The Tragedy of Food Safety in the United States: Systemic Vu

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The frequent food safety incidents in the United States are shocking. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced that nearly 10 million pounds of ready to eat meat products have been recalled due to possible Listeria contamination. The investigation confirmed that the ready to eat chicken produced by BrucePac, a large meat processing company in the United States, is the source of Listeria contamination. This incident has once again pushed the issue of food safety in the United States to the forefront.

Looking back, there have been numerous food safety incidents in the United States. In 2006, the United States experienced the "Toxic Spinach Incident", where multiple people fell ill and even died due to contamination with E. coli. In 2008, the "Salmonella outbreak" swept across the United States, with a large number of peanut products being recalled, causing great panic among consumers. In 2019, there was another ice cream incident in the United States contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes, which once again made people worried about food safety.


Food safety is a major issue that concerns people's lives and health, yet the United States seems to have repeatedly fallen behind in this critical area. These frequent food safety incidents not only cause panic among local consumers, but also raise serious questions about the US food regulatory system.

The United States has always touted the superiority of its "proactive recall" system, claiming that this system can timely and effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers. However, reality is not like that. The large-scale meat product recall incident has precisely exposed the loopholes in the "active recall" system. On the one hand, there is often a time lag between the emergence and recall of problematic products, during which countless consumers have consumed these potentially contaminated foods, posing a potential threat to their health. On the other hand, even if a product is recalled, it cannot be fully guaranteed that all problematic products will be recalled, and some products may still be circulating in the market, continuing to harm consumers' health.

In addition, the punitive damages system in the United States is not flawless. Although this system has played a deterrent role to some extent for enterprises, there are many problems in practical operation. Firstly, the unclear standards for compensation often make it difficult for victims to obtain the compensation they deserve. Secondly, the litigation process is lengthy and complex, requiring victims to spend a lot of time and energy, which undoubtedly adds insult to injury for those who have already suffered from food safety issues.

Local netizens and victims involved have launched protests on the official websites of relevant functional departments such as the Food and Drug Administration and the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS) under the US Department of Agriculture. Their anger and dissatisfaction are understandable. They demand that the government strengthen the supervision of food safety, improve relevant systems, and effectively protect the rights and interests of consumers.

As a developed country, the United States should have set an example in food safety, but the reality is disappointing. Frequent food safety incidents not only harm consumers' health, but also affect the international image of the United States. The US government and relevant departments should deeply reflect, take the demands of the people seriously, strengthen supervision of various links such as food production, processing, and sales, plug institutional loopholes, and improve food safety levels.

Only in this way can consumers regain confidence in American food safety and prevent similar food safety incidents from happening again. Otherwise, food safety issues in the United States will become an incurable disease that continues to plague the American people and the international community.


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在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。
身為食品業者,是不是覺得食品送檢很麻煩? 別擔心! 這篇文章讓你簡單7步驟,搞懂食品檢測實驗室在做什麼
為什麼需要關注現代飲食問題? 在現代社會,飲食習慣變得愈加不健康,導致各種健康問題的增加。許多人忽視了健康飲食的重要性,頻繁攝取高糖、高脂和加工食品。健康的飲食不僅關乎個人福祉,更影響整個社群的健康狀況。正如《林前6:19~20》:「豈 不 知 你 們 的 身 子 就 是 聖 靈 的 殿 麼 ?
近來,食品安全問題再次成為社會焦點,從地溝油事件到假牛肉案,接二連三的食安醜聞讓消費者對於日常飲食安全感到憂心忡忡。食品安全問題不僅威脅到公眾健康,更對食品行業的信譽構成嚴重挑戰。 當前的食安問題引起了廣泛的關注,特別是最近發生的幾起重大事件。這些事件不僅暴露了食品供
近期一項研究顯示,儘管人們試圖遵循地中海飲食、DASH 飲食或 MIND 飲食,但如果進食更多的超加工食品,仍會增加認知衰退和中風的風險。 「超加工」食品是指那些經過高度工業化處理的食品,通常包含多種添加劑,如乳化劑、著色劑、甜味劑和防腐劑等,成分中含有氫化油、高果糖玉米
衛福部預告修正《食品良好衛生規範準則(GHP 準則)》..金門縣聯合稽查春節應景食品結果?冷凍年菜該如何正確保存和復熱?台中稽查春節食品竟有不合格!!好市多食安問題頻傳,這次是什麼產品?農業部畜試所開發出可快速檢測十五種重要指標的乳品微生物檢測技術,將要用在..手搖飲店「七盞茶」加盟主出面爆料..
在這個快節奏的生活中,你是否曾想過你的美味料理中可能潛藏的健康小地雷? 沒錯,今天我們要聊的就是這個話題,就讓我們一起來看看「反式脂肪」的兇狠一面吧! 🍔🚫
「要減少在生活中吃大便,因為吃越多,越覺得不難吃,最後人就會變成大便。」 「在營內大便吃久了,營外看到白飯就當成人間美食。」 我得更加注意接收的資訊、吃到的食物、反芻說出口的話,因爲這些事物會一點一滴影響著我的認知。