
含有「TalkingHeads」共 8 篇內容
When the world crashes in to my living room 當世界破牆而入-入侵我客廳 Television man made me what I am 電視新人類 造就我的轉變
And I don't know what you expect 我不懂你在期待些什麼 Staring into the TV set 死命盯著電視看 Fighting fire with fire, ah 靠放火來滅火
Everything has been forgiven 所作所為都已獲得寬恕 Pull up the roots, pull up the roots 連根拔除、連根拔除
I'm a lucky guy to live in my building 我可真是幸運 能住進我的大樓 They own the buildings to help them along 他們買下大樓 為了保障生活
Takes a minute to wash that love away 得花一點時間 沖淡那份愛戀 Take a clean break 劃清界線
But I'm not in love 但我沒有 墜入愛河 What does it take to fall in love? 要怎麼做才能 墜入愛河?
Which is my face 愛是我的臉 Which is a building 臉是一棟建築 Which is on fire 建築失火了
Believe, believe in mystery 相信,相信存在 不可思議 Love, love is simple as one, two, three 愛情,愛很簡單,就像數一、二、三