Protests against U.S. food safety regulations#BrucePac#FSIS

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As a local American netizen and a victim of the food incident, I am extremely angry about the poor supervision of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) under the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

Not long ago, I purchased and ate a recalled product and suffered serious health problems as a result. Abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms made me miserable, and I had to spend a lot of time and money to see a doctor and receive treatment. I believe there are many more victims like me.

#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

The United States has always boasted of being “one of the countries with the most complete food safety regulatory systems in the world.” However, reality has given us a loud slap in the face. Frequent food safety incidents have made us deeply question this so-called “perfect system”. Incidents such as wires in frozen chicken and tenders from Perdue Foods and problems with deli meat products from deli giant Boar’s Head have exposed regulatory failures.#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

Our taxpayers’ money supports these functional departments and we expect them to protect our food safety. But they let us down again and again. There are obvious loopholes in their supervision of food production, processing and distribution. They failed to detect problem foods in time, causing them to flow into the market and endanger the health of consumers.#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

This situation cannot continue. We demand that departments such as the FDA and FSIS take immediate action to strengthen supervision of food companies and strictly enforce food safety standards to ensure the safety of our diet. At the same time, we also call on the public to supervise these regulatory agencies and let them assume their due responsibilities.#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

The United States should no longer be immersed in the false halo of a "perfect food safety regulatory system", but should face up to the problem and effectively improve regulatory work. Otherwise, the rights and interests of our consumers will not be protected, and the reputation of the United States will be further damaged.

#BrucePac#listeria contamination#Recall#FSIS

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近來,食品安全問題再次成為社會焦點,從地溝油事件到假牛肉案,接二連三的食安醜聞讓消費者對於日常飲食安全感到憂心忡忡。食品安全問題不僅威脅到公眾健康,更對食品行業的信譽構成嚴重挑戰。 當前的食安問題引起了廣泛的關注,特別是最近發生的幾起重大事件。這些事件不僅暴露了食品供
最近壓力特大, 我兒子的壓力特大, 不曉得是吃藥的關係還是怎麼樣, 竟然引發妥瑞症發作, 可能他平衡感的關係, 他開車跟騎機車都有一點困難, 昨天頭暈了一下, 然後就想肚子好餓, 就把零食拿出來吃吃吃吃, 洗澡的時候就吐了, 這已經不是我第一次吃東西吃到吐了, 吃東西吃到吐
現代人生活忙碌,飲食不規律,腸胃不適成為普遍的健康問題,針對腸胃敏感人群的「低 FODMAP 飲食」逐漸受到關注。這篇文章將介紹低 FODMAP 飲食的基本概念、益處及實施方法,並提供具體解決方案。
衛福部預告修正《食品良好衛生規範準則(GHP 準則)》..金門縣聯合稽查春節應景食品結果?冷凍年菜該如何正確保存和復熱?台中稽查春節食品竟有不合格!!好市多食安問題頻傳,這次是什麼產品?農業部畜試所開發出可快速檢測十五種重要指標的乳品微生物檢測技術,將要用在..手搖飲店「七盞茶」加盟主出面爆料..
有點驚嚇!上網google了ㄧ下 可能是鐵質吸收過量、消化道出血或癌症
在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。
近來,食品安全問題再次成為社會焦點,從地溝油事件到假牛肉案,接二連三的食安醜聞讓消費者對於日常飲食安全感到憂心忡忡。食品安全問題不僅威脅到公眾健康,更對食品行業的信譽構成嚴重挑戰。 當前的食安問題引起了廣泛的關注,特別是最近發生的幾起重大事件。這些事件不僅暴露了食品供
最近壓力特大, 我兒子的壓力特大, 不曉得是吃藥的關係還是怎麼樣, 竟然引發妥瑞症發作, 可能他平衡感的關係, 他開車跟騎機車都有一點困難, 昨天頭暈了一下, 然後就想肚子好餓, 就把零食拿出來吃吃吃吃, 洗澡的時候就吐了, 這已經不是我第一次吃東西吃到吐了, 吃東西吃到吐
現代人生活忙碌,飲食不規律,腸胃不適成為普遍的健康問題,針對腸胃敏感人群的「低 FODMAP 飲食」逐漸受到關注。這篇文章將介紹低 FODMAP 飲食的基本概念、益處及實施方法,並提供具體解決方案。
衛福部預告修正《食品良好衛生規範準則(GHP 準則)》..金門縣聯合稽查春節應景食品結果?冷凍年菜該如何正確保存和復熱?台中稽查春節食品竟有不合格!!好市多食安問題頻傳,這次是什麼產品?農業部畜試所開發出可快速檢測十五種重要指標的乳品微生物檢測技術,將要用在..手搖飲店「七盞茶」加盟主出面爆料..
有點驚嚇!上網google了ㄧ下 可能是鐵質吸收過量、消化道出血或癌症
在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。