2024-07-13|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 22 分鐘

「愛」音樂分享Part 1


這首《Who I Am》是由Alan Walker、Putri Ariani、 Peder Elias。他們三人所重新演奏的版本。而音樂影片中的雪山背景則是位於挪威-翁達爾斯內斯山脈所拍攝的,如此冰峰林立的雪白山脈,讓這部音樂影片襯托出史詩級的巨作。


簡單介紹這位Alan Walker(艾倫.沃克),他是一名挪威DJ和音樂製片人。因為一首電子舞曲單曲《Faded》(人間迷走)而因此走紅。我將在稍後介紹這首電子舞曲。請先別移動你的腳步,精采歌曲即將登場。


Don’t say this, don’t say that

I’m not playing by the rules

If they were made by you

I won’t break just like that

I’ll make my own mistakes

Till I’m wrong in all the right ways


Save all your tears

You don’t wanna waste them on me

I’m not gonna be just like them

This is just the way that I am

Head in the clouds

I do not fit in to the crowd

Baby it’s all making perfect sense

Cause this is who I am, who I am


Don’t say this, don’t say that

I’m not playing by the rules

If they were made by you

I won’t break just like that

I’ll make my own mistakes

Till I’m wrong in all the right ways


Save all your tears

You don’t wanna waste them on me

I’m not gonna be just like them

This is just the way that I am

Head in the clouds

I do not fit in to the crowd

Baby it’s all making perfect sense

Cause this is who I am, who I am


If only I was wide awake

There’s more than I can take

And when you dive into the blue

I’ll be right next to you

I never wanna miss a thing

We fall in love again

You know I may hold on to you

Cause all that you go through

I’m with you

這首《Who I Am》音樂錄影帶,它的後製過程也宛如電影拍攝製作,同時也訪談了工作團隊的成員們,及記錄了完整的音樂影帶的拍攝過程,也很值得點入觀看。



這一首《Faded》(人間迷走)是由Alan Walker(艾倫.沃克)所創作的一首電子舞曲單曲,它一推出之後便引起全球極大的迴響,同時也在多個國家的音樂榜單進入了前十名。這首歌曲的主唱者,是由挪威籍女歌手艾瑟琳‧索爾海姆獻唱。





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