Pros and Cons of Being A Cockroach 4.

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Along the way of life, friends you made when you were young grew up and get older like you, but they don't necessarily go on the same path you choose. Friends got happily married, Anne once was on that road too but never stayed for as long. Friends have their husbands and beautiful children, busy taking care of their husbands and children, busy traveling with them, busy sharing life with them or with some other rich friends, and it never was Anne.
And boyfriends, lovers, especially the one she loved the most, visited her the least. "Maybe, I was never the love of his life like he was mine, but only a friend with benefit. We never reached to see a movie together, and we never made it too far from my apartment. He was always too busy, working, and taking care of some people he truly cared about. And money was never enough for him. He was always looking for a better social status and more success. But what is success? Living a life so secure and so dull without love and passion?"
"And ex-husband? Well, let's not even go there. It's just another humiliating and heartbreaking story. We've moved on, and remember how hard it was to get yourself together, so, don't go there!"- She tells herself.
Roach is living the time of his life. He never thought that he can make someone happy, just by being there. He pays full attention to everything his lady says. He can't believe how a person can bear a life full of loss and solitude. He is now, more than ever, so sure that his choice is right. He feels a kind of satisfaction that he never experienced before that he can paint someone's life with sharing his regular life as a cockroach.
He goes back to his true identity every day after the Sun rises. It's a dangerous however free life. He can roam around as he wants and visit many places where no humans can reach, like those corners behind the kitchen cabinets, inside the toaster, or the holes where the gas pipeline gets through. He can do so many things that no men can, such as, crawling along the inside walls of the sewers, feeling the most subtle trembling of the earth, or sniffing every single scent in the city. However, a life under the broad daylight still doesn't fit fully the need of a cockroach.
Sometimes when he got tired, or when there are too many people on the streets, in the food stands and restaurants and it gets too dangerous, he returns to Anne's apartment where he can always get a good rest. He can watch Anne sleeping sweet and sound, he feels safe and consoled too. On top of that, he feels responsible for his lady now. He tells himself: "I can't afford to risk my life now. If anything bad happens to me, and I am not able to come back and tell her what has happened to me, and I even got nobody to notify Anne for me that I got hurt or killed. She'll be worried sick, and she'll be devastated and be alone again. I can't let that happen."
Just on the thought of her crying over not seeing him and knowing nothing about him, Roach feels that he's about to have a heart attack. So he goes out less and less, and till one day he stops going out. He stays in both when he is a human at night and a cockroach in the day, just to be by her side. There he is, even though he is a cockroach during the day, he still feels like a human inside.
But Roach can't help getting curious about the world behind this door. "What does it feel like walking in human's world without being despised and without everybody wanting you dead because I'm human?" Roach longs to know it too much.
It's been nice to have a company, especially one like Roach, so considerate, so consoling, so warm, and so charming, but Anne, can't help wondering: "What is this anyway?"
"I know, I know, I'm free every day after he leaves for his cockroach life. I can have my life too, and we do have fantastic conversations and connections, I laugh with him like I never laughed with anyone else before. And we can cry together when we feel sad, and we argue so freely without fearing of being hated or abandoned. Oh and I do love him, so much."
But it also has become a ball and chain. She feels loved and lost at the same time.
"Who is he? What is he?"- Anne feels so powerless. Because Roach is so real but yet so surreal. What should she hold on to? And who the hell in the world has a relationship like this? With a man that is also a cockroach?
"What will happen afterwards?"
"Where do we go from here?"
Neither of these two can remember how many sunsets and how many dawns they have seen together. How many days have passed? Since when they stopped counting? Roach even found a grey hair one day when he looks at himself in the mirror. Since when have they stopped talking like they were used to? Since when have they even stopped looking at each other? They do still sit down at the kitchen table or get cozy on the couch, but it's the silence that occupies the house.
One is reading, and the other writing, everything seems fine. Roach pours tea for Anne, and she says thank you. And then.
They both sense an awkwardness and restlessness in the air. Maybe it's time.
It's funny enough that they seem tired of this life but they still got the connection. This night, they lift up their heads, looking at each other and open their mouths at the exact same time.
They burst into laughter and tears.
"I think I might know what you wanna say. So tell me."- Roach trying to be a real gentleman.
"It's time, Roach."- Anne says so while shaking her head.
"And I know you feel it too." - Anne keeps going, she feels responsible to be reasonable and understanding because she is the real human here.
"This love we have and the company we give each other has become a prison for you, and for me."
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"I know it's you. And I'm not shocked at all. For, one, I was secretly joking to myself that if this cockroach was a man, he then is the man I've.....
One night when the cockroach falls asleep, a spirit comes into its dream, and the spirit whispers.....
