The cover of the book "Pageboy: A memoir".
Elliot Page,一個很知名的演員,2014 年出櫃為女同志,2018 年結婚,2020 年末出櫃為跨性別男性。一個挺峰迴路轉的認同過程。
這本書一開始寫了非常重要的一句話:There are an infinite number of ways to be queer and trans, and my story speaks to only one. 他的故事只反映了其一,而我的故事也只是屬於我的經歷。或許會有相似之處,但沒有的話也沒什麼。他也提到寫下這本書的初衷並不是某種「鼓舞」,所謂鼓舞,像是現在依然有些人覺得學校教導小朋友性向,就會鼓勵小朋友變成同性戀的那種誤會。我不確定台灣的朋友對英國和美國對跨性別的仇恨程度感知如何。但這本書的初衷之一,是保護所有人在這樣的社會風氣下,繼續和自己對話、了解自己的勇氣。
他的出櫃歷程可能算是有點長,他的知名程度以及職業,特別是在十分複雜的Hollywood,在這方面可能多少成為他自我探索的阻礙。書中也描述了種種在那個環境下許多人的性騷擾、言語騷擾、甚至面臨更暴力的處境。以Hollywood這幾年的me too浪潮看來我不是很意外,但依然覺得,他辛苦了。
I still managed to finish reading this memoir during this busy month.
Elliot Page, a well-known actor, came out as a lesbian in 2014, got married in 2018, and then came out as a transgender man at the end of 2020. It's quite a transformative journey of self-discovery.
This book begins with a very important sentence: "There are an infinite number of ways to be queer and trans, and my story speaks to only one." His story represents just one perspective, and my story is also just my own experience. There might be similarities, but still all fine if not. He also mentions that the intention behind writing this book wasn't necessarily to inspire others, as some people still misunderstand that teaching children about sexual orientations in schools might encourage them to become gay. I'm not sure how much awareness there is among people of the extent of anti-trans in the UK and the US. However, one of the intentions of this book is to encourage everyone to continue having an inner dialogue and the courage to understand oneself in such a situation.
The narrative style of this book is something I'm not quite accustomed to; it's a bit like casually sharing fragments of the past with a friend, with a non-linear timeline and an informal use of language. Yet, it truly and honestly documents some very personal experiences. Being a prominent actor, his candidness in his writing occasionally surprises me, given that it's easy to accidentally reveal the true identities of the people he talks about, who might also be public figures.
His coming-out journey is a bit prolonged, and his fame and profession, especially in the complex realm of Hollywood, possibly posed obstacles to his self-exploration. The book also describes numerous instances of sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and even more violent situations that many faced in that environment. Given the #MeToo movement in Hollywood in recent years, I'm not very surprised, but I still feel he has been through a lot.
Another striking impression is that he realized his gender identity at a young age, around 4 years old, just like me, which aligns with many examples I've heard. Although he went through phases of exploring different sexual orientations and gender identities, he eventually realized that his initial intuition about gender was the final answer.