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Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.認識自己是所有智慧的源頭。 亞里斯多德 

🐹 Capacity of Storage in Ton-day

字根、字首、字尾: Cap- (take), -acity (quality), of (connective), Storage (store), in (connective), Ton (unit of weight), -day (time)

解釋: 倉棧延日總容量

例句: The capacity of storage in ton-day is a crucial factor in managing logistics efficiently.

🐹 Cargo Boat , Freight Vessel

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Boat (water vessel), Freight (transportation of goods), Vessel (container)

解釋: 貨輪

例句: The cargo boat transported goods across the sea, ensuring timely delivery.

🐹 Cargo Handling

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Handling (managing)

解釋: 貨物裝卸

例句: Efficient cargo handling is essential to prevent delays in the supply chain.

🐹 Cargo Handling Capacity

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Handling (managing), Capacity (ability)

解釋: 碼頭裝卸能力

例句: The port's cargo handling capacity determines its ability to handle large volumes of goods.

🐹 Cargo Handling Efficiency

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Handling (managing), Efficiency (effectiveness)

解釋: 貨物裝卸效率

例句: Improving cargo handling efficiency can streamline the transportation process.

🐹 Cargo Lifting

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Lifting (raising)

解釋: 貨物裝卸量

例句: The crane's cargo lifting capability is crucial for efficient port operations.

🐹 Cargo List(C/L)

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), List (record), (C/L) (abbreviation)

解釋: 配貨單

例句: The cargo list provides a detailed record of shipped goods for reference.

🐹 Cargo Manifest

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Manifest (list)

解釋: 艙單

例句: The cargo manifest includes a comprehensive list of items stored in the cargo hold.

🐹 Cargo Plan or Stowage Plan

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Plan (arrangement), or (connective), Stowage (placement), Plan (arrangement)

解釋: 貨物積載圖

例句: The cargo plan or stowage plan guides the optimal placement of goods on the ship.

🐹 Cargo Throughput

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Throughput (output)

解釋: 吞吐量

例句: The port's cargo throughput is a key indicator of its operational capacity.

🐹 Cargo Tonnage Handled

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -go (carry), Tonnage (weight), Handled (managed)

解釋: 裝卸量

例句: The cargo tonnage handled by the port increased significantly this year.

🐹 Carrier

字根、字首、字尾: Car- (cart), -rier (carry)

解釋: 運送人

例句: The carrier is responsible for transporting goods from the manufacturer to the destination.

🐹 Channel

字根、字首、字尾: Chan- (open), -nel (passage)

解釋: 航道

例句: Navigating through the channel requires careful attention to depth and width.

🐹 Charges for Cargo Handling Service

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Car- (cart), -go (carry), Handling (managing), Service (assistance)

解釋: 棧埠業務費率

例句: The charges for cargo handling service may vary depending on the port's facilities.

🐹 Charges for Cargo Storage

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Car- (cart), -go (carry), Storage (store)

解釋: 倉儲費

例句: Warehouses impose charges for cargo storage based on the duration and volume of goods.

🐹 Charges for Equipment for Night Operation

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Equipment (tools), for (connective), Night (time), Operation (activity)

解釋: 一般碼頭夜工設備費

例句: The charges for equipment for night operation contribute to the additional cost of 24-hour port services.

🐹 Charges for Handling Service

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Handling (managing), Service (assistance)

解釋: 裝卸費

例句: Shipping companies incur charges for handling service at the port.

🐹 Charges for Water Supply

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Water (liquid), Supply (provide)

解釋: 給水費

例句: Vessels at the port may be subject to charges for water supply services.

🐹 Charges for Wharf Passage

字根、字首、字尾: Charges (fees), for (connective), Wharf (dock), Passage (path)

解釋: 碼頭通過費

例句: Ships entering the harbor may incur charges for wharf passage.

🐹 Chart

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 海圖

例句: Navigators rely on charts to safely navigate the waters and avoid obstacles.

