Be the master of the fate:《 A Wrinkle in Time 》心得

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書名 : A Wrinkle in Time

作者 : Madeleine L'engle

《A Wrinkle in Time》 心得

A wide variety of people and cultures, gorgeous or picturesque landscape are credited with the richness of the world. If the world is depicted as a canvas, all sorts of people in it are like different colors. Now, imagine there is only one kind of color on the canvas and we will see how monotonous as well as dull-looking it will become!In A Wrinkle in Time , however, most people tend to discriminate those who are far more distinctive than the average with prejudice. The characters, Meg and her younger brother Charles, are the victim to the unfair treatment.

  Bearing a strong personal style, Meg finds it awkward to get along with not only peers, but also the teachers . She is by no means an exceptional student in the teachers' eyes. When faced with math puzzles, the teachers always require her to “do it their way” even though she has much better approach. While reading this paragraph, I can't help but associate the plot with the situation in our world;it strikes me that the rigid thoughts some so-called educators instill on other humans are something truly awful. If every person is forced to obey the values their teachers hold to be true, they are destined to turn into a replica of another person. Eventually, their features will be utterly obliterated, and what remains in the end will be another clone to their previous generations. Being lost in the labyrinth built up by the inflexible instructions from others is definitely one of the last thing people deserve.

  The characters' resistance to evil power is as much fascinating as thought-provoking. In the story, “IT”, “a disembodied, oversized brain , just larger than normal to be completely revolting and terrifying,” seizes and commands all the things on Camazotz, a planet where the protagonists are landing to save their father . Whenever Meg is almost gathered up into IT, or lost in IT, she will go to her great extremes to jerk her mind back with undaunted attitudes. Also ,when Charles is intruded by IT and she has no option but to once again turn back to tackle the deteriorating state of affair, she displays her stunning willpower. While the shadow of losing herself in IT looms just one step ahead of her, she still does her utmost to shout the utter fear out of her body, overcomes the prickling situation, and ultimately manages to rescue her beloved brother with love and tearstained face. The course she pushes through certainly moves me, kindling the idea in my mind that we should also spare no efforts to counteract the brainwashing surrounding us. Only when our distinctive character can develop without any suppression, and gallop leisurely in our life without disguise can we deem it as a sign of freedom.

  I think the pivotal points Madeleine L'engle is trying to put across are the significance of self-feature and the independent capability of thinking, which are inextricably intertwined;and once a person boasts both of the qualities, the freedom is on the way. From a young age, we have been regularly required to follow the rules, and to be obedient to parents or teachers. Nevertheless, grown-ups are not always correct and should not anticipate children to lead a life based on their expectation. Only our own characteristic features can lead us to freedom and success. Just like what the story reveals: it is Meg's stubborn and staunch personality, which is always deemed as shortcomings, that makes for the contributing factors of her extraordinary willpower. Free from being tripped by reasons, Meg manages to freely express her universal love, eliminating the enormous crisis.

  “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Nothing is more suitable than the quote for interpreting the main idea in A Wrinkle in Time. As the adolescents struggle to complete the arduous mission, they don't choose to be on the chopping block;instead, they hold on to their belief and seize the lead in their hands as they soar into the vast future ahead of them.



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我們生命中無產出的時期彷彿漫無脫的,但在潛意識間,這些時光卻往往以最深遠的方式影響著我們 - 江逸夫 我們的時光 - 時間與光陰 我們經常說時間很寶貴,我們要爭取時間做有意義的事,但每人對「意義」的定義都不一樣。 我喜歡自己待在一角看看書本享受寧靜的時間,但有些人喜歡與他人相處,去旅行感受不同
每個人都有自己看待人事物 獨特的觀點和應對方式 有時候我們會把這些經歷自動化 遇到什麼就用那個模式去應對 但其實你每一個境遇 都是你用什麼角度去看待它 你才會感受和體驗到它是長這樣 如果你放下你固有的視野 去感受每一個現在 不帶著批判去體驗它 你會發現每一個人都只是你
我們生命中無產出的時期彷彿漫無脫的,但在潛意識間,這些時光卻往往以最深遠的方式影響著我們 - 江逸夫 我們的時光 - 時間與光陰 我們經常說時間很寶貴,我們要爭取時間做有意義的事,但每人對「意義」的定義都不一樣。 我喜歡自己待在一角看看書本享受寧靜的時間,但有些人喜歡與他人相處,去旅行感受不同
每個人都有自己看待人事物 獨特的觀點和應對方式 有時候我們會把這些經歷自動化 遇到什麼就用那個模式去應對 但其實你每一個境遇 都是你用什麼角度去看待它 你才會感受和體驗到它是長這樣 如果你放下你固有的視野 去感受每一個現在 不帶著批判去體驗它 你會發現每一個人都只是你