更新於 2024/12/02閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

孤獨的美:Time 雜誌探討獨處與心理健康

Time雜誌近年的專欄內容很多偏向心理健康的話題。Health專欄會用簡單的幾個建議或步驟,讓人們試著重拾、重建、重獲心理健康;The View Essay則多是以書摘的型式呈現。


11月6日出刊Time雜誌的The View Essay,主題是在講孤單或孤獨,標題是”The beauty of being alone”。


Time雜誌這篇文章的第一句話:“There’s a lot of fear around spending time alone.”




文章裡還提到孤獨也會造成相當程度的身心健康傷害:“the genuine risks of chronic loneliness, such as increased rates of anxiety and depression, as well as dementia in older adults.”

但作者提出不同的觀點:But not all loneliness is a health issue. As the surgeon general’s advisory notes, the “transient feelings of loneliness may be less problematic, or even adaptative.


作者想要將「孤獨」去污名化:” Whether you are single or in a relationship, solitude is a neutral-to-positive state of being free of the demands of others.

文章中還引用芝加哥大學已故學者John Cacioppo的論點:loneliness is a biological signal akin to hunger or thirst. When we are in a state of painful loneliness, it is our bodies giving us information to find social support or do reparative work on our social ties.


作者在文章中提到的獨處活動,也正是我這幾年經常進行的:”Staying committed to a creative project is a beautiful solitude style. So are activities that make you feel connected with others—like writing letters to a loved one or even practicing a loving-kindness meditation.


“Solitude is like any other social interaction.” 我覺得這句話就很符合I人的特質,I人需要靠獨處來獲得能量,不同於E人需要較多的人與人互動過程。

以前在固定工作的職場時,同事們中午出去吃飯通常有二種類型,要不就是永遠一個人,要不就是固定跟幾個人一起出去吃。以前我喜歡大家一起午餐的感覺,但在離開職場前的一年之間,我漸漸喜歡一個人吃飯,大概就是像作者所述:Sometimes brunch out with friends is all laughs, and the energy is just right. But other times someone complains a little too much about their job or their ex, and the vibe is off.

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