Why I’m Not Afraid of Competition: A Perspective on Entrepre

更新於 2024/08/13閱讀時間約 5 分鐘

I’ve often been asked why I’m not intimidated by competition in the business world. The answer lies in understanding the journey from idea conception to successful business execution—a journey that is deeply personal and full of challenges.

Every day, people have new ideas, but not everyone acts on them. This isn’t because they lack creativity or ambition; rather, there are countless factors that can influence someone’s decision to move forward. Resources, personal circumstances, support networks, and even self-doubt can all play a role in whether an idea remains just that—an idea—or becomes something more.

Everyone’s journey is different, and the path to entrepreneurship is not an easy one. For me, the real victory isn’t just about taking action on an idea; it’s about overcoming my own internal struggles and external challenges to do so. I’ve often found myself delaying the start of my journey, thinking, “After this job, I’ll work on my idea,” or “I don’t have enough money,” or “I don’t know enough to make it happen.” These thoughts are familiar to many of us, and they can be powerful barriers.

However, over time, I began to see that these challenges were not insurmountable. I started collecting my ideas, evaluating them, saving up, and diving into different sectors to learn new skills. I’ve been preparing myself, and now I finally feel it’s the right time to take the leap. Like the German phrase Bauchgefühl, which means “gut feeling,” I’ve learned to trust myself and my ability to make the right decision.

Competition, to me, is not a threat but a validation. It shows that I’m on the right track—if others see the value in a similar idea, it reinforces the potential of my own. Furthermore, competition drives innovation. It pushes me to continuously refine my product and explore new markets, ensuring that I stay ahead.

In conclusion, I embrace competition because it means I’m operating in a space with real potential. I’m confident in my ability to adapt and evolve, which I believe is key to long-term success. More importantly, I celebrate the fact that I’ve taken this step forward, overcoming the hurdles that once held me back.

    當初扛著一咖浪跡天涯行李箱隻身到德國,想著應該讀完書就會回家的孩子,八年之後竟然在德國生根發芽! 這幾年的流浪,高興,難過,生氣都有經歷,希望能夠將我的經歷一點一滴的分享出去,希望有興趣來德國讀書與工作的朋友們能夠從中擷取一些有用的資訊,或是跟已經在德國落地生根的各位互相交流。
    訂閱我的沙龍的朋朋們,應該很好奇我消失的這段時間到底做了些啥米。 很害羞地跟大家說一下,我開始經營YouTube囉! 因為才剛開始,所以剪輯跟各方面都還在搜尋頻道的方向,不過!我的影片裡有著滿滿的誠意!目前連載的系列是我正在創立自己的工作室的過程,是週更的系列喔!希望大家有空看看! 如果有特別想
    當初我一邊工作一邊寫博士論文的時候,難免會有很疲憊不想寫作或是遇到靈感枯竭的時期。這時,我利用兩個技術來幫助我寫完博士論文: 番茄工作法(Pomodoro technique) 與自由書寫術(Free writing)。
    我在台灣讀大學的時候腸胃炎頻繁的發作,一直到現在,我簡直是腸胃炎老手了。 在德國,我們都知道看醫生很麻煩,所以我就會吃德國人腸胃炎時期會吃的Zwieback。其實就是烤到乾掉的白吐司。這個東西雖然不能治療腸胃炎,但是在急性期吃,可以補充體力又不增加腸胃負擔。
    剛生完孩子時,我們在醫院過了兩晚就回家了。因為我的孩子是母奶寶寶,嬰兒半夜一定會餓,所以我不假思索的選擇親子同床,這樣半夜我可以邊餵奶邊睡。但我沒想到的是,台灣與美國的父母多數都不支持親子同床的模式,理由是這樣可能會壓到新生兒。我迷惘了,在睡眠不足的情況下,抱著寶寶去嬰兒床不是更危險嗎? 於是我
    There are more than 7000 languages in the world today. Many of them are endangered languages, and Kusunda is one of them. 世界上有多達7000個語言, 其中包含許多瀕危語言,
    既然升級了沙龍,總覺得應該要來簡單介紹一下我自己。 我從小就覺得自己是一塊讀文組的好材料,畢竟我小時候最大的樂趣就是看書。在國小高年級的時候,言情小說正風行,一度我以為自己會成為一個言情小說作家。沒想到升上高中之後,突然覺得生物學很有趣!為了想要繼續研讀生物學,我走上了自然組的路。接下來就是一路從
    訂閱我的沙龍的朋朋們,應該很好奇我消失的這段時間到底做了些啥米。 很害羞地跟大家說一下,我開始經營YouTube囉! 因為才剛開始,所以剪輯跟各方面都還在搜尋頻道的方向,不過!我的影片裡有著滿滿的誠意!目前連載的系列是我正在創立自己的工作室的過程,是週更的系列喔!希望大家有空看看! 如果有特別想
    當初我一邊工作一邊寫博士論文的時候,難免會有很疲憊不想寫作或是遇到靈感枯竭的時期。這時,我利用兩個技術來幫助我寫完博士論文: 番茄工作法(Pomodoro technique) 與自由書寫術(Free writing)。
    我在台灣讀大學的時候腸胃炎頻繁的發作,一直到現在,我簡直是腸胃炎老手了。 在德國,我們都知道看醫生很麻煩,所以我就會吃德國人腸胃炎時期會吃的Zwieback。其實就是烤到乾掉的白吐司。這個東西雖然不能治療腸胃炎,但是在急性期吃,可以補充體力又不增加腸胃負擔。
    剛生完孩子時,我們在醫院過了兩晚就回家了。因為我的孩子是母奶寶寶,嬰兒半夜一定會餓,所以我不假思索的選擇親子同床,這樣半夜我可以邊餵奶邊睡。但我沒想到的是,台灣與美國的父母多數都不支持親子同床的模式,理由是這樣可能會壓到新生兒。我迷惘了,在睡眠不足的情況下,抱著寶寶去嬰兒床不是更危險嗎? 於是我
    There are more than 7000 languages in the world today. Many of them are endangered languages, and Kusunda is one of them. 世界上有多達7000個語言, 其中包含許多瀕危語言,
    既然升級了沙龍,總覺得應該要來簡單介紹一下我自己。 我從小就覺得自己是一塊讀文組的好材料,畢竟我小時候最大的樂趣就是看書。在國小高年級的時候,言情小說正風行,一度我以為自己會成為一個言情小說作家。沒想到升上高中之後,突然覺得生物學很有趣!為了想要繼續研讀生物學,我走上了自然組的路。接下來就是一路從
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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
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    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other pe
    In Britain, “sorry” is probably the most commonly used word. Whether it is to feel sorry for the bad weather or to accidentally bump into the other