🐹 Chemical Liquid Tankers Ship to Ship Transfer

字根、字首、字尾: Chemical (substance), Liquid (fluid), Tankers (ship for transporting liquids), Ship (vessel), to (connective), Ship (vessel), Transfer (move)

解釋: 化學品液貨船轉船裝卸

例句: The process of ship-to-ship transfer involves the careful handling of chemical liquid tankers.

🐹 Chief on the spot of wharf and transit shed operation

字根、字首、字尾: Chief (leader), on (connective), the (connective), spot (location), of (connective), wharf (dock), and (connective), transit (transportation), shed (storage), operation (activity)

解釋: 現場棧埠作業主管人員

例句: The chief on the spot of wharf and transit shed operation oversees the efficient functioning of port activities.

🐹 Clearance

字根、字首、字尾: Clear- (free), -ance (state)

解釋: 結關

例句: Customs clearance is a necessary process for goods entering or leaving a country.

🐹 Commercial Harbor

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -mercial (trade), Harbor (port)

解釋: 商港

例句: A commercial harbor facilitates the exchange of goods and promotes international trade.

🐹 Commercial Port Administration Authority

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -mercial (trade), Port (harbor), Administration (management), Authority (control)

解釋: 商港主管機關

例句: The commercial port administration authority regulates and oversees port operations.

🐹 Commercial Port Area

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -mercial (trade), Port (harbor), Area (region)

解釋: 商港區域

例句: The commercial port area includes the docks and surrounding regions designated for trade activities.

🐹 Commercial Port Facilities

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -mercial (trade), Port (harbor), Facilities (structures)

解釋: 商港設施

例句: Well-equipped commercial port facilities enhance the efficiency of loading and unloading operations.

🐹 Commercial Port Management Authority

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -mercial (trade), Port (harbor), Management (administration), Authority (control)

解釋: 商港管理機關

例句: The commercial port management authority is responsible for regulating port activities and ensuring compliance.

🐹 Compulsory Pilotage

字根、字首、字尾: Com- (together), -pulsory (required), Pilotage (navigation)

解釋: 強制引水

例句: In certain waterways, compulsory pilotage is mandatory to ensure safe navigation.

🐹 Condition Reportor Exception List

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -dition (state), Report (document), or (connective), Exception (anomaly), List (record)

解釋: 裝貨殘損短缺報告單

例句: The condition report or exception list details any damages or shortages observed during cargo loading.

🐹 Consignee

字根、字首、字尾: Con- (together), -sign (mark), -ee (receiver)

解釋: 收貨人(受貨人)

例句: The consignee is the party responsible for receiving and accepting the shipped goods.

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最近與女友一起聊到了情緒價值這個話題,她覺得我缺乏這個,一開始我也還沒意識到這個的重要性,於是我開始去查詢資料有得出以下結論 與愛人的情緒價值心得 在跟女友在一起的這段時間,我發現情緒的價值真的很重要。每一次的互動、分享和理解,都是我們感情中的一部分。這裡有幾個我深刻體會到的點: 1. 情緒的共
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你是你最寶貴的資源與寶藏, 你所需要的一切已經在你之內, 帶著自己飛向更廣濶、更自由的地方。
來了日本東北才知道,7月的東京有多悶熱。 來了日本東北才知道,這邊電車要自己按按鈕才會開門。 來了東北才知道--
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最近與女友一起聊到了情緒價值這個話題,她覺得我缺乏這個,一開始我也還沒意識到這個的重要性,於是我開始去查詢資料有得出以下結論 與愛人的情緒價值心得 在跟女友在一起的這段時間,我發現情緒的價值真的很重要。每一次的互動、分享和理解,都是我們感情中的一部分。這裡有幾個我深刻體會到的點: 1. 情緒的共
百日百字計畫 #38 一百天一百字的紀錄,練習覺察的百日紀錄。
你是你最寶貴的資源與寶藏, 你所需要的一切已經在你之內, 帶著自己飛向更廣濶、更自由的地方。
來了日本東北才知道,7月的東京有多悶熱。 來了日本東北才知道,這邊電車要自己按按鈕才會開門。 來了東北才知道--
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百日百字計畫 #17 一百天一百字的紀錄,練習覺察的百日紀錄。