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每日花20-30分鐘閱讀歐美知名新聞媒體標題,是將英文學以致用最省錢的方式。我在瀏覽今日Google News English (U.S.)國際新聞時,讀到英國《路透社》Reuters新聞標題,發現這個有關南韓空難的時事新聞,可以幫助上班族學習8個英文字彙。希望以下中英文對照的翻譯文及生字詳註重點,能幫助上班族在2025年,養成每日讀新聞英文的學習習慣。






South Korea to compile transcript of voice recording from crashed plane on Saturday



By Reuters



January 4, 20252:09 PM GMT+8Updated 12 hours ago



Firefighters take a look at the wreckage of the aircraft that crashed after it went off the runway, at Muan International Airport, in Muan, South Korea, December 31, 2024. REUTERS/Kim Hong

消防員查看在南韓Muan國際機場衝出跑道後墜毀的飛機殘骸,2024年12月31日。路透社/Kim Honf


①    Compile (Verb) 編輯,整理

Synonyms(同義字): assemble, gather

Collocations(搭配詞): compile a report 編輯報告,compile data -整理數據

The team worked late to compile the annual financial report. 團隊加班編輯年度財務報告。


②   Transcript (Noun) - 文字記錄,謄本

Synonyms(同義字): record, documentation

Collocations(搭配詞): court transcript 法庭文字記錄,interview transcript  訪談謄本

The court requested a complete transcript of the witness's testimony. 法庭要求提供證人的完整文字記錄。


③    Crash (Verb) - 墜毀

Synonyms(同義字): collide, smash

Collocations(搭配詞): crash into a wall 撞牆,crash a car 撞車

The plane crashed into the mountain due to severe weather conditions. 飛機因惡劣天氣墜毀在山上。

Crash (Noun) - 墜機事故,碰撞

Synonyms(同義字): collision, accident

Collocations(搭配詞): plane crash 飛機失事,car crash 車禍

The survivors of the crash were taken to the nearest hospital. 墜機事故的倖存者被送往最近的醫院。


④    Firefighter (Noun)消防員

Synonyms(同義字): fireman, rescuer

Collocations(搭配詞): firefighter crew 消防隊員,volunteer firefighter  志願消防員

Sentence: The firefighter bravely entered the burning building to save the trapped residents. 消防員勇敢地進入燃燒的建築物,解救被困的居民。


⑤    wreckage (Noun) 殘骸,碎片

Synonyms(同義字): debris, ruins

Collocations(搭配詞): plane wreckage 飛機殘骸,shipwreck wreckage 船難殘骸

Investigators combed through the wreckage to find clues about the cause of the crash. 調查人員在殘骸中尋找墜機原因的線索。


⑥    Aircraft (Noun) 飛機,航空器

Synonyms(同義字): airplane, plane

Collocations(搭配詞): commercial aircraft 商用飛機, military aircraft 軍用飛機

The new aircraft is designed to reduce fuel consumption and increase efficiency. 新型飛機旨在降低燃料消耗並提高效率。


⑦    Go off (Phrasal Verb) - 走出,爆炸

Synonyms(同義字): explode, depart

Collocations(搭配詞): go off the rails 偏離軌道, go off alarm警報響起

The plane went off the runway due to a sudden gust of wind. 飛機因突如其來的一陣風而衝出跑道。


⑧   Runway (Noun) - 跑道

Synonyms(同義字): airstrip, tarmac

Collocations(搭配詞): airport runway 機場跑道,runway lights 跑道燈光

The pilot carefully aligned the aircraft with the runway before landing. 飛行員在降落前仔細對準跑道。

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