
閱讀時間約 28 分鐘

Chase Reality, Sir Christopher Edward Nolan

  • 來自導演克里斯多夫·諾蘭2015年在普林斯頓大學(Princeton University)的畢業演講,英文逐字稿來源於
  • 起初是我發現網路上的只有碎片化的各段翻譯,因此重新讀了全文稿件,將原有的線上翻譯資源和我自己的翻譯整合成一份。下收相對完整的中英對照(省略了前段比較輕鬆的招呼語),我不是專業的譯者,如有任何翻譯建議也歡迎留言告訴我
  • 參考的線上翻譯資源,但並無直接搬運:Wisdom Bread 智慧麵包與軒軒聽與說


We were ready to leave, we were ready to get out there. And we felt very much as if we had accumulated this sort of whole wheel of Brie of knowledge. Of course what I realize it's actually a Swiss cheese and those gaps in there are the point.


They're the they're the important part because you're gonna get out there and you're gonna fill those gaps that you don't even know you have. Your gaps in your knowledge, you're going to fill them with experience. Some of it marvelous, some of it terrible and you're going to learn that way.


But what you have achieved here will see you through that. What you've achieved here, you haven't just learned a body of knowledge, you've learned how to learn. You’ve learned the value of learning.


And I can say in all honesty – 20 years on – I'm a much better student now than I was when I was at college and I think the same will be true for most of you and true.


You’ll carry on learning, you'll carrying on expanding, and most importantly, some of those gaps will be filled with the most precious thing of all: which is new thought. New ideas. Things that are going to change the world.


As a believer in the concept of inception. As a believer in the idea that you can plant the seed of an idea that will grow into something more substantial over time, I do feel some responsibility to try and say something to you that you would carry forward and might help you in some way.


So I thought back to the world of my graduation, when Emma and I were was sitting there 20 odd years ago. And I thought about what were the problems of the world, what were the terrible things we faced. Racism, income inequality, warfare, I could go on, but you know this list and the reason you know it is it's exactly the same today.
And what that made me think is, well, what are we been doing for the last twenty years?


Because if I'm gonna give you any advice, I have to sort of take a bit of a hard look about my generation, about what we have done. And the truth is I think we've we failed to address a lot of the fundamentals. Possibly for a good reason.
And that reason is, I think we went out into the world believing that if we could connect the world, if we could allow the free exchange of ideas across geographical boundaries, economic boundaries, if we could all talk, these problems would go away.


And unfortunately I think by now, we have to acknowledge that we were wrong, that's not the case. That communication is not everything. And so much of the resources, intellectual resources, financial resources, of my generation have gone into communications infrastructure and achieved wonderful things. But perhaps not as wonderful as we claim them to be.


I mean, barely a week goes by that I don't read some comparison between a new way of sharing videos or something that's compared to the invention of the printing press. And you only have to say that out loud to realize how silly that is.


The long and the short of it is to give you an example. When I was flying out here, I had an experience that I've had with increasing frequency: you get on an airplane on a day flight to take you across America. And the shades are down because they don't want the cabin to get too hot, save on the air-conditioning. Good idea.


And nobody lifts the shade as you take off. Nobody lifts the shade as you fly all the way across this amazing country. Nobody looks out the window. Everybody’s there with their screen with whatever it is they're doing. I look out the window and people give me dirty looks because I'm interfering with the light on their screen.
And not to imitate one of your previous class day speakers Stephen Colbert, you know, you could construe this as an insult to America. I mean, we were flying over the Grand Canyon. I would go further than that: I would say it's an insult to reality.

不是要模仿你們之前的講者Steven Colbert,但你知道,你可以把這些解釋為對美國的侮辱。我是說,當時我們正飛越大峽谷(而無人在欣賞)。進一步地說:這是對現實的侮辱。

But when you are flying in an airplane across this incredible country, you're enjoying one of the great modern marvels. You’re getting a perspective on America, on our landscape, and where we are, that no one's ever had before.
And it speaks to the theme that I want to introduce, which is a respect for reality.


I feel that over the last couple decades, I feel that over time, we've started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams in a sense. We've started to think of reality as this kind of grey pebble at the center of wonderful abstract thought that transcends it.
And I want to make the case to you that our dreams are virtual realities, these abstractions that we enjoy and we surround ourselves with, they are subsets of reality.


Inception had something to say about this, and I apologize to those of you you haven't seen it, because I'm about to spoil the ending of it for you. But at the end of the film there's a spinning top that's spinning, and if it falls or doesn't fall – is the key idea – is it a dream, is it reality?


