2024-06-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 24 分鐘

”Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th — A One-Act Play


    "Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" was honored to be included in the 2022 collection "Spoilers: Scriptwriting by Students of Taipei National University of the Arts Vol.1". However, the script was actually completed before 2020, written a year before the pandemic happened.

    This is a two-hander, one-act play, focusing on the detailed interactions over approximately one hour between a retired teacher, who is a wheelchair user, and the nude cleaner she hires. Yes, the storyline is filled with metaphors about sexual tension, and the scenes are imbued with intentional gazes.

    From writing the script, and its inclusion, to its publication, to this day, as the playwright, I remain mired in thoughts of self-destruction and mistakes.

    Interestingly, the characters in "Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" are not affected by this. Even in moments of my breakdown and being overwhelmed by noise, I know they are still there, quietly living in the apartment on Golden-Prosperity Street.

    In 2024, I made slight revisions and translated "Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th" into English. You can read the full English text, titled "Golden-Prosperity Street, January 8th," on The New Play Exchange® (NPX) (subscription required).

    I hope you enjoy it.

    Yi Chen 辰移 |New Play Exchange

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