【✈️】每日英文單字 ㉖

更新於 發佈於 閱讀時間約 19 分鐘

✈️ Board

字根、字首、字尾: Board- (get on)

解釋: 登機

例句: Passengers are requested to board the aircraft through the designated gate.

✈️ Boarding Pass

字根、字首、字尾: Board- (get on)

解釋: 登機證

例句: Please make sure to keep your boarding pass with you at all times during the journey.

✈️ Boarding Gate

字根、字首、字尾: Board- (get on)

解釋: 登機門

例句: The boarding gate for your flight is indicated on your boarding pass.

✈️ Boarding Time

字根、字首、字尾: Board- (get on), Time

解釋: 登機時間

例句: Passengers should be at the boarding gate well before the specified boarding time.

✈️ First Class

字根、字首、字尾: First

解釋: 頭等艙

例句: First-class passengers enjoy premium amenities and services during their flight.

✈️ Business Class

字根、字首、字尾: Business

解釋: 商務艙

例句: Business-class travelers have access to exclusive lounges and comfortable seating.

✈️ Economy Class

字根、字首、字尾: Economy

解釋: 經濟艙

例句: Economy class offers affordable travel with standard in-flight services.

✈️ Flight

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 班機

例句: The flight to London is scheduled to depart from Gate 3.

✈️ International Flight

字根、字首、字尾: Inter- (between), -national (nations)

解釋: 國際航班

例句: International flights require passengers to go through additional security checks.

✈️ Non-stop Flight

字根、字首、字尾: Non- (not), Stop

解釋: 直飛班機

例句: A non-stop flight from New York to Tokyo eliminates layovers for passengers.

✈️ Red-eye Flight

字根、字首、字尾: Red-eye (late-night)

解釋: 半夜起飛之班機

例句: The red-eye flight to Los Angeles is convenient for those who prefer overnight travel.

✈️ Airport Tax

字根、字首、字尾: Air- (related to flight), -port (port), Tax

解釋: 機場稅

例句: The airport tax is included in the ticket price and covers facility usage.

✈️ Passport Control

字根、字首、字尾: Pass- (passage), -port (port), Control

解釋: 護照檢查

例句: Passengers must go through passport control before entering the departure area.

✈️ Security Check

字根、字首、字尾: Security

解釋: 安全檢查

例句: All passengers are subject to a thorough security check before boarding.

✈️ Visa

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 簽證

例句: Some countries require a visa for entry, so it's essential to check visa requirements.

✈️ Residence Permit

字根、字首、字尾: Residence, Permit

解釋: 居留證

例句: Expatriates must obtain a residence permit to live and work in a foreign country.

✈️ Quarantine

字根、字首、字尾: Quar- (four), -antine (forty days)

解釋: 隔離;檢疫

例句: Travelers may undergo quarantine if they have been exposed to infectious diseases.

✈️ Baggage = Luggage

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 行李

例句: Please make sure to tag your baggage with the provided claim tag.

✈️ Baggage Claim

字根、字首、字尾: Baggage, Claim

解釋: 行李提領處

例句: Passengers can retrieve their checked baggage at the designated baggage claim area.

✈️ Baggage Carousel

字根、字首、字尾: Baggage, Carousel

解釋: 行李轉盤

例句: Baggage will be delivered on the baggage carousel in the arrivals hall.

(*Carousel 旋轉木馬)

✈️ Baggage Inspection

字根、字首、字尾: Baggage, Inspection

解釋: 行李檢查

例句: Random baggage inspection is conducted to ensure the safety of the flight.

✈️ Baggage Allowance

字根、字首、字尾: Baggage, Allowance

解釋: 行李重量限制

例句: Check your ticket for information on baggage allowance and fees for excess baggage.

✈️ Excess Baggage

字根、字首、字尾: Ex- (beyond), Baggage

解釋: 過重行李

例句: Passengers with excess baggage may need to pay additional fees at the check-in counter.

✈️ Claim Tag

字根、字首、字尾: Claim, Tag

解釋: 行李提領券

例句: Keep the claim tag securely to identify and collect your baggage later.

✈️ Check-in Baggage

字根、字首、字尾: Check-in, Baggage

解釋: 托運行李

例句: Passengers are required to drop off their check-in baggage at the airline's counter.

✈️ Carry-on Baggage

字根、字首、字尾: Carry-on, Baggage

解釋: 隨身行李

例句: Each passenger is allowed one piece of carry-on baggage in the cabin.

