隱藏在胡志明市小宅房中的下午茶:Villa Royale (Tea time in HCMC)

2023/12/14閱讀時間約 2 分鐘

在這忙碌的胡志明市,下午想要享受一下英國式的下午茶,Villa Royale是一個不錯的選擇,這間下午茶是隱藏在民宅中,走進小庭院來自各國的裝飾讓人有種來到一個不一樣的國度,當你打開門的那一霎那,看著每一個裝飾物,聽著這位有趣的澳洲老闆的解說,彷彿跟著老闆的故事環遊世界一圈。

In this busy city (HCMC), if you would like to join a afternoon tea, Villa Royale is one of the choices. Hiding inside of the vila, the moment you walk in to the front yard, you will see the decorations which collected by the owner from all over the world. And the moment you enter the restaurant, the owner would take you through and explains to you where did he go and how did he collect all these decorations. Listening to his stories, just seems like you had traveled around the world with him.


在這舒服的環境中,推薦各位可以點上High tea,豐盛的點心配上TWG的茶香,跟閨蜜來場下午饗宴,放鬆著喝茶吃著濃濃的巧克力甜點。這是胡志明市的媽媽們最常有的生活之一。

In this relaxing surrounding, recommend to order a high tea set, with the fragrance from TWG team, you can enjoy your chatting time with your friends.

