Differences between on-board date and on-board notation

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We analyze the difference between "On-Board Date" and "On-Board Notation" on the bill of lading and their legal effect.
On Board Date: On Board Date refers to when the goods are loaded onto the ship, that is, the date of shipment on the bill of lading. In many trade conditions (such as INCOTERMS of the International Chamber of Commerce), the On Board date is regarded as one of the critical points for delivering goods. Usually, when the goods are confirmed to be loaded on the ship, the shipping company or ship agent will indicate the "On-Board" date on the bill of lading. The record of this date is important evidence to prove that the goods have been officially Shipped. Legal effect: The On-Board date is very important to determine the transfer of title and risk of the goods to the buyer. Once the goods are confirmed to be loaded on the ship, the buyer must pay the related transportation costs, and the risk of the goods usually passes to the buyer at this point. Therefore, the On Board date has a binding legal effect in determining the delivery time and responsibility.
On Board Note (On Board Notation): On Board Note is the official approval of the shipment status of the goods on the bill of lading. The shipping company or agent usually adds "On Board" or similar notes on the bill of lading to confirm that the goods have been loaded on the ship. This note aims to prove that the goods were guaranteed to be shipped on a specific date and provide clear evidence to all parties involved. Legal effect: On Board note has a significant legal impact on maritime trade. It serves as the official proof of the shipment of the goods and can be used as evidence to confirm the time of shipment. For the buyer and the seller, the On Board note can be used as the critical basis for the buyer to pay the transportation fee and transfer the risk of the goods. When the buyer receives the bill of lading and sees the "On Board" note, they can be sure that the goods have been officially loaded on Board and the corresponding responsibilities and fees have been paid.
The difference between On-Board date and On-Board Notation:
Timepoint: On-Board, when the goods are loaded on the ship. The On-Board note is an official note that the cargo has been loaded on the boat but does not specify the exact date.
Recording method: The On-Board date is directly recorded on the bill of lading in date form, such as "On-Board Date: 2023-05-10". The On-Board note adds a text note on the bill of lading, such as "On-Board" or similar.
Legal effect: The On-Board date has a significant legal impact in determining the delivery time of the goods and the transfer of risks. The On-Board note is used as the official proof of the shipment of the goods, providing evidence to confirm the time of shipment. It is the critical basis for the buyer to pay the transportation cost and transfer the risk of the goods.
In summary, the On-Board date records explicitly the exact date of shipment of goods, which plays a crucial role in determining delivery time and risk transfer. The On-Board note is official, indicating that the goods have been loaded on the ship as a basis for proving when the goods were shipped. Both are important regarding legal effect, but the On-Board date is more confident and specific.

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