白衣女士 White Ladies-Jane

2024/02/22閱讀時間約 6 分鐘
In the center, there is a young woman named Jane, with a determined yet curious expression, standing at the edge of a mysterious, fog-enshrouded forest at night.

In the center, there is a young woman named Jane, with a determined yet curious expression, standing at the edge of a mysterious, fog-enshrouded forest at night.










In the misty town of Eldridge, whispers of the "white ladies" threaded through every hushed conversation. They were ethereal figures, clad in moonlight robes, haunting the forest's edge where the fog clung like a secret.

Jane had always been a skeptic, her feet planted firmly in the realm of the living, her belief in the tangible. But on the night of the town's bicentennial, something shifted. The air thrummed with an ancient rhythm, and the woods called to her.

She wandered past the boundary of her family's farm, drawn by a melody that seemed to weave through the trunks of the ancient trees. It was there, in the clearing where the moon poured its light like liquid silver, that she saw them.

The white ladies were not the harbingers of doom the tales had made them out to be. They danced, their forms blurred like the edges of a dream, their faces indistinct yet beautiful. Jane watched, entranced, as they moved with grace, their white garments billowing like the sails of ships on a ghostly sea.

One of them approached, her eyes a soft glow in the night. She reached out a hand to Jane, and in that moment, Jane understood. These were the guardians of Eldridge's history, keepers of stories and memories long lost to the passage of time.

The white lady whispered, "Remember," and pressed something cool into Jane's palm. It was a locket, old and tarnished, but it held the warmth of a thousand years.

As dawn approached, the ladies faded like mist at the touch of the sun, and Jane found herself alone. But the locket's weight was a comforting presence in her hand, a promise of mysteries yet to unravel, a testament to the myths that are born from truth.

From that day on, Jane carried the stories of Eldridge's past, sharing the legend of the white ladies not as a myth, but as a celebration of the unseen threads that connect us all.

My Name is Jane.

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