2024-08-17|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 3 分鐘

文法分析 - Object pronouns - 2

例句來源: Advanced French Grammar (McGraw Hill)

文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)

抽選練習:Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined clauses with one or two pronouns. Be sure to identify the correct construction of the verb.

  1. Ils ne nous ont pas permis de sortir un soir de semaine.

(= They wouldn't let us go out on a weekday evening.)

正確答案:Ils ne nous l'ont pas permis.

錯誤示範:Ils en ne nous ^ ont pas permis.

分析要點:direct object pronoun (le/l') versus adverbial pronoun (en)


  1. identify what preposition is used (à/de?): de
  2. identify what kind of clause is used following the preposition (infinitive/conjugated?): infinitive clause
pattern: de + infinitive clause
= de + sortir un soir de semaine
  1. the use of direct object pronoun (le) and adverbial pronoun (en) depends upon if the preposition de is a part of the expression or not.

e.g. avoir envie de: will be considered as a whole

VERSUS: permettre + de: will be considered as two separate things - verb with the preposition de

Adverbial pronoun (en) is used when de belongs to the expression as a whole while direct object pronoun (le/l') is used when de simply follows the verb. Even for verbs with the preposition de, the verb itself and de would be seen as two separate things in this context.

Thus, the direct object pronoun (le) must be used to replace de + infinitive clause instead of adverbial pronoun (en) in this case.

l': de + sortir un soir de semaine
Ils ne nous l'ont pas permis.

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