2024-01-16|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 28 分鐘

【英語歌詞翻譯】珂拉琪 - 傷心地獄芳花引魂





May the Lord cut off my mortal obsessions


Make all them thousands of yakshas and demons surrender


Judge attentively in front of the Mirror of Sins*


I try hard to speak yet no voice comes out from my throat


In the infinite hell of Mt. Tai-Thih Major*


Flames that blaze up the borough of hell stretch for tens of thousands of miles


When I look back, I cannot see the path I walk my way here on


The Lord of Brightness guilds me to the light ahead

若是講 我看天無望

What if I say, I look at the sky and see no hope

坦白講 嘛望地無路

And honestly, I stare at the land and see no road

一个人 無喙嘛無舌

All alone with neither mouth nor tongue

孤身流轉 佇北陰酆都

Wander lonesomely in the Depth of Darkness and Despair*

陰風中 聽枵鬼咧爬

In chilly winds I hear hungry ghosts crawling

心驚驚 見十殿閻君

In deep fear I meet the Ten Kings of Hell*

戇戇踅 等烏白無常

Pacing uncertainly, I wait for the Black and White Lord of Impermanence*

向腰牽我 攝我的亡魂

To bend over, to hold my hand and take my soul

「頭犁犁的少年家 你欲越去佗位?

“Young man with your head low, where are you going?”

滿面風霜 拄著 百千萬劫

After all those misfortunes and miseries, my face is badly weathered

「敢是予鬼仔煞著? 櫳仔內面的人」

“Perhaps haunted by the ghosts? People behind the bars,”

無名無姓 恬恬 予人擲佇塗跤

Are nameless

Without a word, they are tossed to the ground

凡勢是意外 抑是生來註定

Maybe it is an accident

Or maybe it is my destiny

敢若一場夢 規身軀輕鬆

Dreamlike and so relaxing

火王爺現身 目睭擘金金

Your Highness of Flare* shows up with his eyes wide open

煩惱攏烌去 無白色的水

My vexations are all wiped out and no white water is left

複製你的愛 複製你的勇氣

Replicate your love

Replicate your courage

複製你的眼 複製你的靈魂

Replicate your eye

Replicate your soul

複製你的淚 幻化阿修羅

Replicate your tear

Transform them into an Asura*

代你堪一切 絕望的火

To bear all the fires of distress for you

轉輪聖王起身 守護無命人客

The Lord of Wheels* rises and protects the lifeless

遠遠的聲傳來 伊的祈求

A distant voice approaches

That’s her prayers

眾神攑燈相送 看顧有情眾生

The gods hold the lamps and light the way

Defend the lives who have love

一生珠淚落塗 路邊紅花清芳

The teardrops of a lifetime fall onto the ground

The red flowers that bloom by the road grow with fragrance

佇隱痀橋終點 是自由的向望

At the end of the arch bridge lies the hope for freedom


Hope that you get to live a life safe and sound

放袂記的人生 有月娘咧照路

In the life that you forget, moonlight is here to illuminate the road you take


Hope that you get to carry through the anguish in your lifetime

拔開你手內 彼縛牢的鐵鏈

Get rid of the tight iron chains on your hands

無傷無痕 袂閣疼矣

No more wounds

No more scars

No more pain

放見的身軀 攏揣倒轉來

Retrieve all the body parts that go missing

頭前有人 咧等你

Someone’s waiting for you right straight ahead

譯者注:打上*的是較難翻譯的宗教或文化用字,本譯文以較白話的方式翻譯。The * stands for religious and cultural terms. I tried to make them sound comprehensible in a simplified way.

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