Man of sorrows Lamb of God(憂患之子 上帝的羔羊)
By His own betrayed(被自己的門徒出賣)The sin of man and wrath of God(人的罪孽 神的憤怒)Has been on Jesus laid(耶穌誠然擔當)
Silent as He stood accused(他被控告卻不還口)
Beaten mocked and scorned(被鞭打 戲弄 蔑視 唾棄)
Bowing to the Father's will(謙卑自己 成就父的旨意)
He took a crown of thorns(他頭戴荆棘冠冕)
Oh that rugged cross(在那被詛的十字架上)
My salvation(是我的救贖主)
Where Your love poured out over me(祢的愛傾倒而下覆庇我)
Now my soul cries out(我的靈魂呼喊)
Praise and honour unto Thee(榮耀颂讚歸於祢)
Sent of heaven God's own Son(上帝差遣他獨生愛子)
To purchase and redeem(重價贖回我們)
And reconcile the very ones (使那些迫害祂的人)
Who nailed Him to that tree (和祂再次和好)
Now my debt is paid It is paid in full (我罪債償還 得完全赦免)
By the precious blood That my Jesus spilled (靠耶穌寶血 能洗淨我罪)
Now the curse of sin Has no hold on me (罪惡的咒詛 不再綑綁我)
Whom the Son sets free Oh is free indeed (蒙恩被釋放 得救是永恆)
See the stone is rolled away (墓穴大石已挪開)
Behold the empty tomb (來看那空墓穴)
Hallelujah God be praised (哈利路亞 讚美主)
He's risen from the grave (祂已死裡復活)
-Hillsong(山丘之歌教會) (原版)