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Daily Breifing◎DoS(2012.11.26)

QUESTION: On China, there’s a video just released recently on the Chinese military has successfully landed its – a fighter jet on its first aircraft carrier.  Is there a concern that this would increase the tension in South China Sea and East Sea and other disputed seas?
MS. NULAND: Was there a question in there?


QUESTION: Yeah. Is there a concern?
MS. NULAND: Obviously we continue to monitor all Chinese military developments very carefully.  This is another in the category of our regular requests that China be as transparent as it can about its military capabilities and intentions, and we regularly encourage China both privately and publicly to use its military capabilities, including this new aircraft carrier, in a manner that is conducive to maintaining peace and security and stability in the Asia Pacific region.

QUESTION: Well, just – new passport --
QUESTION: (Inaudible) or more transparent?
MS. NULAND: More transparent than it has been.


QUESTION: China’s new passport has triggered measure of diplomatic disputes in the neighboring area.  Because in the new passport they include a map and images from South China Sea, and also the scenery is from Taiwan, which triggered complaints from Vietnamese Government, Philippines Government, India Government, and Taiwanese Government.  I wonder, for example, if a Chinese citizen who is holding a new passport coming into U.S. customs, and usually they would get a stamp from U.S. customs, is that an endorsement of the China’s claim, sovereignty claim. (Laughter.)

QUESTION: Just say yes. (Laughter.)
MS. NULAND: No.  It is not an endorsement. (Laughter.) Thank you, though, Arshad, for the opportunity there.

Our position, as you know, on the South China Sea remains that these issues need to be negotiated among the stakeholders, among ASEAN and China.  And a picture in a passport doesn’t change that.

問:中國的新護照已經激起鄰國的外交爭議。在這新護照中,印載了南海以及台灣風景照片。越南政府、菲律賓政府;印度政府,以及台灣政府的抗議。我在想,假使中國公民持此護照進入美國海關,美國海關在護照上蓋上一顆章,這行為是否代表美國對中國的主權主張加以背書?問:你說「對」就可以了(笑)。答:這不是背書(笑)。謝謝你Arshad給我一個機會說明。如你所知,我們對南海的立場仍是:這些議題必須由ASEAN與中國等相關各方協商解決。護照上的照片,並不改變我們的立場。(doesn’t change that)

QUESTION: Otherwise, the importance of solving this crisis, the importance of solving the disputes, was United States disappointed that a binding code of conduct in the South China Sea was not reached during the latest East Asia Summit?
MS. NULAND: I think as the President said when he was there, as others said in the context of the meetings in Cambodia, we are encouraged that informal dialogue has restarted.  As you know, for some time there were no real conversations.  And we want to see this continue to build and accelerate into a real negotiation about how to settle these issues over the longer term.


QUESTION: Also, talk about the aircraft carrier, if this landmark development would encourage you to improve the navy capability of your allies in Asia?

MS. NULAND: Well, I think we’ve made clear through the various strengthening of our security support throughout the region that we will continue to support our allies as we deem necessary and to take appropriate steps.  As I said, it’s incumbent on China as it increases its own military investment that it be more transparent than it has been about what it’s spending the money on and to make sure that its capabilities can clearly be seen as a force for peace.


QUESTION: Just back on that passport issue?



QUESTION: Do you care what China has – what they print inside of their passports?  Does this raise any concern at all with you, because is it simply their business and they can do – they can put whatever they want in their passport?
MS. NULAND: My understanding is that we – and I looked into this a little bit and didn’t get a complete sort of brief on this – but my understanding is that we have certain basic international standards that have to be met in a passport in the way it’s presented --


QUESTION: Decorations are not part of --

MS. NULAND: -- for us to honor it.  And stray maps that they include aren’t part of it, so --


QUESTION: Okay.  And does that – that would go for any country?



QUESTION: So then, I mean, if Mexico put a new passport with a map that had Texas and New Mexico on it – (laughter) – that wouldn’t be a problem?

MS. NULAND: Again, that’s a hypothetical we’re hoping not confront, Matt. (Laughter.)


QUESTION: But in terms of this, and I realize we’re talking about it lightheartedly, but I mean, that would be something that I think the government would probably object to in the Mexican case.  So I just want to make clear or understand: The appearance of this map in the Chinese passport doesn’t really – does it raise concerns for you or not?
MS. NULAND: As a technical legal matter, that map doesn’t have any bearing on whether the passport is valid for U.S. visa issuance or for entry into the United States.  There are a bunch of other issues --


QUESTION: No, I understand that.  But the broader issue of whether this symbolizes a claim that you think should be worked out in negotiation, do you have any concerns about that?
MS. NULAND: Again, I’m not sure whether we’ve had a chance to have that discussion with the Chinese.  Frankly, the first time this issue came to the attention of some of us was over the weekend when the passports started being rejected in various countries.  So presumably, from the perspective that it is considered provocative by some of those countries, we’ll have a conversation about it.  But in terms of the technical issue of whether the passport is --




QUESTION: Quite apart from the – and when you say that you’ll have a conversation about it, that means that you’ll have a conversation about it with the Chinese or you’ll have a conversation about it with the countries that are refusing to accept them?
MS. NULAND: No, I would expect that we’ll probably have a conversation about the fact that this is considered difficult by some of the countries.


