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#They all use mechanical translation, and my English is not good. I was building sandcastles on the beach, and I didn't know what I needed to build, so I used a "foundation" first, and before the foundation was knocked over by the waves, I "thought it was right" Before the waves were hit, someone noticed and said, "Huh, are you going against me! and the head fell off

The "foundation" is broken, and the person realizes that what he said is true, overthrows the original "foundation", builds a new "foundation", and denies his original idea that after all, "the times are different" and his perception is the "foundation" In other encounters later, the "foundation" was covered up after the biological experience, and a new "foundation" was used to "prescribe". Pondering... Searching... Why do adults always ask children to obey, but their "foundations" do not obey their own "foundations"? [(2) Vivid (5) Connection (6) Race] The basic means "the simplest fixation" of the scattered consciousness and other fixations, and then changes and revisions are made, but as mentioned earlier, if the "leader" uses a foundation that no one objects to over time, then it thinks that is good. But sometimes, as early as unconsciously, they have destroyed their own foundation, some adults know the law and break the law, and some adults keep to themselves... But in the end, it's right that they're all stuck on their own foundations. The word "adult" means an adult, but it does not mean that an adult is absolutely right, and their own foundation is not really implementable, but it is not impossible to implement. Thinking... Why arrogance? The rules are meant to be changed, aren't they? Because you didn't know anything about it, you built the foundation, and then you studied and observed... There are no absolutely good rules, because time goes by and times change, so what is it? What is it that makes it impossible for adults to abandon their own foundations and not listen to other people's opinions? I don't know. Why do adults say that they are right? "Because they were born earlier than you" Why do adults always think that they are right? "Because they have lived longer than you", why do adults keep telling their offspring from their own point of view, "because they think they have experienced more than children" Nothing is right because everyone understands it differently, nothing is wrong because it is uncharted territory, "nothing is absolute" Build a tower of sand, after all, it falls, after the wind and sun, it still can't reach the "era", the old sand castle, looking at the lighthouse in the distance, "the guidance has always been there, but it has been blinded" Finally, it can't reach the "moon age" at the last moment to know that "it's no longer my era".

一切所以,又或者其他,但誰又明白? 奧妙中的無知,盛大中的秘密。

彌生雪的沙龍 的其他內容
(11) Meditation Leisurely, leisurely on the overpass at Dajia Railway Station, leaning on the railing to watch the sunset, blowing the evening breeze,
(10) Dreams  Keep your eyes open   See the sunset of pink oranges and the cool wind There are purple trees dropping hot ice cubes next to
Look at the world for oneself and others Suppose that when you are born, there are no accidents, and that person has a pair of eyes and ears, what do
Good and evil, what is it?  Good intentions mean good, and bad intentions mean evil, and presumably that's fine, right? Good deeds are to make others
Sturdy and solid means that the building is very good and will not drift with the wind, and there is a risk of collapse and dispersion. After a few
(6) Race   Racial discrimination is not a kind of discrimination, but a flaw that everyone will have, and their unchanging attitudes.   Why do we say
(11) Meditation Leisurely, leisurely on the overpass at Dajia Railway Station, leaning on the railing to watch the sunset, blowing the evening breeze,
(10) Dreams  Keep your eyes open   See the sunset of pink oranges and the cool wind There are purple trees dropping hot ice cubes next to
Look at the world for oneself and others Suppose that when you are born, there are no accidents, and that person has a pair of eyes and ears, what do
Good and evil, what is it?  Good intentions mean good, and bad intentions mean evil, and presumably that's fine, right? Good deeds are to make others
Sturdy and solid means that the building is very good and will not drift with the wind, and there is a risk of collapse and dispersion. After a few
(6) Race   Racial discrimination is not a kind of discrimination, but a flaw that everyone will have, and their unchanging attitudes.   Why do we say
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平順的走在沙灘上,拿著衝浪板眺望。 穩穩地靠近於海灘,滿懷希望登於頂。 準備好了嗎? 雞皮疙瘩爬滿了整身,浪峰的空氣令你心神蕩漾。
買了房子在美麗溪畔。 夢裡午休因一場大暴雨醒來, 水漲成了海洋,海浪拍打窗戶,最後終於打進來,淹了一點水。 周圍有人議論, 買房不要那麼近水之類, 我沒什麼興趣, 一便吃著盒餐,一邊聽講。 鏡頭一轉,忽然置身美麗的海灘, 眼前盡是大塊岩礫堆砌的海岸。 唉呀⋯ 「人在夢
夏天到了,令人心情悸動又澎湃的季節,每到夏天,我要去海邊(有夠老派)。我很喜歡大海,喜歡到希望全身浸泡在海裡的我,還考了水肺潛水證照。 回想第一次在沖繩觀光潛水,一試就上癮,難忘當時美麗的海底世界,以及在水中優游的感覺,為了自由地在海中漫遊,與一探更深的海中美景,回台之後,立刻報名潛水考照課程
彷彿夢中踏著汪洋漫遊 溫暖陽光為海天之間變換各種色彩 有時隨著浪高上藍天 有時滑下深谷般幾乎踩到海床 人間隔著透明城牆 海嘯身後有文字構築海底城
平順的走在沙灘上,拿著衝浪板眺望。 穩穩地靠近於海灘,滿懷希望登於頂。 準備好了嗎? 雞皮疙瘩爬滿了整身,浪峰的空氣令你心神蕩漾。
買了房子在美麗溪畔。 夢裡午休因一場大暴雨醒來, 水漲成了海洋,海浪拍打窗戶,最後終於打進來,淹了一點水。 周圍有人議論, 買房不要那麼近水之類, 我沒什麼興趣, 一便吃著盒餐,一邊聽講。 鏡頭一轉,忽然置身美麗的海灘, 眼前盡是大塊岩礫堆砌的海岸。 唉呀⋯ 「人在夢
夏天到了,令人心情悸動又澎湃的季節,每到夏天,我要去海邊(有夠老派)。我很喜歡大海,喜歡到希望全身浸泡在海裡的我,還考了水肺潛水證照。 回想第一次在沖繩觀光潛水,一試就上癮,難忘當時美麗的海底世界,以及在水中優游的感覺,為了自由地在海中漫遊,與一探更深的海中美景,回台之後,立刻報名潛水考照課程
彷彿夢中踏著汪洋漫遊 溫暖陽光為海天之間變換各種色彩 有時隨著浪高上藍天 有時滑下深谷般幾乎踩到海床 人間隔著透明城牆 海嘯身後有文字構築海底城