2024-01-11|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 33 分鐘

TAIPEI GaySpa review WOLF SPA Yansen

Shop: Wolf Spa by 不分找不分

Master: 炎森 (Yan Sen)

Master's role in this session: 不分偏TOP (Versatile, leans towards being a TOP)

Appearance (0-10): 9, sunny single-eyelid, sporty Japanese BOY

Physique (0-10): 8, solid and sporty tan boy

Acupressure (0-10): 7, basic skills are good

Oil Pressure (0-10): 8, teasing is excellent

Coordination (0-10): 10, really accommodating, one word "serious"

Boyfriend Charm (0-10): 9, originally thought it was +9, but turned out to be heartwarming


From the moment I saw the selfie of 炎森 in that floral shirt, I melted; he's just too cute. The simple single eyelid, natural smile, lips of perfect thickness, and that elastic skin—after asking for some basic information, I found out he's a versatile master (so many look very masculine, but turns out he's more on the gentle side).


For my first time at Wolf Spa, I asked the shop to help me book a hotel. In this cold season, getting out for a massage really requires some motivation. On the way, I still had some worries and kept thinking about what I would do if I got a younger master instead.


Upon reaching the hotel entrance, I saw 炎森's adorable face with a sunny smile (like a deer in headlights). From the lobby to the elevator and into the room, I was already feeling excited during this short journey. His manly tone filled me with anticipation; 炎森 is like the sporty guy you'd see in Japanese gay videos, trained and dominated by a coach. You can't really tell he's into the same gender; he exudes a foreign masculine scent, full of pheromones.


Once inside the room, 炎森 noticed my hands were very cold and immediately hugged me warmly, his large hands holding mine to warm me up (I wished he was warming up other areas!). After taking me to the shower, he started preparing for the session.


When I finished showering and came out, 炎森 had already adjusted the room temperature to a comfortable level. The sight of him showcasing his strong physique greeted me (really want a boyfriend like him).


As for the acupressure, I didn't request spa-level treatment, as I don't need too much force. 炎森's acupressure skills were satisfactory for me, and the conversation during the process was natural. I'm the type to chat casually, and he handled random topics quite well. The best part was enjoying his voice. Additionally, he was very polite in person (maybe because he looks Japanese, so is he exceptionally polite?). Those masters who've been working for a long time, with a certain posture, really surprise me.


During the acupressure process, 炎森 incorporated some teasing techniques, but I behaved myself and didn't get too carried away!


After transitioning to oil pressure, 炎森 dimmed the lights in the room, leaving only the light from the bathroom. This marked the beginning of the oil pressure stage.


With the scented oil, warmed by his hands, slowly enveloping me, I unintentionally discovered 炎森 showcasing his pride. He saw that I hesitated to take the lead, so he guided my hand, assuring me it's okay, to touch freely, and to treat him as my boyfriend!!!.


In the process of testing, he understood my role and began helping me relax (upgrading to a set really felt worth it).


When turning to the front, I couldn't resist kissing him (kissing was just too affectionate, so I brush my teeth every time, good boy). While 炎森 serviced my two little pinks with his warm tongue, he used his third finger to perform the final relaxing move. I jokingly said he's better than my boyfriend, and 炎森 flashed a wicked smile. In the next half hour, I felt like a Japanese mature AV actress, being used as a receptacle by the sunny and young alpha male. Moreover, 炎森's level of cooperation was really high, and even the conversation became super suggestive (viewer discretion advised), creating a plot of playing with a cheating submissive puppy that only a TOP can understand.


After both of us achieved satisfaction, 炎森 returned to being that cute, sunny guy and thoughtfully took me into the bathroom, rehearsing a future scenario where I might need assistance bathing after a stroke. Before leaving, a warm and sincere hug marked the perfect conclusion to our two-hour emotional exchange.




LINE: kevin11181118

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