USBORNE的Questions and Answers(4-7 Years)-英文版
USBORNE的Questions and Answers(4-7 Years)-中文版
1.關於天氣你想知道什麼(About Weather)
關於天氣你想知道什麼(About Weather)
What are rainbows made of? How hot is the sun? When do hurricanes happen? Discover the answers to these questions and many more in this fascinating information book, with over 60 flaps to lift. There’s also a quiz, a make your own water cycle experiment, and Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for more amazing facts.
2.關於塑膠你想做什麼(About Plastic)
關於塑膠你想做什麼(About Plastic)
自面世以來,塑膠得到廣泛應用,但同時亦產生嚴重的環境問題。 隨著環保概念越來越被提倡,全球化,減塑,限塑等活動如火如荼的展開。塑膠彷彿成了一個破壞生態、污染環境的反派角色。塑膠有什麼錯嗎?你可知道,消防員的塑膠安全設備可以拯救生命;塑膠可以是一種有用的新材料防止人們傷害自然。
What’s plastic made of? How does it get into the ocean? Can we live without plastic? Learn all about plastic, recycling and how plastic affects the environment in this revealing book with over 60 flaps to lift. There are also tips on how we can make a difference, and Usborne Quicklinks to specially selected websites for video clips and activities.
1.關於感覺你想知道什麼(About Feelings)
關於感覺你想知道什麼(About Feelings)
Why can't I be happy all the time? What can I do when I feel like exploding? Is it ok to give up? This book is packed full of tips, tools and everyday situations to help kids think about and answer these BIG questions for themselves.
2.關於錢你想做什麼(About Money)
關於錢你想做什麼(About Money)
★ 超過60個問題翻翻頁,看見錢的多種面向 ★
★ 了解錢的歷史、建立理財觀念、看破金錢陷阱、認識錢的文化 ★
Understanding money today is so much more than learning about notes and coins. Where does money come from? Why do I have to save? What happens if I click BUY NOW? Find answers to important money questions, and some silly ones too in this friendly and useful book.
- The question and answer lift-the-flat format is a perfect reading tool for curious kids
- Written in consultation with money management expert Bobby Seagull - TV and radio presenter, teacher and ambassador for the National Numeracy charity
- Early learning about money is key to building good money habits
3.關於藝術你想知道什麼(About Art)
關於藝術你想知道什麼(About Art)
藝術可以令人歡喜雀躍,也能讓人感受悲傷;不僅傳遞我們的思想情感,同時豐富我們的精神生活。 普遍來說,「藝術」是指人們憑藉技巧、知識、想像力、經驗等,融合了理性和感性因素所創造的事物及行為,並與他人分享對美的體驗或其中蘊含的深意。在距今數萬年之前,早期的人類還未建立文明就已經有了繪畫和雕刻(塑)的製作。當時的藝術可能屬於宗教儀式的一部分,也可能是對生活情景的紀錄。隨著時代演進,藝術的類型和扮演的角色變得更加多元。由於創作技巧的不斷發展、各種媒材的廣泛應用,藝術不單可以傳遞訊息、抒發情感、展現創意,而且能夠豐富生活、陶冶心性、提升素養,甚至反映周遭世界、探討社會議題並激發大眾思考。 英國知名出版社Usborne出版的Questions & Answers系列享有幼兒界百科全書的稱號,《關於藝術你想知道什麼?》是一本極富啟發性的圖畫書,透過60個翻翻頁,以簡單的文字、生動的畫面介紹藝術。 什麼是原色?藝術有什麼類型?藝術家如何決定畫什麼?動動手指、翻翻看,這本書能幫你解答許多有關藝術的問題,並且帶領你一同探索關於藝術的歷史和典故!
What’s the point of art? Why do artists draw themselves? Who were the Impressionists? Discover the answers to these questions and many more in this entertaining information book, containing over 60 flaps to lift. A great introduction to art for inquisitive young children, with links to specially selected websites for more information.
4.關於音樂你想知道什麼(About Music)
關於音樂你想知道什麼(About Music)
With questions such as How do you write a song? and Can you play music in space? this book is perfect for encouraging an interest in music. Lift the flaps to discover instruments from around the world, and hear them come to life by listening to the book's playlist on Usborne Quicklinks.
1.關於長大你想問什麼(About Growing Up)
關於長大你想問什麼(About Growing Up)
也許突然間,我們變成了愛問問題的孩子。轉而,我們可能擁有了愛問問題的孩子。她會眨巴著眼睛問你,哦我是從哪裡來的?哦為什麼我一定要乖乖吃飯睡覺?他是男生我是女生有什麼不一樣嗎?這些問題的回答,再也不是那句等你長大你就會明白。把這些小小的問題翻開,有幼兒界百科全書稱號的Usborne Q& A書系,透過60個翻翻頁不用等你長大,你和孩子就可以知道關於長大的答案。
What’s the point of belly buttons? When will my voice go deep? Why do I have to go to bed? Curious children can find out about growing up and puberty, hormones, periods, shaving and much more in this entertaining book with over 60 flaps to lift. There are helpful tips on coping with growing up, and links to websites with more information, too.