例句來源:Advanced French Grammar (McGraw-Hill)
文法參考:Advanced French Grammar (Cambridge)
抽選練習:Place the pronoun(s) given in the following incomplete sentences. You may have to change th past participle in some cases.
正確答案:Je vais leur en donner.
錯誤示範:Je leur en vais donner.
With adverbial pronoun (en/y):
indirect object pronoun + adverbial pronoun + verb
= leur + en + vais donner
Although the sequence of the pronouns alone are correct, the word order of the sentence as a whole is NOT correct. We still need to do a second step.
Futur proche: aller (semi-auxiliary verb) + infinitive
The positions of pronouns for sentences with passé composé and semi-auxiliary verb are different. When there is semi-auxiliary verb in the sentence, the group of pronouns would be surrounded by the semi-auxiliary verb and infinitive, which means the semi-auxiliary verb should be placed at the leftist from the infinitive, NOT right before the infinitive.
= vais (semi-auxiliary verb) + leur + en + infinitive
So the final product will look like this:
Je vais leur en donner.