Asking favors in return?
【Comment】Terry Guo, the Taiwanese tycoon who leads Hong Hai Precision, blasted the AmCham in Taipei for it called MYJ "Mr." rather than "President" in their Presidential Election Candidates to Address 2011 AmCham Annual General Meeting on November 22 during the campaign.
The date, the next day of MYJ's re-election, that Gou blasted showed the significance. It sounds as if Guo, as well as Beijing, was very pleased with the result. Will Beijing, which is facing its power transition, ask a favor of MYJ's in return? revised at 1305
AmCham denies disrespecting Ma◎ICRT(2012.01.15)
The American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei is denying charges by Hon Hai Precision chairman - Terry Guo - that it disrespected President Ma Ying-jeou at a recent meeting.
Guo claimed the U-S trade group had not used Ma's his proper title.
However ... AmCham says Guo has been "misinformed about the facts" .. as its representatives at the meeting used the term "President Ma" to refer to the president, instead of "Mr. Ma," as Guo has claimed.
Guo told the local media Sunday that Ma was addressed by the title "Mr." rather than "President" in the meeting and that AmCham should have shown more respect for the president.
He also accused AmCham of failing to treat Ma with the status of an incumbent president by summoning Ma to give a briefing.
AmCham says it invited Ma to address its annual meeting on November 22-nd as a distinguished guest speaker.
美僑胞見馬未稱總統 郭台銘火大拍桌◎蘋果(2012.01.15)
馬英九總統順利當選連任,鴻海董事長郭台銘15日指出,鴻海早在選前就開始拚經濟,這場選舉對企業有非常大的鼓舞,話鋒一轉,他盛讚馬總統「寬宏大量」,更對選前美僑商會稱馬總統為「馬先生」的作風大表不平,並強調,「要是我老早翻桌、掉頭就走」。郭台銘說,「全世界有哪一個領導人像馬總統一樣寬宏大量,一天24小時從早罵到晚不生氣?有多少的領導做得到?要我老早生氣,老早翻桌子」,他強調,要給任何領導人有錯誤的空間、有做事的空間、有改正的空間。郭台銘接著批評起美僑商會,在總統選舉前,美僑商會要兩個總統候選人去說明,「我很不以為然」,憑什麼要總統候選人去說明,說到激動處,還大拍桌子一下才說,美僑商會憑什麼稱呼「馬英九先生」,連總統都不稱呼?郭台銘大聲的說,美國人是做台灣生意的,還要求東要求西,「我看了就不舒服」,「要是我老早翻桌、掉頭就走」。原文網址: 美僑商會不稱馬總統?郭台銘氣不過:要是我老早翻桌走人 | 政治新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網