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AFGHANISTAN -- published 24.04.2020
Flights to Afghanistan are suspended.
- This does not apply to repatriation flights that bring back nationals of Afghanistan.
ALBANIA - published 29.04.2020
Flights to Albania are suspended.
- This does not apply to flights operated by Air Albania (ZB) from/to Istanbul (IST).
- This does not apply to repatriation and emergency flights.
ALGERIA -- published 17.04.2020
Flights to Algeria are suspended.
ANGOLA - published 18.03.2020安哥拉-出版的18.03.2020
1. Passengers and airline crew who have been in China (People's Rep.), France, Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.), Portugal or Spain are not allowed to enter Angola. This also applies to passengers and airline crew who have been in contact with people infected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
- This does not apply to airline crew and nationals of Angola. 1.不允許來過中國(人民共和國),法國,伊朗,意大利,南韓,葡萄牙或西班牙的旅客或機組人員進入安哥拉。與被冠狀病毒(COVID-19)感染的人接觸過的乘客和機組人員亦同。
2. Residents of Angola, airline crew and nationals of Angola who arrive from or have been in China (People's Rep.), France, Iran, Italy, Korea (Rep.), Portugal or Spain will be put in quarantine. 2.來自中國(人民共和國),法國,伊朗,意大利,南韓,葡萄牙或西班牙的機組人員和安哥拉國/僑民須被隔離。
3. A completed sanitary control sheet must be presented to the National Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health upon arrival. 3.到達後,必須向國家公共衛生局提交一份完整的衛生控製表。
Airports in Anguilla are closed.
ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA - published 23.04.2020
1. Flights to Antigua and Barbuda are suspended.
- This does not apply to flights with a special approval.
2. Passengers must be quarantined for 14 days.
- This does not apply to passengers arriving from the Dominican Rep.
3. Passengers arriving from the Dominican Rep. must undergo a 14 days quarantine before departure, and a 14 days quarantine upon arrival in Antigua and Barbuda.
安提瓜和巴布達- 23.04.2020
1. 已暫停飛往安提瓜和巴布達的航班。
3. 從多米尼加共和國出發的乘客必須在出發前通過14天的隔離,抵達安提瓜和巴布達後進行第二次的14天隔離。
ARGENTINA -- published 12.04.2020
1. Passengers are not allowed to enter Argentina.
- This does not apply to nationals of Argentina.
- This does not apply to passengers who reside in Argentina.
阿根廷- 12.04.2020
2. Airlines operating repatriation flights must send passenger's information to ANAC 12 hours before departure. This information must contain passenger list with travel document numbers, phone number and address where each person declares that they will comply with the mandatory quarantine upon arrival. 2.遣返航班的航空公司必須在出發前12小時將旅客信息發送給ANAC。此信息必須包含乘客清單,其中包含旅行證件號碼,電話號碼和地址及個人聲明 (抵達目的地時遵守強制性檢疫)。
ARMENIA - published 17.04.2020
1. Passengers are not allowed to enter Armenia.
- This does not apply to:
- nationals and residents of Armenia;
- immediate family members of nationals of Armenia;
- diplomats and their immediate family members.
2. Passengers who are allowed to enter Armenia are subject to a 14 day quarantine.
ARUBA -- published 21.04.2020
Passengers are not allowed to enter Aruba.
- This does not apply to:
- legal residents of Aruba with prior authorization;
- special circumstances to non-resident passengers which are granted upon request . e.g. medical personnel;
- medevac flights, humanitarian flights, transit/transfer flights with prior approval from the DCA Aruba.乘客不得進入阿魯巴。
AUSTRALIA - published 29.04.2020澳大利亞- 29.04.2020
1. Passengers are not allowed to transit or enter Australia.
- This does not apply to nationals of Australia.
- This does not apply to the immediate family members of nationals of Australia.
- This does not apply to permanent residents of Australia and their immediate family members.
- This does not apply to nationals of New Zealand residing in Australia.
- This does not apply to airline crew.
- This does not apply to diplomats accredited to Australia and currently resident in Australia, and their immediate family members. 1.旅客不得過境或進入澳大利亞。
- This does not apply to nationals of Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Isl., Micronesia (Federated States), Nauru, New Zealand, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa (American), Solomon Isl., Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu when they are transiting through Australia to their home country.
- This does not apply to passengers who reside in Cook Isl., French Polynesia or New Caledonia when they are transiting through Australia to their home country.
2. All passengers are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days at their first arrival location in Australia. If their duration of stay is less than 14 days, they must self-isolate for the entire duration of stay.
- This does not apply to airline crew with the appropriate personal protective equipment. 2.所有乘客必須在本國的第一個到達地點進行自我隔離,為期14天。如果他們的停留時間少於14天,則他們必須在此期間自我隔離。
3. Airline crew who are nationals or residents of Australia must self-isolate at their place of residence (or hotel) between flights, or for 14 days, whichever is shorter.
Airline crew who are not nationals or residents of Australia must self-isolate in their hotel on arrival until their next flight. 3. 航空公司機務人員 身分為本國民或居民,必須在飛行航班間或在14天(以較短的時間為準)在其居住地(或旅館)進行自我隔離。
4. All passengers will be provided with an Incoming Passenger Card (IPC) and an Isolation Declaration Card. They are subject to health screening on arrival. 4.將為所有乘客提供入境旅客卡(IPC)和隔離聲明卡,抵達時接受健康檢查。
5. For repatriation charter flights, airlines are advised to contact the Australian Border Force (ABF) at OPBANDORA.Repatriation@abf.gov.au as early as possible in the planning process. Airlines should not confirm or schedule flights before discussing arrangements with the ABF repatriation team.
