024年的跨年煙火表演與倒數?
In Taipei, we usually ring in the New Year with Taipei 101's fireworks, and countdown.在台北,我們通常以台北101的煙火和倒數來迎接新的一年。
咦,"New Year"後面加了's!?還有剛剛的"你如何慶祝新年(How do you celebrate New Year's),也是後面加了's,為啥?
我們中文會直接說是"慶祝新年",所以可能覺得直接用"celebrate New Year"就對了。
但英文是很精準並注重邏輯的,它認為慶祝新年不會是慶祝整年(New Year),基本是發生(take place on)在新年前夜(New Year's Eve) 、新年當天/元旦(New Year's Day)、或是新年假期( New Year's vacation),所以都是加's的喔~
另外,這裡的"發生"會用"take place",而不是happen或occur,有什麼區別呢?
"happen":通常用於發生"意外、隨機、模糊不清"的事,比如"發生什麼事了( What happened?)";"occur":為較正式的用法,通常用在發生"較嚴肅、正式、具體、需被強調"的事,比如" 這個死亡/謀殺發生(在什麼時間)(The death/murder occurred (at 具體時間))","發生了一個錯誤(A mistake occurred..)"。
而"take place",則使用在發生"有計畫、安排好"的事,通常指明具體日期地點。
New Year's Eve countdown and concert events in Taiwan take place in various cities across the island, including Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hualien-Taitung .(全台有許多地方皆有2024倒數及跨年演唱會,包括台北、桃園、臺中、臺南、高雄和花東。)
In the Philippines, it doesn't matter where the polka dot pattern is. It could be on your shirt, shoes, or even on your underwear, round shapes are said to bring in prosperity and wealth.
Canadians across the country are participating in a frosty New Year’s Day tradition — the polar bear dip.
Revelers run into English Bay during the annual New Year's Day Polar Bear Swim in Vancouver.
自 1909 年因葡萄盛產而開始了消耗葡萄的習俗:午夜 12 點馬德里太陽門廣場鐘樓響起,每響一聲便要吃一顆葡萄共 12 顆。
Everybody who has ever celebrated New Year's Eve in Spain must surely be aware of the tradition of eating twelve lucky grapes at midnight. --There are two version of explanations about the origin of this tradition.
Italians (mainly in Naples 那不勒斯) are likely to throw old pots, pans, clothes, appliances, even furniture out the window. Really! It's meant to symbolize "letting go" of past unhappiness to prepare yourself for the future. Although most Italians have abandoned the tradition, do watch your head on the streets of Naples on New Year's Eve!
Residents of Denmark greet the New Year by throwing old plates and glasses against the doors of family and friends. This tradition is believed to banish bad spirits. They also stand on chairs and jump off of them together at midnight to "leap" into January. This they do in hopes of good luck.
試著跟朋友、家人們用英文介紹這些新年習俗看看吧^^ Happy New Year~