And the way the end of that film worked, Leonardo DiCaprio's character, Cobb, he was off with his kids, he was in his own subjective reality and didn't really care anymore, and that makes a statement that perhaps all levels of reality are equally valid.

電影以這樣的方式作為結尾,Leonardo DiCaprio飾演的角色Cobb,跟他失去的孩子團聚了。他身處於他自己的主觀現實中,他也不再去在乎了,這或許可以說明,每個層面的現實都是同樣存在的。

The camera moves over to the spinning top and just before the spinning top appears to be wobbling, there's a cut to black and I skip out of the back of the theater before people catch me.


And there's a very, very strong reaction from the audience, usually a bit of a groan. But the point is, objectively, it matters to the audience in absolute terms. Even though what they're watching is a fiction, is its own virtual reality.
But the question of whether that's a dream or whether it's real is the one I've been asked the most about any of the films I've made.


It matters to people enormously, and that's the point about reality. Reality matters, it won't be transcended. We had a dream of being outside for this this occasion. A reality intervened and we're in here. We live in the real world, we deal in the real world.


And I think what I was saying earlier about communications: it's time for something of a reframing. And it's something that your generation could do, that my generation can’t.


We are firmly embedded in the belief that we have changed the world in all kinds of incredible ways.
And we have all kinds of ways of selling this to you. And you know we use fancy words like disruption, which is essentially a form of sort of economic nihilism whereby you judge the value of a company by how much it can stop other companies making money, rather than what they actually make themselves.


That’s there for those of you going into finance by the way, just trying to lay a little groundwork there. And we use words, slippery words like algorithm. If you hear someone use the word algorithm and they're not a mathematics professor or a computer scientist, they're probably trying to obscure what it is they actually do, what their company does. At the very least, they're trying to evade any responsibility for what it is that their company does or what it actually does.I would love for you to be suspicious of this.


I would love for you to look at fundamentals, to look at what are we really doing in the world. What is the change that is being effected? How can we actually move the ball forward, progress in this way?


Oscar Wilde once said 'the old believe everything, the middle-aged suspect everything, the young know everything'. You do know everything. I’m clearly in my suspicious phase, and I'd love to impart some of that to you, because I think there's an enormous amount of work to be done. And in the great tradition of these speeches, I don't have to tell you how to do it, I just have to tell you that it's your problem now.

Oscar Wilde曾說:「老年人相信一切,中年人懷疑一切,青年人知道一切。」你們處在了解一切的年紀,我明顯處於懷疑一切的階段,我很樂意把這些懷疑分享給你們,因為我認為還有很多事必須做。按照這些畢業演講的優良傳統,我無需告訴你們該怎麼做,我只需要告訴你們,現在這些是你們的問題了。

And in the great tradition of these speeches, generally what happens is the speaker says something along the lines of "you need to chase your dreams”, but I'm not going to say that because I don't believe it. I don't want you to chase your dreams, I want you to chase your reality.And I want you to understand that you chase your reality not at the expense of your dreams, but as the foundation of your dreams.




