REVIEW OF MOVIES:6/45(樂透大作戰)

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In fact, I chose this movie solely for its cover, which looks like a comedy. Who doesn't want to watch a comedy movie after working like a bee for five days? Prepare a can of soda, and lots of french fries. Most importantly, spend time with your lovely family during the weekend.

"6/45" is an interesting movie. The story takes place near the 38th Parallel, which serves to dismember North and South Korea. A soldier in North Korea picks a lottery ticket which was blown from South Korea. Surprisingly, the lottery ticket wins the first prize. But they need to give the ticket to the soldiers in South Korea to exchange it for money. They didn't trust each other at first. After several fights, the soldiers decide to meet in the tunnel that connects the two countries.

To make sure they can get the money in the end, they decide to take a hostage for a week, while one South Korean soldier exchanges the first prize for the money back. It's an impossible mission to exchange soldiers in the military. They not only accomplish it but also help the other side's development. The South Korean soldier improves the poor farm industry when the North Korean soldier helps his partner avoid the bomb. Although their boss discovers what they did and the prize they earned, and almost kills them, they fight against him and retrieve the money back. In the end, the lottery ticket symbolizes peace and love in this movie.

In general, "6/45" is not only funny but also meaningful. The screenwriter successfully addresses the serious military problem and relationship between the two countries in a humorous way, and he/she achieves it! That's the reason I fell in love with it and included it as the latest movie in my rank.

This is my first article, hope you guys enjoy it! Please feel free to leave a message and share your thoughts with me. :)

~I am yoousindy, glad to see you here.~
    八十-二十法則提到,在多數生活的現象中,約80%的效果是來自於20%的原因,除了經濟學、學習理論外,這個法則同樣也可以應用在生活中的幸福感上。 我們需要認知到擁有的越多不一定會越快樂,反而有可能會因為無法專注在少數事物上而產生空虛、迷茫的感覺。「極簡」精神最重要的一點在於放下對於「多」的執著,將有
    1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
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    投稿、審稿,大概是學術工作者最無法逃離的工作之一。 最近又是機器學習領域中前幾大學術會議的審稿期間。近幾年的人工智慧以及機器學習的浪潮明顯反映在投稿數量上,以往每年兩三千篇投稿已經是極限的會議,今年已經成長到一萬五千篇左右,而這些年大家最大的憂慮之一,是有經驗的審稿人數還沒有以同樣速度成長起來,因
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    【一起读书吧】Day 2 主题:做自己喜欢的事,真的可以赚钱吗? 参考:微信读书的《小狗钱钱》 吉雅的梦想罐被父母发现,还被笑了。
    【一起读书吧】Day 1:(第一 - 第二课) 主题:你到底为什么要变有钱? 吉娅的爸爸妈妈终于买了一栋带花园的房子。吉娅也拥有有了自己的房间,但爸爸妈妈却没有那么快乐了。他们总是愁云满面,因为买房的实际费用比原先计划的要高。我隐隐约约地听出,家里的钱现在变得很紧张了。
    Akai mpk249 After studying for days trying to figure out the machine my buddy Tark helped me buy it and my aunt brought it far away from Korea for me.
    八十-二十法則提到,在多數生活的現象中,約80%的效果是來自於20%的原因,除了經濟學、學習理論外,這個法則同樣也可以應用在生活中的幸福感上。 我們需要認知到擁有的越多不一定會越快樂,反而有可能會因為無法專注在少數事物上而產生空虛、迷茫的感覺。「極簡」精神最重要的一點在於放下對於「多」的執著,將有
    1.加權指數與櫃買指數 週五的加權指數在非農就業數據開出來後,雖稍微低於預期,但指數仍向上噴出,在美股開盤後於21500形成一個爆量假突破後急轉直下,就一路收至最低。 台股方面走勢需觀察週一在斷頭潮出現後,週二或週三開始有無買單進場支撐,在沒有明確的反轉訊號形成前,小夥伴盡量不要貿然抄底,或是追空
    近期的「貼文發佈流程 & 版型大更新」功能大家使用了嗎? 新版式整體視覺上「更加凸顯圖片」,為了搭配這次的更新,我們推出首次貼文策展 ❤️ 使用貼文功能並完成這次的指定任務,還有機會獲得富士即可拍,讓你的美好回憶都可以用即可拍珍藏!
    投稿、審稿,大概是學術工作者最無法逃離的工作之一。 最近又是機器學習領域中前幾大學術會議的審稿期間。近幾年的人工智慧以及機器學習的浪潮明顯反映在投稿數量上,以往每年兩三千篇投稿已經是極限的會議,今年已經成長到一萬五千篇左右,而這些年大家最大的憂慮之一,是有經驗的審稿人數還沒有以同樣速度成長起來,因
    This article discusses the differences between review papers and non-review papers in a literature review from the perspective of a Ph.D. graduate. Re
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    2020 年充滿了變動與挑戰,我們今天透過 Wine Folly 文章來回顧葡萄酒界去年的大小事,例如疫情對零售業的影響、酒莊創意發想、氣候變遷以及黑人運動 (BLM) 對酒界的衝擊。
    金先生和吉雅的父母见面了,而且取得了一定的成果。三个愿望,其中一个 - 帮助爸爸妈妈摆脱了债务压力,并且开始储蓄,达成!
    【一起读书吧】Day 4 主题:你养鹅了吗? 参考:微信读书的《小狗钱钱》 吉雅带狗散步的这个工作,让她第一个月就赚了74马克。这对她来说,是一大笔收入。另外,她现在不会再有愧疚的感觉。当初她开始做这份工作的时候,她有一些不安。觉得自己做的事好简单,而且自己又喜欢,怎么可以向邻居收费呢?
    【一起读书吧】Day 2 主题:做自己喜欢的事,真的可以赚钱吗? 参考:微信读书的《小狗钱钱》 吉雅的梦想罐被父母发现,还被笑了。
    【一起读书吧】Day 1:(第一 - 第二课) 主题:你到底为什么要变有钱? 吉娅的爸爸妈妈终于买了一栋带花园的房子。吉娅也拥有有了自己的房间,但爸爸妈妈却没有那么快乐了。他们总是愁云满面,因为买房的实际费用比原先计划的要高。我隐隐约约地听出,家里的钱现在变得很紧张了。
    Akai mpk249 After studying for days trying to figure out the machine my buddy Tark helped me buy it and my aunt brought it far away from Korea for me.