Grape Variety (n.) 葡萄品種 Variety 原本是指多樣性,也可以拿來形容種類。記住,他的弟弟 Variant 則是代表變種的意涵。 例句:There’re between 500 and 600 grape varieties grown in Italy.
Baby Sip (n.) 入門內容 Sip 原本是指抿一下,小喝一口,而作者用 Baby Sip 來形容像嬰兒食物好入口的入門內容。 例句: It’s tricky to distill this iconic wine-soaked peninsula into basic baby sips.
Rockstar (n.) 炙手可熱的事物 Rockstar 原意為搖滾明星,蠻常在口語跟影集台詞中用來形容炙手可熱的人或物。 例句:As Sicily’s rockstar red grape, Nero d’Avola’s fruity nature brings plenty of bright red cherry, tart blackberry, and peppery spice to the glass.
Mellow Out (v.) 放鬆/醒酒 Mellow out 原意為放鬆,但用在品酒時可以用來形容酒有沒有醒開。 例句:Nero d’Avola promises to mellow out with a bit of time in the glass.
Partner up with....(v.) 搭配 例句:It can partner up incredibly well with juicy bison burgers, Mom’s lasagna, or your local meat lover’s pizza.
Tannic Beast (n.) 厚重的丹寧 可以望文生義猜出作者想要形容這款酒的丹寧有多重了! 例句:A tannic beast, Negroamaro can come off as rich or rustic, smooth or sassy.
Sipper (n.) 品飲者/吸管 Sipper 原意為喝酒的人,或是喝飲料的吸管 (口語上)。作者在文章中用來形容酒款。 例句:This is an easy sipper, happily ready to roll right out of the bottle, and shows soft fruit character with a little less zippy acidity upfront.
Mouth-drying (adj.) 口乾舌燥/刮舌 Mouth drying 原本用來形容喝或吃下東西後,嘴巴很乾的情況。作者用來形容丹寧很厚重。 例句:Barbera is Piedmont’s everyday wine that’s perfectly poised to rock the red fruit flavorssansthe mouth-drying tannins.