✈️ Unclaimed Baggage

字根、字首、字尾: Un-, Claimed, Baggage

解釋: 未提領行李

例句: Unclaimed baggage will be held at the lost and found desk for a limited time.

✈️ Luggage Locker

字根、字首、字尾: Luggage, Locker

解釋: 行李暫存箱

例句: Luggage lockers are available for passengers who need to store their belongings temporarily.

✈️ Terminal

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 航廈

例句: Passengers can find various services and amenities within the airport terminal.

✈️ Lobby

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 大廳

例句: The airport lobby is a central area where passengers can check in and access facilities.

✈️ Airport Lounge

字根、字首、字尾: Air- (related to flight), -port (port), Lounge

解釋: 候機室

例句: First-class passengers have access to exclusive airport lounges with comfortable seating.

✈️ Smoking Lounge

字根、字首、字尾: Smoking, Lounge

解釋: 吸煙室

例句: Smoking lounges are designated areas for passengers who wish to smoke before their flight.

✈️ Free Internet Access

字根、字首、字尾: Free, Internet, Access

解釋: 免費網路使用提供

例句: Many airports provide free internet access for passengers to stay connected.

✈️ Multi-faith Room = Prayer Room

字根、字首、字尾: Multi- (many), Faith, Room

解釋: 信仰室

例句: The multi-faith room is a quiet space for passengers of various religious beliefs.

✈️ Nursery

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 育兒室

例句: Airports often have nurseries equipped with changing tables and feeding facilities.

✈️ Express

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 快車

例句: The express train provides a quick and convenient way to travel between the airport and the city.

✈️ Duty-free Shop

字根、字首、字尾: Duty, Free, Shop

解釋: 免稅商店

例句: Passengers can shop for duty-free items at the airport before departing.

✈️ Shuttle

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 接駁車

例句: The airport shuttle transports passengers between different terminals and parking areas.

✈️ Money/ Currency Exchange

字根、字首、字尾: Money, Currency, Exchange

解釋: 貨幣兌換處

例句: Currency exchange services are available at the airport for travelers' convenience.

✈️ Ticket Office

字根、字首、字尾: Ticket, Office

解釋: 購票處

例句: The ticket office is where passengers can purchase or collect their flight tickets.

✈️ Car Hire

字根、字首、字尾: Car, Hire

解釋: 租車處 (旅客自己開)

例句: Passengers can rent a car at the airport for their transportation needs.

✈️ Ground Transportation

字根、字首、字尾: Ground, Transportation

解釋: 地面交通運輸

例句: Various options for ground transportation, such as buses and taxis, are available at the airport.

✈️ Customs

字根、字首、字尾: Custom- (habit), -s (plural)

解釋: 海關

例句: Passengers must declare any goods subject to customs regulations upon arrival.

✈️ Declaration

字根、字首、字尾: De- (away), -clar- (make clear), -ation (action)

解釋: 申報

例句: Complete the customs declaration form accurately before passing through customs.

✈️ Goods to Declare

字根、字首、字尾: Goods, to, Declare

解釋: 報關物品

例句: Passengers with goods to declare must proceed to the customs declaration counter.

✈️ Nothing to Declare

字根、字首、字尾: Nothing, to, Declare

解釋: 不需報關

例句: Travelers with nothing to declare can exit through the green channel at customs.

✈️ Cabin

字根、字首、字尾: Cabin

解釋: 機艙

例句: Passengers should return to their seats and fasten their seatbelts when the cabin crew signals.

✈️ Cabin Crew

字根、字首、字尾: Cabin, Crew

解釋: 機艙人員

例句: The cabin crew is responsible for ensuring the safety and comfort of passengers during the flight.

✈️ Captain

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 機長

例句: The captain will provide updates on the flight's progress and weather conditions.

✈️ First Officer

字根、字首、字尾: First, Officer

解釋: 副機師

例句: The first officer assists the captain in flying the aircraft and making critical decisions.

✈️ Pilot = Aviator

字根、字首、字尾: -

解釋: 飛行員

例句: Pilots undergo extensive training to ensure the safe operation of the aircraft.

✈️ Flight Attendant

字根、字首、字尾: Flight, Attendant

解釋: 空服員

例句: Flight attendants provide in-flight services and assist passengers during the journey.

✈️ Chartered Flight

字根、字首、字尾: Chartered, Flight

解釋: 包機

例句: A chartered flight is a customized service arranged for a specific group or individual.