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「有一種人,即使我們明白永遠得不到他的愛,也還是要愛他;有一種愛情,即使我們明白最後只會受傷,也還是想要擁有。」─ Sophia《幸福,未完待續》 坐在陽台的磁磚地面上,望著黑夜與霓虹燈各自熱鬧的景象,好在有微風,跟好友煲了一個晚上的電話粥,聊生活裡的很多很多。 起身時,背痛、屁股痛的,感覺像個
長輩給我介紹了對象, 他職業跟你一樣,   我把他,當成了你 吵得對方受不了, 就把我封鎖了… (我很能同理對方……對方工作神忙神忙, 我耽誤對方半小時,他就少半小時休息啦,我確實太吵了)   我醒悟了一件事, 這年頭,原來不只感情, 連友情,都需要雙向奔赴。     就
疫情開始幾年沒見的朋友,再次相約卻收到將移居外地的消息。 朋友是名律師,育有三名兒女,放下專業身分,為小孩的教育發展移居。 「就是破釜沉舟的決心。」她說到加拿大做全職媽媽,老公大概找份倉務員的工作,能應付生活基本開銷即可。 我問:「會捨不得自己的事業嗎?」
什麼時後沒有靈魂 一身累 誰也不想說話 不可愛 就像失去了靈魂 回過頭想 原來這種時刻發生在一切都擁有著的時候 接近了自己想過的生活
卅年前開始的故事吧!有位朋友新婚後不久,突然來找我抱怨,他說他很受不了他丈母娘。 那時的我,還年少輕狂吧,很容易就介入朋友的家事。所以我告訴朋友,用十年來改變自己的心境,如果改變不了,那就離婚吧!因為早晚他的妻子會變成他丈母娘的樣子。讓人家趁著時間還早,也許可以另外找到幸福。何必五六十歲了,天天爭
喜歡一個人可以喜歡多久?這個從來就是未知數,沒有正確答案。 他總是以自己的方式在守護她,觀望、守護、不打擾;她總是單方面的接受他給予的美好。這樣的生活過了30年,是段不短的旅程,還是尚未結束的旅程。過程中他結婚了,也有了三個小孩;她談過幾次戀愛,卻依然單身著。 記得每隔兩年的同學會都
 我的父母是寫信認識的,所以我想他們在交往的階段,心裡大概都有著巨大的粉紅憧憬,想像浪漫;他們有城鄉差距、不同的家庭環境,媽媽回娘家都要搭上4-5小時車程,因此也只有在放長假時才能回去見家人。   兒時印象外公家只有外公和阿姨與她的小孩,長大以後知道外婆去世、阿姨單親並扶養著小孩,我很喜歡回外公家
「有一種人,即使我們明白永遠得不到他的愛,也還是要愛他;有一種愛情,即使我們明白最後只會受傷,也還是想要擁有。」─ Sophia《幸福,未完待續》 坐在陽台的磁磚地面上,望著黑夜與霓虹燈各自熱鬧的景象,好在有微風,跟好友煲了一個晚上的電話粥,聊生活裡的很多很多。 起身時,背痛、屁股痛的,感覺像個
長輩給我介紹了對象, 他職業跟你一樣,   我把他,當成了你 吵得對方受不了, 就把我封鎖了… (我很能同理對方……對方工作神忙神忙, 我耽誤對方半小時,他就少半小時休息啦,我確實太吵了)   我醒悟了一件事, 這年頭,原來不只感情, 連友情,都需要雙向奔赴。     就
疫情開始幾年沒見的朋友,再次相約卻收到將移居外地的消息。 朋友是名律師,育有三名兒女,放下專業身分,為小孩的教育發展移居。 「就是破釜沉舟的決心。」她說到加拿大做全職媽媽,老公大概找份倉務員的工作,能應付生活基本開銷即可。 我問:「會捨不得自己的事業嗎?」
什麼時後沒有靈魂 一身累 誰也不想說話 不可愛 就像失去了靈魂 回過頭想 原來這種時刻發生在一切都擁有著的時候 接近了自己想過的生活
卅年前開始的故事吧!有位朋友新婚後不久,突然來找我抱怨,他說他很受不了他丈母娘。 那時的我,還年少輕狂吧,很容易就介入朋友的家事。所以我告訴朋友,用十年來改變自己的心境,如果改變不了,那就離婚吧!因為早晚他的妻子會變成他丈母娘的樣子。讓人家趁著時間還早,也許可以另外找到幸福。何必五六十歲了,天天爭
喜歡一個人可以喜歡多久?這個從來就是未知數,沒有正確答案。 他總是以自己的方式在守護她,觀望、守護、不打擾;她總是單方面的接受他給予的美好。這樣的生活過了30年,是段不短的旅程,還是尚未結束的旅程。過程中他結婚了,也有了三個小孩;她談過幾次戀愛,卻依然單身著。 記得每隔兩年的同學會都
 我的父母是寫信認識的,所以我想他們在交往的階段,心裡大概都有著巨大的粉紅憧憬,想像浪漫;他們有城鄉差距、不同的家庭環境,媽媽回娘家都要搭上4-5小時車程,因此也只有在放長假時才能回去見家人。   兒時印象外公家只有外公和阿姨與她的小孩,長大以後知道外婆去世、阿姨單親並扶養著小孩,我很喜歡回外公家