Eloquent (形容詞)善於表達的例句: The eloquent speaker captivated the audience with articulate and persuasive words.解說: "Eloquent" 源自拉丁文 "eloqui",字首 "Eloq-" 表示「表達」,字尾 "-ent" 表示「具有...特性的」。Meticulous (形容詞)小心翼翼的例句: The meticulous scientist recorded every detail of the experiment to ensure accuracy.解說: "Meticulous" 來自拉丁文 "meticulosus",字首 "Meticul-" 意指「小心翼翼的」,字尾 "-ous" 表示「具有...特性的」。Ubiquitous(形容詞)到處都有的例句: In today's world, smartphones have become ubiquitous, found everywhere around the globe.解說: "Ubiquitous" 來自拉丁文 "ubique",字首 "Ubiqui-" 表示「到處」,字尾 "-ous" 表示「具有...特性的」。Voracious (形容詞)貪婪的例句: The voracious reader devoured novels at an astonishing pace, always hungry for more.解說: "Voracious" 來自拉丁文 "vorax",字首 "Vorac-" 意指「貪婪的」,字尾 "-ious" 表示「具有...特性的」。Pernicious (形容詞)充滿危險的例句: The pernicious effects of pollution on the environment are evident in the declining biodiversity.解說: "Pernicious" 來自拉丁文 "pernici-",字首 "Perni-" 意指「有害」,字尾 "-cious" 表示「充滿...的」。Munificent (形容詞)慷慨的例句: The philanthropist made a munificent donation to support education in underprivileged communities.解說: "Munificent" 來自拉丁文 "munificus",字首 "Munific-" 意指「慷慨的」,字尾 "-ent" 表示「具有...特性的」。Reticent (形容詞)沉默寡言的例句: The usually reticent student surprised everyone by giving a passionate speech.解說: "Reticent" 來自拉丁文 "reticentia",字首 "Retic-" 意指「沉默」,字尾 "-ent" 表示「具有...特性的」。Benevolent(形容詞)善良的,樂於助人的例句: The benevolent king was loved by his subjects for his kind and charitable deeds.解說: "Benevolent" 來自拉丁文 "bene",字首 "Bene-" 意指「好」,字尾 "-volent" 表示「願意」。Ineffable(形容詞)難以表達的,不可言喻的例句: The beauty of the sunrise over the mountains was ineffable, beyond the capacity for words.解說: "Ineffable" 來自拉丁文 "ineffabilis",字首 "In-" 表示「不」,字尾 "-effable" 意指「表達」。Epiphany (名詞)突然的領悟,顯示例句: After years of searching, she had an epiphany that led her to her true calling.解說: "Epiphany" 來自希臘文 "epiphaneia",字首 "Epi-" 意指「顯示」,字尾 "-any" 表示「狀態」。