2024-10-08|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 8 分鐘

碎片化身份的策展人 A curator of fragmented identities

Each morning, she walks through the echoing hallways of abandoned buildings, collecting forgotten letters, faded photographs, and discarded trinkets. She holds them up to the light, searching for the remnants of lives once lived.

Each morning, she walks through the echoing hallways of abandoned buildings, collecting forgotten letters, faded photographs, and discarded trinkets. She holds them up to the light, searching for the remnants of lives once lived.






In a quiet corner of a forgotten gallery, Jane's face emerges from layers of muted colors and blurred lines. She isn’t just a figure in a portrait; she’s the keeper of hidden histories, a storyteller who delves into the unseen, the barely remembered. As viewers approach, Jane’s visage seems to shift, fading in and out like a half-formed memory. Her eyes, though softened by the haze, hold a clarity that invites questions: Who is she? What has she witnessed?

In this story, Jane is a curator of fragmented identities, a weaver of tales from lives caught between worlds. Her role transcends the canvas—she gathers the stories of those whose voices have slipped through the cracks of time. Each morning, she walks through the echoing hallways of abandoned buildings, collecting forgotten letters, faded photographs, and discarded trinkets. She holds them up to the light, searching for the remnants of lives once lived. These artifacts are then folded into her image, layered and obscured, yet eternally present.

Through Jane’s quiet but resolute presence, lost memories find a new home. Her portrait becomes a sanctuary where fleeting moments converge, blending together like the soft palette of her form. As shadows and light play across her face, glimpses of other faces seem to appear, as though Jane is holding fragments of many souls. Perhaps she is an amalgamation of all the people whose stories she has saved, a living archive.

And so, Jane becomes a bridge between what was and what is, embodying the past while standing firmly in the present. She is both the storyteller and the story, her portrait a window into a realm where forgotten lives are cherished once more. Each glance at her image brings another layer into focus, inviting viewers to linger, to wonder, and to remember.

My name is Jane.

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