[歌詞中譯] Eric Benét - Hurricane

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Eric Benét (艾瑞克班奈特) - Hurricane (颶風)
David Foster & Eric Benét 作詞,發行於2005的同名專輯 “Hurricane” 中
Eric Benét - Hurricane 專輯封面
Standing here in disarray / 所站之處,雜亂無章 (disarray n. 雜亂)
A calm serenity / 卻有著一種寧靜 (serenity n. 寧靜)
The winds of change can devastate / 風的轉變隨時能帶來破壞 (devastate v. 摧毀)
And it took this much for me / 對我而言傷害極大
With nowhere to run and no reason left to hide / 無處可逃,也無理由去躲藏,
Gonna hold on / 也無處立足來保持自己的平衡 (hold on 保持)
All the walls around are broken down / 四周高牆早已倒下
Now I can hear the rising sun / 但我似乎聽見陽光灑落的聲音

Surrounded by everything I want / 周圍皆我所欲求
But nothing that I need / 但非我所需
I was blinded by the absurdity / 荒謬蔽我雙眼 (absurdity n. 荒謬)
Losing all identity / 我已失去我自己 (identity n. 身分)
Sometimes what you fear the most is what you need / 有時你害怕那些你真正需要的
To find that road / 是那些能帶你走到出口的事物
Right around that curve, a lesson learned / 到頭來那傷痕使我學到教訓 (curve n. 刻痕)
Now that I have the eyes to see / 現在我學會多一份心眼去注意周遭
A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain / 颶風來襲,有時候是唯一的,能洗刷內心痛楚的方法
A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again / 颶風強逼,有時候是僅存的,能將你帶回我身邊的事物

With poison toys I'd isolate / 我想遠離那些使我心碎的事物 (poison toys 毒物)
But the wind was strong and true / 但那風驟且狂
But now I see where the treause is / 但現在我找到了我該珍惜的東西
'Cause they only blocked my view / 因為曾經,他們蒙蔽了我的視野
I'm spiraling down but so oblivious / 我節節敗退但卻渾然不覺 (spiral v. 盤旋; oblivious adj. 渾然不覺的)
Got to find my way home / 一定要找回我的來時路
There's a heart that bleeds trapped in me / 淌血的心羈絆住我
But how do I break this shell of stone / 我該怎麼打破這個僵局
A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain / 颶風來襲,有時候是唯一的,能洗刷內心痛楚的方法
A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again / 颶風強逼,有時候是僅存的,能將你帶回我身邊的事物
Sometimes I cried, the tears wouldn't fall / 有時我欲哭無淚
And sometimes I tried to break those walls, And feel your love / 有時我試著打破藩籬,並感受你的愛意
But I came alive, When I finally found my way / 但最後我甦醒過來, 找到我自己的方向

A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only way to wash away the pain / 颶風來襲,有時候這是唯一的,能洗刷內心痛楚的方法
A hurricane, a hurricane, Is sometimes the only thing that brings you back again / 颶風進迫,有時候那是僅存的,能將你帶回我身邊的事物
歡迎來到「龍健誌」專欄。 在這裏,你可以看到台灣街頭健身運動員的專訪與心路歷程分享,也會有一些運動相關的物理治療知識。歡迎各位讀者在底下留言與我們互動喔!

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