QUESTION: Okay. Could you, when that does happen, when that conversation --
MS. NULAND: We’ll come back to you, yes.


QUESTION: Yes. And --
QUESTION: No. China. Can we stay in China?
MS. NULAND: Still China, and then we’ll move on.


QUESTION: Yeah.  Do you consider --
MS. NULAND: You guys really had too much of a rest, I think.



QUESTION: Do you consider this as a provocative on the behalf of China because it involves a number of neighboring countries, including India and other countries in the region?
MS. NULAND: Again, let me get a better sense of whether we’ve had any conversation with China about it or what the content of that might be before I go forward.


QUESTION: And also if you can consider --
MS. NULAND: Our own views on how the South China Sea issues ought to be resolved, our own position on the South China Sea issues, are not changed in any way by this.


QUESTION: And also if you can consider taking question if this such a move increases tension in the region, which you are trying to avoid for long time.



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鬱悶的心情 難以舒懷 灰暗的天空 倍添傷感
本文要提醒讀者 美國還是需要中共對俄羅斯施壓盡早結束戰爭 本屆美國政府的對中政策最大目標一直很一貫:競爭中不要發生衝突 在害怕衝突 又想改變中共行為的窘境下 美國除了一廂情願地保持和中共接觸 也增加被勒索的機會外 實在難以期待在矯正中共劣行上會有任何突破 反而會給獨裁者更多誘因挑戰拜登
策略一: 長期斜率 (0) 策略二: 短期斜率 (0)
        自立從理財開始之前提是有財可理!否則就是理債!         我今天上自立理財課程最大的收穫是甚麼呢?老實說在那個當下要寫出最大收穫,我寫不出來。但,精力充沛的回到家之後,我發現我現在可以寫出來了:今天,我並沒有學到特別的理財知識,但是,我的心情變好了,精神也變充沛了。這是社交的力
突然發現好像很久沒寫字了(# 寫字的部分可以在IG查思爾天想
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~
通常大家聽到國立動物園一定會想說它是有一定的規模,經過這次德里國立動物園後,直接重新刷新我心中的動物園排行榜。大家一定很好奇到底是好的刷新還是不好的刷新。這就留著讓大家看到,自己評價瞜! 因為雙寶還沒有辦法辦入學,所以雙寶媽我不斷地在尋找可以遛小孩的地方,上次去到了德里的科博館,這次來到動
特價的特級烘烤花生醬 雙特果然不同凡響   無糖無鹽的花生醬已經是每日的精神支柱 回憶濃郁又清脆的交錯口感  就能讓人振奮    心臟也琅琅  現在要出征    雙眼讚嘆螢幕熠熠   雙手振筆疾書駸駸        李俊宰說 愛上一個人就是無條件得相信對方   特級花
國內首見碳中和便利商店、碳權可兌換超商購物金的概念源於全家與台北大學於2019年合作推出的「負碳便利商店」實驗計畫。以下是這個故事的詳細說明: 1. **負碳便利商店的出發**:全家與台北大學於2019年廣邀消費者參與「負碳便利商店」實驗計畫,從購物體驗碳有價生活、消費負碳專區商品即可獲得碳權
鬱悶的心情 難以舒懷 灰暗的天空 倍添傷感
本文要提醒讀者 美國還是需要中共對俄羅斯施壓盡早結束戰爭 本屆美國政府的對中政策最大目標一直很一貫:競爭中不要發生衝突 在害怕衝突 又想改變中共行為的窘境下 美國除了一廂情願地保持和中共接觸 也增加被勒索的機會外 實在難以期待在矯正中共劣行上會有任何突破 反而會給獨裁者更多誘因挑戰拜登
策略一: 長期斜率 (0) 策略二: 短期斜率 (0)
        自立從理財開始之前提是有財可理!否則就是理債!         我今天上自立理財課程最大的收穫是甚麼呢?老實說在那個當下要寫出最大收穫,我寫不出來。但,精力充沛的回到家之後,我發現我現在可以寫出來了:今天,我並沒有學到特別的理財知識,但是,我的心情變好了,精神也變充沛了。這是社交的力
突然發現好像很久沒寫字了(# 寫字的部分可以在IG查思爾天想