直到兒子上大學之後,大二下學期又再度發生拒學的狀況。我剛好閱讀到《經濟學人》一篇以”Coming into focus-Researchers are starting to question if ADHD should be seen as a disorder”為題的文章。
Scientists looking to simplify matters with a checklist of biological markers of ADHD have come up empty-handed.
Some scientists argue that these will involve tackling the arbitrary diagnostic criteria that exist for ADHD and other cognitive and neurobehavioral disorders, such as autism and dyslexia.
To get round these problems, some experts think that children and adults may be better served by “transdiagnostic” approach that involves providing help tailored to the individual’s specific cognitive, behavioral and emotional difficulties without bothering with diagnostic labels.
我比較好奇文章提到的“transdiagnostic” approach跨診斷的方式,查了一下Google文章,似乎只停留在研究的層面,台灣是不是還沒有醫生開始進行這樣的診斷?目前無從得知。(如果有人知道,懇請在下方留言)
For a growing number of experts, the evolving scientific understanding of ADHD is leading them to question whether it should be seen as a disorder at all.
Instead, they say, ADHD may simply represent another point on the spectrum of neurodiversity: the range of different ways of thinking and behaving that count as normal.
Researchers have shown that changes in a person’s environment can have dramatic benefits.
Children do better in life if parents and teachers provide a supportive, warm environment with structure and rewards for academic and behavioral achievements.
Far more can be achieved if schools and workplaces are redesigned to accommodate those with symptoms of ADHD, says Nancy Doyle from Birkbeck University, rather than expecting those individuals to adapt to their environments.
In schools, closing classroom doors and windows cuts distraction noise; organizing lessons to include standing and moving helps children who find it hard to sit still for a full period.
文章最後的總結是:如果要讓類過動症狀(ADHD-like symptoms)的人適應社會,與其吃藥改變他們的生理狀態,不如創造一個他們能解除困擾的環境。