In Attendance 在場/參與 例句:Some 200 were in attendance at the fourteenth reunion
Flagship 旗艦款/高階版
👎六大 NG 故事:
“Systematically point out at least one flaw in each wine at the tasting to the winemakers.” 【參訪酒莊品飲葡萄酒,有人會在釀酒師面前頭頭是道細數每款酒的缺點。】 👎提醒:有些酒友很喜歡看書查資料吸收很多訊息,往往會覺得書本中的道理就是真理,會用書本中的道理來反駁專家。
“A wine snob flat-out refused to drink anything from a screwcap. That’s just dumb.” 【有些假掰人十分排斥品飲使用螺旋蓋的葡萄酒。】 👎提醒:雖然有不少數新世界產區的酒莊使用螺旋蓋,但並不表示品質不好。有些酒莊是為了盡可能降低軟木塞變異的風險。
“Wine waiter sniffed the cork of a very tainted wine and told me there was nothing wrong with it. They refused to smell the actual wine.” 【服務生/侍酒者開了葡萄酒後發現酒有問題,但只聞酒塞不去真正品聞酒款就堅持品質沒問題。】 👎提醒:在比較正式的餐酒館點店內的葡萄酒,侍酒師/服務生會先請客人試喝一點確定沒有問題,才會正式服務倒酒。如果覺得味道跟香氣不對,可以請侍酒師/服務生品聞酒款確認品質,如果有疑慮是可以請餐廳重開一隻酒。
“A couple asking at every winery if they “scrape the leaves” to every tasting room staff’s bemusement. If not, the wine was not up to standard for them to try. After 3 unsuccessful winery visits I realized they wanted to say “stir the lees” and had no idea what that even was.” 【有一對夫妻在參訪酒莊時提出要「刮一下葉子」,每間酒莊品飲人員都覺得霧煞煞。如果酒莊拒絕這對夫妻就認定酒莊不夠格。失敗三次後,才發現這對夫妻想要體驗「攪拌酒渣」,但卻不知道什麼是「攪拌酒渣」。】 👎提醒:有些酒友會賣弄從書本或品酒會學到的專有名詞,覺得很潮但卻沒有真正了解;參訪酒莊時請務必要保持禮儀不要提過分的要求。
“I was once at a co-worker’s wedding and her boss was also in attendance. We sat at the same table. During dinner, he declined the wine served by our hosts and pulled his own wine from a bag , which he and his wife drank. They did not offer any to the rest of the table, or to our hosts.” 【在一場同事婚宴中與她的主管同席,主管在用餐時沒有享用主人準備的葡萄酒而是拿出自備的葡萄酒與他的老婆獨飲,卻沒有邀請同桌或主人共飲。】 👎提醒:獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,如果在聚餐場合自備葡萄酒請維持禮儀詢問同桌或主辦方是否要品嚐。
“Refusing to taste anything but the “flagship wines” during my wine tasting when I worked for a wine producer in Barbaresco.” 【有人在參訪酒莊時指名只喝最高階/旗艦酒款 (a.k.a. 最貴)】 👎提醒:參訪酒莊如果是付費品飲,通常可以喝到最高階/旗艦酒款;如果是免費品飲請按照莊主/釀酒師的安排。但站在酒莊的立場而言,即使是付費品飲,也是希望按照順序從初階慢慢品飲到最高階,可以更全面了解這家酒莊的全部風貌。