關於外勞法規 趨勢新聞 生活大小事 帶您了解周遭的外勞同事

Railways to run ‘Shramik Special’ trains to move migrant workers, other persons stranded Shramik Special服務滯留在不同地方的移工等 Yuthika BhargavaNEW DELHI , MAY
Packed With Migrant Workers, Dormitories Fuel  Coronavirus in Singapore 移工擠爆使新加坡的案例增加 By Weiyi Cai and K.K. Rebecca LaiApril 28, 2020蔡偉義和K.K.麗貝卡·萊(Reb
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In response to a request by the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to deport a Filipina caregiver for critici
新冠肺炎 澳洲儲備銀行已經建立了一個資源中心,以及時提供冠狀病毒相關供應鏈問題的資訊。 您想要更多資訊嗎?發送電子郵件給副總裁Deborah Albers 冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的爆發在整個Responsible Business Alliance和利益相關者間引發了遍及全球的商業和人權因應的
Railways to run ‘Shramik Special’ trains to move migrant workers, other persons stranded Shramik Special服務滯留在不同地方的移工等 Yuthika BhargavaNEW DELHI , MAY
Packed With Migrant Workers, Dormitories Fuel  Coronavirus in Singapore 移工擠爆使新加坡的案例增加 By Weiyi Cai and K.K. Rebecca LaiApril 28, 2020蔡偉義和K.K.麗貝卡·萊(Reb
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In response to a request by the Philippine Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) to deport a Filipina caregiver for critici
新冠肺炎 澳洲儲備銀行已經建立了一個資源中心,以及時提供冠狀病毒相關供應鏈問題的資訊。 您想要更多資訊嗎?發送電子郵件給副總裁Deborah Albers 冠狀病毒(COVID-19)的爆發在整個Responsible Business Alliance和利益相關者間引發了遍及全球的商業和人權因應的
Google News 追蹤
政府突然下令所有航班必須在72小時內停飛並徹底銷毀。這個消息立即在社會上引發了轟動。 "真是不敢相信,居然真的要徹底禁止飛機了。"
盧安達計畫是英國政府首先提出的移民政策,被英國認定為非法移民或尋求庇護者的人士,將被重新安置到盧安達,以進行辦理、庇護和重新安置。 該計劃下的首次航班定於2022年6月14日起飛,並已獲得高等法院的法律許可,但在起飛前被歐洲人權法庭叫停。計劃於2023年6月被上訴庭裁定非法。
e等公務園+學習平臺/COVID-19疫情對全球的影響:一年後的檢視 /測驗解答記錄分享
06/13/2018 過關斬將   巴爾幹地區是歐洲通關很不方便的地區。 早已習慣歐洲其他地區無邊境的便利,來到此區,就必需重新溫習從前的不便。   行程的安排中,沒有波士尼亞的景點。 但却有一晚住在波士尼亞。 進入波士尼亞邊境時,年輕的警員問我,你的簽證呢? 我堅定的回答他,我們
松山NH854-東京羽田NH203-法蘭克福LH1376-格但斯克 波蘭就是一直轉機 跟漢莎航空買的票,但原本國泰香港段銜接不上,漢莎提供改票,選了ANA羽田轉機,來了一趟沒體驗過的日系航空歐洲行
因為工作的關係,較難請長假,而在因緣際會下有機會去了一趟歐洲,2019 年的5月出國,該年年底疫情就爆發了,因此,這也是疫情前的最後一趟旅遊。主要是參加活動兼輕旅行,雖然已時隔了幾年,但也還是想好好的把它做一個記錄。之前已在其他平台上發表過,但又再重新整理和補充,希望能好好的保留這段回憶。
政府突然下令所有航班必須在72小時內停飛並徹底銷毀。這個消息立即在社會上引發了轟動。 "真是不敢相信,居然真的要徹底禁止飛機了。"
盧安達計畫是英國政府首先提出的移民政策,被英國認定為非法移民或尋求庇護者的人士,將被重新安置到盧安達,以進行辦理、庇護和重新安置。 該計劃下的首次航班定於2022年6月14日起飛,並已獲得高等法院的法律許可,但在起飛前被歐洲人權法庭叫停。計劃於2023年6月被上訴庭裁定非法。
e等公務園+學習平臺/COVID-19疫情對全球的影響:一年後的檢視 /測驗解答記錄分享
06/13/2018 過關斬將   巴爾幹地區是歐洲通關很不方便的地區。 早已習慣歐洲其他地區無邊境的便利,來到此區,就必需重新溫習從前的不便。   行程的安排中,沒有波士尼亞的景點。 但却有一晚住在波士尼亞。 進入波士尼亞邊境時,年輕的警員問我,你的簽證呢? 我堅定的回答他,我們
松山NH854-東京羽田NH203-法蘭克福LH1376-格但斯克 波蘭就是一直轉機 跟漢莎航空買的票,但原本國泰香港段銜接不上,漢莎提供改票,選了ANA羽田轉機,來了一趟沒體驗過的日系航空歐洲行
因為工作的關係,較難請長假,而在因緣際會下有機會去了一趟歐洲,2019 年的5月出國,該年年底疫情就爆發了,因此,這也是疫情前的最後一趟旅遊。主要是參加活動兼輕旅行,雖然已時隔了幾年,但也還是想好好的把它做一個記錄。之前已在其他平台上發表過,但又再重新整理和補充,希望能好好的保留這段回憶。