
更新於 2023/10/31閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

Topic: Effects of body plan evolution on the hydrodynamic drag and energy requirements of swimming in ichthyosaurs

Source: Ji, C., Motani, R., Jiang, D., Rieppel, O., Hao, W., Sun, Z., & Schmitz, L. (2019). Effects of body plan evolution on the hydrodynamic drag and energy requirements of swimming in ichthyosaurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 286 (1896), 20182786. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2018.2786

Speaker: CHUNG-HSUAN, LU (Peregrine)

Advisor: Not shown here

This research investigated the effects of body plan evolution on the hydrodynamic drag and energy requirements of swimming in ichthyosaurs. Ichthyosaurs were an extinct group of fully marine tetrapods that were well adapted to aquatic locomotion. During their approximately 160 million years of existence, they evolved from elongate and serpentine forms into stockier, fish-like animals, convergent with sharks and dolphins. The authors used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to quantify the impact of this transition on the energy demands of ichthyosaur swimming for the first time. The computational simulations of water flow conducted using three-dimensional digital models of nine ichthyosaurs and an extant functional analogue, a bottlenose dolphin, providing the first quantitative evaluation of ichthyosaur hydrodynamics across phylogeny. The results showed that morphology did not have a major effect on the drag coefficient or the energy cost of steady swimming through geological time. The results also showed that even the early ichthyosaurs produced low levels of drag for a given volume, comparable to those of a modern dolphin, and that deep ‘torpedo-shaped’ bodies did not reduce the cost of locomotion. The analysis provided important insight into the choice of scaling parameters for CFD applied to swimming mechanics and underlined the great influence of body size evolution on ichthyosaur locomotion. A combination of large bodies and efficient swimming modes lowered the cost of steady swimming as ichthyosaurs became increasingly adapted to a pelagic existence.

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
abstract method 一定要在 abstract class裡面 abstract class裡面不一定要有abstract method
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我們在前幾篇有介紹到介面的用途,都知道介面可以制定規格,建議可以先複習一下這一篇「【開發智能合約 — Solidity系列】實作篇Ep.10 — 標準化的介面(Interfaces)」,而這次來介紹一個非常抽象的概念,名為「抽象化合約」,果然如其名! 不太容易理解,這種合約跟介面非常相似,都可以用來
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