2024-09-02|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 35 分鐘

2024 0902 給阿雄的祝福:女祭司 Priestess

    2024 0902 給阿雄的祝福:女祭司 Priestess












    我說,「會不會在對於新人的定義,你和主管的想法不同。」「你覺得怎樣的工作表現不算新人 … 。」我還沒說完想要表達的,心情不好的你搶話說道,「我很想跟老闆說,〝你知道你在說什麼嗎?時間是不等人的,其他人不上手,工作要做比較多的是你。」






    我試著詢問,「有沒有試著跟同事溝通,大家一起努力工作 … 」。

















    宇宙給阿雄的塔羅牌祝福和消息:【女祭司 Priestess】。





    試著讓自己come down一點,再決定要如何改變,有的時候改變,不一定是指環境的不同,而是我們的觀念與態度不同。


    Blessings for Ah Hsiung on September 2, 2024: Priestess


    Hello, Ah Hsiung. You arrived early today. You asked if we could start earlier, and since I had no other plans, we immediately began today's session, diving straight into understanding the issues or difficulties you are facing.

    You said that work has been very busy, and today you had a minor dispute with a colleague.

    You mentioned that you dislike the current work atmosphere, where colleagues don't help each other. Those who are supposed to work seriously don't, and they just fool around all day.


    Having worked in human resources before, I immediately inquired, "Does your supervisor know? Are they aware of your team's current work situation? Have they taken any action?"

    You said, "The supervisor knows but doesn't care. You've mentioned the situation many times, but nothing much has been done." You also mentioned, "The supervisor said that those are just new employees, and after some time getting familiar with the job, they won't be so lax." But no one has told these new employees what they are supposed to do. They've been here for a month; are they still considered new? You said you wanted to retort to the supervisor's comment.


    Ah Hsiung, in many jobs, after just one month, you are still considered a newcomer. In fact, even after three months, you might still be at the level of a newcomer.

    I said, "Perhaps your definition of a newcomer differs from your supervisor's. What kind of job performance do you consider to not be that of a newcomer...?" Before I could finish expressing my thoughts, you interrupted in your frustration, saying, "I really want to tell the boss, 'Do you even know what you're saying? Time waits for no one. If others don't get the hang of it, the ones who have to do more work are us.'"


    Afterward, you were not too keen on listening to me. You continued, "I can't work properly in such an environment. I don't like external influences at work. The business environment is highly competitive, and there's no time to waste."


    I can feel that the current work environment makes you feel stifled, undervalued, and even held back by your colleagues.

    I tried to ask, "Have you tried communicating with your colleagues, encouraging everyone to work hard together...?"

    Before I could finish, you said, "I don't want to say too much or get too involved. I've already wasted too much time here. I've done enough and said enough, but no one agrees. I need a better work environment. I don't know how long I can keep going if things continue like this. It's really unlucky to work with these teammates."


    I quickly interjected, "How about starting by updating your resume today?"

    You said, "That's also possible, but I'd rather start tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow."


    That's fine. The important thing is to start; actions lead to opportunities for change.

    Finally, I suggested, "After updating your resume, set it aside for a day or two, then review it again to see what can be adjusted or modified. This way, the quality of your resume will be even better."


    After thanking me, you said, "When my mindset is off, nothing I do goes well, and I feel clumsy. I hate having this kind of mindset at work."


    I said, "Maybe your good fortune is waiting for you at the place where you make a change."

    With your emotions still high, you said, "Maybe that's true. You don't know until you encounter it."


    I said, "Only by moving forward will we know what awaits us ahead."

    You replied, "That's right; there can be no growth by standing still." Then you added, "Actually, I've already decided what I want to do. I'll start tomorrow."


    The Tarot card blessing and message from the universe for Ah Hsiung: Priestess.

    Ah Hsiung, your lingering emotional turmoil can affect your thoughts and judgment. It's understandable how difficult it is to remain calm amidst turmoil and unhappiness.

    However, we all know that without calmness, it's impossible to objectively assess the situation. Things or colleagues may not be as bad as you currently perceive. Losing calmness can also lead to an imbalanced evaluation of yourself.

    Sometimes, decisions and actions that seem proactive are actually another form of passive avoidance and protest. Try to calm down before deciding on any changes. Sometimes, change doesn't necessarily mean a different environment but rather a shift in our mindset and attitude.







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