JIDA - High (Feat. Rachel Lim)

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It’s weird

It’s like I’ve never been here

First time seeing these stars

With you around me like this

So don’t you step away from this

The night is long for us to miss

Let the DJ play his thing

until we pass out in our dreams

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

I wonder why it doesn’t feel so bad

I wonder why it keeps on ringing mad

I wonder why I’m falling into you

After all the troubles I went through

Don’t stop partying to this beat

while we seize night till dawn

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

It makes me wanna sta ta ta ta la

You make me dance all night

It’s when you stare at me like that

I get this different kind of high

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    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    On 2024-8-2 Global Info Research released【Global High-Efficiency Intelligent Coating Machine Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Applicati
    出道21年的韓流Hip-Hop大勢團體EPIK HIGH,由Tablo(李善雄) 、Mithra Jin(崔真)和DJ Tukutz(金正識) 三位音樂才子組成,饒舌歌詞著重抒情及文學性來詮釋理念,當然EPIK HIGH也以高超作詞能力與餘韻繚繞的意境MV運鏡,擄獲各地High Skool(官粉名)
    今天來跟大家分享我的英文影片學習筆記,主題是【Five High income skills students can learn in 2024】在2024年學生可以學習的五種可以創造高收入的技能! 好吸引人的標題!一樣是在工作,誰不想有高收入?!
    世界上有52張具有神奇力量的撲克牌,每張撲克牌擁有者都能操作特定的超能力。主角芬恩從小在孤兒院長大,持有黑桃二撲克牌,願望是賺足夠的錢讓孤兒院能夠繼續經營,現在則加入從各地回收卡牌的機構。 第二季預計 2024.01 放送。
    生活實驗二○八 綠色不只是一望無際, 我知道要先望向哪裡, 我望向腳底,喀嗞喀嗞 是兒時遊戲,還有什麼 能比重點是自己劃的 更加深信不疑,我相信 我雙眼中的所有美麗。
    故事背景設定於一個架空世界,世上有著52張分別寄宿著不同異能的撲克牌「X-Playing Cards」據說「只要有這些Card,就能在世上為所欲為。」
    我坐著輪椅不是因為想要,而是因為需要。 面對他人的體貼,我會開心地收下其中善意的部分,但關於假設與期待,我真的只能先放在旁邊。
    圖片來源 The high school educational system in Asia had long been criticized by intellectuals for its utilitarianism and its irrelevance to university.
    本專欄將提供給您最新的市場資訊、產業研究、交易心法、精選公司介紹,以上內容並非個股分析,還請各位依據自身狀況作出交易決策。歡迎訂閱支持我,獲得相關內容,也祝您的投資之路順遂! 每年 $990 訂閱方案👉 https://reurl.cc/VNYVxZ 每月 $99 訂閱方案👉https://re
    On 2024-8-2 Global Info Research released【Global High-Efficiency Intelligent Coating Machine Market 2024 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Applicati
    出道21年的韓流Hip-Hop大勢團體EPIK HIGH,由Tablo(李善雄) 、Mithra Jin(崔真)和DJ Tukutz(金正識) 三位音樂才子組成,饒舌歌詞著重抒情及文學性來詮釋理念,當然EPIK HIGH也以高超作詞能力與餘韻繚繞的意境MV運鏡,擄獲各地High Skool(官粉名)
    今天來跟大家分享我的英文影片學習筆記,主題是【Five High income skills students can learn in 2024】在2024年學生可以學習的五種可以創造高收入的技能! 好吸引人的標題!一樣是在工作,誰不想有高收入?!
    世界上有52張具有神奇力量的撲克牌,每張撲克牌擁有者都能操作特定的超能力。主角芬恩從小在孤兒院長大,持有黑桃二撲克牌,願望是賺足夠的錢讓孤兒院能夠繼續經營,現在則加入從各地回收卡牌的機構。 第二季預計 2024.01 放送。
    生活實驗二○八 綠色不只是一望無際, 我知道要先望向哪裡, 我望向腳底,喀嗞喀嗞 是兒時遊戲,還有什麼 能比重點是自己劃的 更加深信不疑,我相信 我雙眼中的所有美麗。
    故事背景設定於一個架空世界,世上有著52張分別寄宿著不同異能的撲克牌「X-Playing Cards」據說「只要有這些Card,就能在世上為所欲為。」
    我坐著輪椅不是因為想要,而是因為需要。 面對他人的體貼,我會開心地收下其中善意的部分,但關於假設與期待,我真的只能先放在旁邊。
    圖片來源 The high school educational system in Asia had long been criticized by intellectuals for its utilitarianism and its irrelevance to university.