"Dear God, thank You for this beautiful day and for bringing us together. Please help us to learn more about You and Your love. Thank You for providing for us and teaching us to share with others. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen."
One day, Jesus was teaching many people. They loved to listen to Him. There were about 5,000 men, and even more women and children! Everyone listened for a long time, and soon they were hungry.
Jesus' disciples said, "There is no food here. How can we feed so many people?"
Then, a little boy came to Jesus. He had five loaves of bread and two fish. That was his lunch, but he wanted to share it.
Jesus smiled and thanked God for the food. Then, something amazing happened! Jesus gave the bread and fish to His disciples, and they started giving it to the people. The food never ran out!
Everyone ate until they were full. When they were done, the disciples picked up the leftovers. There were 12 baskets of food left!
Jesus showed everyone that God cares for us and provides for our needs.
Review Questions:
Closing Prayer:
"Dear God, thank You for teaching us about sharing. Help us to trust You and share what we have with others. Thank You for always providing for us. We love You, and we are thankful for Jesus. In His name, we pray, Amen."