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All people should have the right to own a gun to protect themselves. should laws be changed to facilitate this?
According to BBC News on 24th March 2021, President Joe Biden has vowed to take “common-sense steps” to crack down on firearms following two mass shootings in the U.S. in less than a week. Yet, many conservatives, including the Republicans, are averse to Mr. Biden’s strict gun control measures and they hold the right to own a gun which is protected by the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. I feel the question is controversial whether laws should be modified. I will now look at these issues in more detail.
Guns have been invented as a historical weapon since the ancient times. In general, people consider guns as means of protection not only for military use, but also for hunting, sports, and self-defense from foreign invaders, especially for those in the United States. In respect of the U.S. being the world’s third or fourth the largest country by total area, owning a gun brings a sense of safety from invasions of wild animals and criminals. Furthermore, the U.S. society has been known as an immigrant’s paradise which comprises of various races. The diverse population forms an energetic living environment, but meanwhile, caused enormous amounts of conflicts related to racial discrimination issues. Many argue that police officers have excessive authority power to assert the security. As a result of this, people have a tendency to perceive firearms as a symbol of power. Therefore, some point out that stronger gun laws are ineffective. Conversely, people would turn to the black market to purchase guns which are indispensable for reprisal. This stricter gun control will eventually have no impact on crime rates decreasing.
Due to the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, it is very difficult for the Biden’s government to nullify stronger gun control law. Yet, based on a selection of charts from BBC news on 8th April 2021, the small arms survey of 2018 divulged the estimation of firearms owned per 100 residents. The U.S. was ranked the top country by 120.5 civilians owning a gun. Another chart illustrates that the gun-related homicides accounted for 73% of all homicides in the U.S. in 2019. Hence, it is vital to understand that gun seems not a mean of protection but a killing tool. In addition, within the past ten years, mass shootings have been another serious problem in accordance with increasing number of victims killed. Some people argue that civilians owing firearms are not able to eliminate crime, but causes more dangerous situations, including deadly mass shootings, homicides, and accidental gun deaths.
In conclusion, I am personally inclined with taking steps to strictly regulate ownership of assault weapons. I believe that some measures can be taken into practice, such as licenses of ownership and real name registration system. However, it seems to me the question is not only related to law and order, but also social consensus towards law enforcement, especially for the police systemofpower abuses. Take the tragic death of George Floyd, the cost to society was great. It triggered ‘Black Live Matter’ movement. Furthermore, the Americans lost their trust and belief of their justice systems. In my opinion, it is more critical to develop a genuine relationship between the police systems and general public. While people would not consider firearms as a symbol of power and have confidence of their justice systems for protection, strict law amendment of gun control could be widely acknowledged.

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以前曾經讀到:「一個人的自由,以不侵犯到他人的自由為範圍。」這其實表示真實的自由還是受到社會人我之間的分際,而呈現受限的狀態。 同樣的,「一個人的人權也以不侵犯到他人的人權為範圍」,這在某些程度也表明人權是受限,特別是當他侵犯到他人的人權以後,人權勢必受到限制,甚至取消,不然政府就沒有權力把侵犯人