✈️ Fighter's Jet

字根、字首、字尾: Fighter's, Jet

解釋: 戰鬥機

例句: Fighter's jets are military aircraft designed for air-to-air combat.

✈️ Jetliner

字根、字首、字尾: Jet- (jet), -liner (large commercial aircraft)

解釋: 噴射機

例句: The jetliner taxied down the runway, preparing for takeoff.

✈️ Hijack

字根、字首、字尾: Hi- (high), -jack (to take forcefully)

解釋: 劫機

例句: The authorities swiftly responded to the hijack situation, ensuring the safety of passengers.

✈️ Jet Lag

字根、字首、字尾: Jet- (jet), lag (delay)

解釋: 時差

例句: After a long flight across multiple time zones, the travelers experienced severe jet lag.


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📉大盤今天強烈向下,其實在前一天夜盤就已經弱化,開盤則是浮現現貨的真實情況。 台指期跌了200點,看起來覺得不多,但很多人的庫存已經躺平一片😭 10/22我已經把股票的占比減少,只留一檔個股,其他轉為現金和ETF, 11/18再次提醒家人,把股票減碼, 💡1
🌊人在江湖走,避險一定要有,❌不能成天夢想著2000元的台積電,2330是我國的驕傲,未來當然很有可能站上2000元,⚠️但是猛將,也是需要休息的,且遇到逆風時,大部分的人都會被連帶影響,猛將也不會例外,💡所以我們要做合理的避險規劃。 看看我們的多單減碼,反向ETF加碼,2330空單進
🍬謝謝市場給糖, 還好前幾天減碼了很多電子多單, 增加了一些空單, 今天在不錯的點位😍 回補了空單部位, 🍵下午茶準備出發。
這天從白川搭巴士前往金澤約1.5小時車程。當天金澤雨非常的大,在山上待上了幾天後突然回到了市區,一開始有些不習慣。金澤的人特別熱情好客,除此之外這次在金澤體驗到的餐廳與住宿都非常推薦,只待一晚真的不夠,期待下一次再訪金澤。 魚がし食堂 中央市場店 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️ 車站也有一家,這次
𝘿𝙖𝙮𝟭 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝟭
跟團 / D0~D1 / 見晴懷古步道 - 太平山莊 - 多望吊橋 - 湯圍溝
06/02/2017 無解的服務   辦理登機證時,有團員請我協助安排座位,其實團體機位是由航空公司,依英文姓名劃位,領隊並無法決定。 但旅客總認為領隊有辦法決定機上的位置,這點實在是很無奈。   也有團員希望領隊將登機證,重新整理再分配。 但這又會帶來新的問題,因為有的旅客他比較希望
📉大盤今天強烈向下,其實在前一天夜盤就已經弱化,開盤則是浮現現貨的真實情況。 台指期跌了200點,看起來覺得不多,但很多人的庫存已經躺平一片😭 10/22我已經把股票的占比減少,只留一檔個股,其他轉為現金和ETF, 11/18再次提醒家人,把股票減碼, 💡1
🌊人在江湖走,避險一定要有,❌不能成天夢想著2000元的台積電,2330是我國的驕傲,未來當然很有可能站上2000元,⚠️但是猛將,也是需要休息的,且遇到逆風時,大部分的人都會被連帶影響,猛將也不會例外,💡所以我們要做合理的避險規劃。 看看我們的多單減碼,反向ETF加碼,2330空單進
🍬謝謝市場給糖, 還好前幾天減碼了很多電子多單, 增加了一些空單, 今天在不錯的點位😍 回補了空單部位, 🍵下午茶準備出發。
這天從白川搭巴士前往金澤約1.5小時車程。當天金澤雨非常的大,在山上待上了幾天後突然回到了市區,一開始有些不習慣。金澤的人特別熱情好客,除此之外這次在金澤體驗到的餐廳與住宿都非常推薦,只待一晚真的不夠,期待下一次再訪金澤。 魚がし食堂 中央市場店 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐️ 車站也有一家,這次
𝘿𝙖𝙮𝟭 𝙅𝙪𝙡𝙮 𝟭
跟團 / D0~D1 / 見晴懷古步道 - 太平山莊 - 多望吊橋 - 湯圍溝
06/02/2017 無解的服務   辦理登機證時,有團員請我協助安排座位,其實團體機位是由航空公司,依英文姓名劃位,領隊並無法決定。 但旅客總認為領隊有辦法決定機上的位置,這點實在是很無奈。   也有團員希望領隊將登機證,重新整理再分配。 但這又會帶來新的問題,因為有的旅客他比較希望