首先,必須謝謝鼓勵我把噗浪上的閱讀雜思/翻譯放到方格子的 縱光☆興趣使然的小說家,也謝謝閱讀到最後的你。

儘管演講內文與受眾跟創作無線性關係,但我很喜歡裏頭說到的「填補空隙/追求現實(chase reality)」,因此決定要整理出比較全面的中英對照。




我是譁語 Art_y_an,稱呼隨意。對文本理論了解不多不知道自己的寫作類型,但喜歡寫故事(詳見沙龍連結)。 熱愛討論愛的多種形式及意涵,也是寫作的主核。 佛系經營,不會咬人,歡迎搭訕。
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這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
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Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
每次到圖書館看到有關斷捨離、簡單生活風格、收納整理的書,都會忍不住借回家看,也閱讀許多類似的書籍,在生活中也因為書本內容影響,開始實施斷捨離,同時也加入了換物社團,或是在平台上賣出自己的二手物品。 一直在想,為什麼自己會這麼關注斷捨離這些議題呢?
前記: 從怡辰老師出《從讀到寫》這本書開始就注意到並且崇拜著這位小學偏鄉教師,家中還有兩位小學生和小小孩的三寶媽,每天看到她的臉書文章記錄管理自己的日常生活,從每日早晨開始的寫作計畫、教師工作中社團、課程進步記錄、葡萄園的農婦時光與如何當一位媽媽,到察覺情緒照顧自己,都讓我著實地欽佩著,怎麼能有人如
★從「認知」、「心智」、「時間」、「關係」、「心態」、「生活」六大角度,  讓我們在已擁有的一切之下,發現自己想要的生活。 ●以下十條,你中了幾招? -整天忙著立標籤,打卡,卻堅持不了三天,總是啪啪打臉? -感覺自己在沒時間、沒錢、沒前途的惡性循環中,越過越喪? -忙得要死,錢包卻並沒有鼓起來?
★有時面對複雜的問題,答案其實很簡單。 ●你可以做任何事,但是不能做所有的事。至少不是在同一時間進行。 ●抱持「少即是多」的態度,設定數量少一些但意義多一些的目標,面對人生、工作及一切,就會珍惜已經擁有的一切。 ●當時間的投資者,而非時間的管理者。
忘記是多久以前的事,總之,我其實很佩服那些可以每天寫日記,或是可以不斷地分享自己生活大小事的人。因為這一切,對我來說,都太困難了。 生活已經很忙的,有很多例行公事,能做完就已經了不起了。 還要一一記錄,那真的是饒了我吧! 而且,我覺得我的生活真的一點都不有趣。 雖然,我也說不出有趣是怎麼一回事。
極簡主義 是有意提升我們最珍惜的事物,除去害我們分心的雜物。
這個秋,Chill 嗨嗨!穿搭美美去賞楓,裝備款款去露營⋯⋯你的秋天怎麼過?秋日 To Do List 等你分享! 秋季全站徵文,我們準備了五個創作主題,參賽還有機會獲得「火烤兩用鍋」,一起來看看如何參加吧~
11/20日NVDA即將公布最新一期的財報, 今天Sell Side的分析師, 開始調高目標價, 市場的股價也開始反應, 未來一週NVDA將重新回到美股市場的焦點, 今天我們要分析NVDA Sell Side怎麼看待這次NVDA的財報預測, 以及實際上Buy Side的倉位及操作, 從
Hi 大家好,我是Ethan😊 相近大家都知道保濕是皮膚保養中最基本,也是最重要的一步。無論是在畫室裡長時間對著畫布,還是在旅途中面對各種氣候變化,保持皮膚的水分平衡對我來說至關重要。保濕化妝水不僅能迅速為皮膚補水,還能提升後續保養品的吸收效率。 曾經,我的保養程序簡單到只包括清潔和隨意上乳液
每次到圖書館看到有關斷捨離、簡單生活風格、收納整理的書,都會忍不住借回家看,也閱讀許多類似的書籍,在生活中也因為書本內容影響,開始實施斷捨離,同時也加入了換物社團,或是在平台上賣出自己的二手物品。 一直在想,為什麼自己會這麼關注斷捨離這些議題呢?
前記: 從怡辰老師出《從讀到寫》這本書開始就注意到並且崇拜著這位小學偏鄉教師,家中還有兩位小學生和小小孩的三寶媽,每天看到她的臉書文章記錄管理自己的日常生活,從每日早晨開始的寫作計畫、教師工作中社團、課程進步記錄、葡萄園的農婦時光與如何當一位媽媽,到察覺情緒照顧自己,都讓我著實地欽佩著,怎麼能有人如
★從「認知」、「心智」、「時間」、「關係」、「心態」、「生活」六大角度,  讓我們在已擁有的一切之下,發現自己想要的生活。 ●以下十條,你中了幾招? -整天忙著立標籤,打卡,卻堅持不了三天,總是啪啪打臉? -感覺自己在沒時間、沒錢、沒前途的惡性循環中,越過越喪? -忙得要死,錢包卻並沒有鼓起來?
★有時面對複雜的問題,答案其實很簡單。 ●你可以做任何事,但是不能做所有的事。至少不是在同一時間進行。 ●抱持「少即是多」的態度,設定數量少一些但意義多一些的目標,面對人生、工作及一切,就會珍惜已經擁有的一切。 ●當時間的投資者,而非時間的管理者。
忘記是多久以前的事,總之,我其實很佩服那些可以每天寫日記,或是可以不斷地分享自己生活大小事的人。因為這一切,對我來說,都太困難了。 生活已經很忙的,有很多例行公事,能做完就已經了不起了。 還要一一記錄,那真的是饒了我吧! 而且,我覺得我的生活真的一點都不有趣。 雖然,我也說不出有趣是怎麼一回事。
極簡主義 是有意提升我們最珍惜的事物,除去害我們分心的雜物。