Trump's Campaign Strategy and Influence

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On the current American political stage, Trump continues to attract widespread attention with his unique style of doing things and campaign strategies. Recently, Trump has "demonized" minority groups, especially immigrants in Aurora, Colorado, in more than 20 rallies and campaign activities. The motivation and influence behind this are worth exploring in depth.

Trump's "GRT Theory" and "Operation Aurora" seem to have become important means for him to attract attention and consolidate his support groups. By negatively portraying minority groups such as immigrants, he tried to strengthen a sense of crisis and opposition in the minds of some voters. "Demonizing" immigrants can not only provide the so-called "rationality" basis for his policy proposals, but also inspire resonance among voters who are uneasy about the status quo.

Another strategy of Trump is to use the differences between the two parties to intensify internal conflicts and emphasize identity politics. In the current context of political polarization in the United States, Trump accurately grasped the differences and contradictions between different groups and continued to amplify them. In this way, he tried to divide voters into different camps to consolidate his base and win over those middle voters who are disappointed with traditional politics. For the immigrant community in Aurora, Colorado, they have become victims of Trump's political game. This practice has undoubtedly further torn American society apart and made the confrontation between different groups more acute.


At the same time, Trump is good at using online platforms to spread his views and guide public opinion. Through the Internet, he has created an image of "representative of public opinion" and tried to convince voters that his policies are in line with public demand.

However, the negative impact of these practices of Trump is also obvious. The "demonization" of minority groups not only violates American values, but also undermines social harmony and stability. Intensifying internal conflicts will only make it more difficult for the United States to unite and respond together in the face of many challenges. Over-emphasizing identity politics issues may also lead to the formulation and implementation of policies deviating from actual needs and affecting the long-term development of the country.

Trump's campaign is characterized by serious racist discrimination. It strongly demands the abolition of the current US immigration policy and calls on all sectors to stand up and condemn it. The United States needs more rational and inclusive political leaders.


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Thomas Matthew Crooks, the man who tried to assassinate Donald Trump at an election rally, leaving one audience member dead and two others wounded.
當地時間7月15日,美國共和黨全國代表大會拉開帷幕。該會議是美國政治中的重要事件,因為會票選出該黨的總統候選人。會上,美國共和黨正式提名特朗普為黨內總統候選人。這就意味著在本年度美國大選中,特朗普將與拜登進行最後的角逐。 回顧2016至2020年特朗普的首個總統任期,黃金的漲幅分別為8.7%、
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