2024-07-10|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 42 分鐘


  • 此系列內容來自詹姆斯.克利爾的免費郵件課程,使用其著作《Atomic Habits 原子習慣》的理論基礎,旨在30天內提供以下的資訊:
    V 消除習慣養成中可能產生的任何疑問
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  • 這章點明了「努力當然重要,但方向比努力更重要」的概念,從「比起選擇你想要的結果,不如先想想你想成為怎樣的人」談起,讀過《Atomic Habits 原子習慣》的朋友應該會覺得這論調十分熟悉。

How to Choose a Habit that Sticks

Lesson 1 of 11
How to Choose a Habit that Sticks

The most important decision you will make is what habit to build. 
Pick the right habit and progress is easy. Pick the wrong habit and life is a struggle. It is much more important to work on the right habit than it is to work really hard. (Working hard is still important, of course.) 
In this lesson, we’re going to discuss how to choose the right habit for you.

When most people think about the habits they want to build, they naturally start by considering the outcomes they want to achieve. "I want to lose weight." Or, "I want to stop smoking."
The alternative is to build what I call “identity-based habits” and start by focusing on who we wish to become, not what we want to achieve. (This is an idea I unpack more fully in Chapter 2 of Atomic Habits.)

Here's the short version:
Anyone can convince themselves to practice yoga or meditation once or twice, but if you don’t shift the belief behind the behavior, then it becomes hard to stick with long-term changes. Improvements are only temporary until they become part of who you are.

  • The goal is not to get straight A’s, the goal is to become a person who studies every day. 
  • The goal is not to finish a painting, the goal is to become an artist. 
  • The goal is not to win the game or competition, the goal is to become a person who practices every day. 


  • 目標不是得到成績全優,而是成為每天都讀書的人
  • 目標不是完成一幅畫,而是成為一位藝術家
  • 目標不是在遊戲或競賽中獲勝,而是成為每天都練習的人

The ultimate form of intrinsic motivation is when a habit becomes part of your identity. 
It’s one thing to say “I’m the type of person who wants this.” 
It’s something very different to say “I’m the type of person who is this.”
This brings us to an important question: if your identity plays such an important role in your behavior, where does it come from in the first place? 

To a large degree, your identity emerges out of your habits. It’s like a self-improvement feedback loop. The more you repeat a behavior, the more you reinforce the identity associated with that behavior. And the more you reinforce the identity, the more natural it will feel to repeat the behavior. 
If you volunteer at your local homeless shelter, you start to believe you are the type of person who cares about your community. The more weekends you show up at the shelter, the more you reinforce that identity, and the easier it becomes to see community service as part of who you are. 

As I say in Atomic Habits: Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. 
Each habit is like a suggestion: “Hey, maybe this is who I am.” No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity. And when your behavior and your identity are fully aligned, you are no longer pursuing behavior change. You are simply acting like the type of person you already believe yourself to be. As Benjamin Franklin quipped, “The things you do often create the things you believe.” 


So, this is the first lesson: think about your desired identity and ask, “Who is the type of person that could get the outcome I want?”
What would a healthy person do? What would a productive person do? What would X do? These questions help reveal the desired identity you should be working toward and the habits that support that identity. This is the way to determine which habit you should focus on.
Once you have a handle on the type of person you want to be, you can begin taking small steps to reinforce your desired identity.

Here are some more examples of linking your habits to your desired identity:

  • If you want to write a book, you should focus on becoming the type of person who writes every day.
  • If you want to learn a new language, you should focus on becoming the type of person who studies every day.
  • If you want to retire early, you should focus on becoming the type of person who saves money every month.

The focus should always be on becoming that type of person, not getting a particular outcome. In the beginning, it is far more important to cast small votes for your desired identity than to worry about a particular result.

  • 如果你想寫一本書,你應該專注於成為每天都寫點東西的人
  • 如果你想學習一門新語言,你應該專注於成為每天都讀書精進的人
  • 如果你想要早點迎來退休生活,你應該專注於成為每個月都存錢的人


Your habits reshape your identity in a gradual way. It's slow and nearly impossible to see. You can rarely tell a difference between who you were yesterday and who you are today. But with each rep, with each vote cast, your internal story begins to shift. 
Start by focusing on who you want to become, not what you want to achieve.


That's all for Lesson 1. See you in the next lesson,

James Clear
Author of Atomic Habits and keynote speaker​



Progress Check-In

By the end of this lesson, you should have an idea of the habit that reinforces your desired identity. Who is the type of person you want to become? What is one habit that casts a small vote for becoming that type of person? 

Helpful bonuses and downloads

  • Identity-Based Habits template – Use this template to write down your desired identity and the habit you're choosing to reinforce that identity. 
  • Workbook – This 18-page PDF includes an action checklist (including templates for key strategies) for each lesson of the course, plus lesson summaries and a key terms dictionary. 
  • Examples Database – The examples database is a Google Sheet of 140+ examples of how to implement each strategy covered in this course for dozens of different habits. 

References and further reading

  • For more on identity-based habits, see Chapter 2 of  Atomic Habits
  • Acting in alignment with a perceived identity: Christopher J. Bryan et al., “Motivating Voter Turnout by Invoking the Self,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 31 (2011): 12653–12656.
  • Internal pressure to act in alignment with perceived identity: Leon Festinger, A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1957).




  • Identity-Based Habits template – 使用這份範本寫下你所追求的自我認同,以及你選擇用來強化這種自我認同的習慣吧。
  • Workbook – 這是一份18頁的PDF檔,內容包括一份每一堂課的行動檢查表(內有關鍵策略的範本),加上課程統整與專有名詞辭典。
  • Examples Database – 這是一個內有超過140個策略應用實例的Google表單,每個策略都適用於數十種不同的習慣培養。 


  • 以自我認同為基礎的習慣的詳細說明,請參見《原子習慣》第2章
  • 行為與顯化的身份認同趨於一致:克里斯多福J.布萊恩等人共同撰寫的論文《透過自我調整來激勵內在動機(暫譯)》,收錄於美國國家科學院院刊108,第31期,2011年
  • 行為與顯化的身份認同趨於一致的內在壓力:利昂.費斯廷格(Leon Festinger)《認知失調理論(1957)》,史丹福大學出版社
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